💙Precure Fan Fiction Short: The 5 Animals!💙Pt 1💙

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5 best friends, Miyuki, Akane, Yayoi, Nao and Reika were hanging out at the park. Yayoi was drawing the water fountain, Miyuki was talking to Candy, Akane and Nao were playing soccer and Reika was talking to the kids at the park. "Ah....isn't this day just perfect Candy?" Miyuki asked her. "It is really great Miyuki! Kuru~" Candy replied. Akane and Nao ran up to both of them, sweating and tired. "Jeez Nao, you didn't have to woop my butt like that." Akane told her. "It's not my fault I'm faster than you." Nao giggled a bit.

Reika walked over to the 5 girls(don't forget Candy!). "Those kids are just so sweet." Reika sat next to Candy and Miyuki. "What were you guys talking about?" Nao asked her. Oh, we were talking about stories, history, school, life." Reika smiled. "Reika, you realize they're little kids, they probably didn't understand a thing you said." Akane said. "I know, I just needed to talk to somebody." Reika said. Miyuki got up and went over to look at Yayoi's drawing. "That's a really cute drawing Yayoi." Miyuki told her. Yayoi looked up at Miyuki. "Oh, thank you." Peace smiled and continued drawing.


"Ugh! Where is it?" Majorina looked through her things. Wolfrun walked into her room. "What did you loose this time?" He leaned against the wall. "My Animal-Turner-Upper 3000." she said. "Wow, you really suck at naming things." Wolfrun left her room.


The girls grabbed their bags and were about to head to Miyuki's house for a sleepover. As they left the park, as potion landed in front of them. "What is this bottle doing here?" Reika looked at it and picked it up."Interesting..." "Hey, let me see." Reika handed the bottle to Akane. She looked at the label. "Animal-Turner-Upper 3000" she read out loud. "That's a weird name, and it sucks." Nao said. "Let's see if this potion actually works." "Akane I wouldn't do that if I were you-" Akane drank some of it, nothing happened. "See Reika, everythin' is fine, but it tastes great, you guys try it." Akane handed Miyuki the bottle.

Miyuki shrugged and drunk some. "Mm! Delicious!" Miyuki handed the bottle to Yayoi. "I guess I'll taste a little..." Yayoi drunk some too. "This is really good." Yayoi gave the bottle to Nao. "Worth a shot." March drunk some also then gave the bottle to Reika. "I don't know..." Reika examined the bottle. "Cmon Reika, just drink some, theirs only a tiny bit left anyways and we all drank it and nothin' happened." Akane said. "Ok, I guess." Reika drunk the last drops of the potion. "It is quite delightful." Reika mumbled. Miyuki put Candy inside her bag and they all headed to Miyuki's house.

After like 5 hours

Miyuki turned off the lights and got into her sleeping bag. "Goodnight girls." Miyuki said to them. "Goodnight Miyuki..." Nao said softly. Akane already had fallen asleep, so did Yayoi. Reika was under the covers reading her book.

In Ze Morning

Miyuki yawned and stood up. She stretched and put on her slippers. "Good morning girls!" Miyuki said. Akane's eyes slowly opened. "Good morning Miyu- Miyuki....don't freak out..." Akane stood up. "What's wrong?" Miyuki looked at her confused. "You have cat ears and a tail..." Akane said. "What, that's impossible...AH!" Miyuki yelled. All the girls woke up. "Miyuki? What's wrong-AH!" Nao looked at Miyuki's tail and ears. "Why'd you wake me up.....oh snap." Yayoi's eyes shot wide open. "Girls, what the prob- oh my goodness..." Reika covered her mouth. "Um Akane, you should look in the mirror too..." Miyuki brought Akane over to her mirror. "What the heck?!" Akane had Tiger ears and tail. "This....looks....so awesome!" Akane jumped. "I know right!" Miyuki jumped too. Miyuki and Akane looked over to the 3 girls and they covered their mouths.

"What's wrong?" Peace touched her head. "Wait a second." Peace ran over to the mirror. She had bunny ears and the small lil tail. "Aww, so kawaii!" Yayoi giggled. "Nao you should come here too." Yayoi helped her up and dragged her to the mirror. "Oh gosh." Nao had dog ears and tail. "What the?" "Cmon Reika, you should look at yourself." Miyuki motioned her to come over. Reika got up and looked in the mirror. Reika had fox ears and the kinda bushy tail. "Oh my lord." Reika looked at her tail. "How are we gonna hide this from our parents?" Akane asked. "I don't know, but for now, we should get going, or else we'll be late for the breakfast special." all of them out on their normal clothes and headed out.

"It feels so weird having a tail." Reika rubbed her tail. "I know right, it feels so amazing!" Akane purred. "Like you." Nao said. Everybody looked at Akane and Nao. "What?" Miyuki was confused. "Oh, nothing..." Nao and Akane giggled. "O...k then, anyways, where is this breakfast place?" Yayoi asked Miyuki. "Oh, it's around the corner, we should be there any seco-" Miyuki stopped in her tracks. "Miyuki...what's wrong?" Reika went up to Miyuki. "B-b-ba-bad." "Miyuki, please say what's wrong." Reika put her hand on her shoulder. "Bad End Generals!" she yelled. "Bad End Generals?" Reika looked her way and saw them walking into to breakfast diner. "Oh dear." Reika motioned for the girls to come over.

"Let's just avoid them as much as possible, let's go." Akane grabbed Nao's hand. They all went inside the diner and sat at a table. "The things on the menu seem really good!" Nao said. "The strawberry pancakes seem so good! I'll probably take that!" Miyuki said. "I WANT THAT TOO MIYUKI!" Candy popped out her bag. Reika, Akane, Yayoi and Nao covered up the table when everybody looked at them. "Yea Miyuki I'd like those pancakes too haha..." Yayoi said nervously. The girls sighed.

"Hey, do those girls look familiar?" Wolfrun asked them. He pointed to the girls table. "Let me see.." Majorina looked over and covered her mouth. "The precure." she said. "Jeez, why are they here!" Wolfrun groaned. "What are you two going on about?" Joker and Akaoni walked over to their table. Wolfrun pointed to the girls table. "Ok, I don't know what you're showing us." Joker said.

"I think they saw us..." Reika took a peek over to their table. "I think they're coming! Hide!" Miyuki hid her face in her menu. "But theirs no where to hide Miyuki -.-" Nao and Akane glared at her. "Hello precu- woah...." The bad end covered their mouths. Wolfrun, Akaoni and Joker blushed. "Let me guess." Majorina mumbled. The girls nodded. "I never thought Peace could be cuter." Akaoni whispered to Joker and Wolfrun. "Why are you guys blushing?" Miyuki asked them. "No reason..." Wolfrun stopped blushing, so did the others. "Majorina, why were they blushing?" Nao whispered to her.

"Joker likes Beauty, Wolfrun likes Happy and Akaoni likes Peace." Majorina whispered back. "Oh..." Nao said. "What did she tell you?" Akane asked. Nao whispered to her. Akane nodded. "Mind if we eat with you guys?" Wolfrun said. "Let you guys, eat with us?" Miyuki was shocked. "Uh...well.." Reika and Yayoi looked at eachother nervously. "Sure you guys can eat with us, even though you tried killing us, I'll give you guys a second chance!" Miyuki smiled. "Huh?!" The rest of the girls looked surprised. "But Miyu-" "Hey, we should atleast give them a second chance, right Akane?" "Huh? Oh yea...wait...OH YEA!" Akane smiled. "Huh?" Nao looked at Akane. She whispered to her. "Oh....oooh~" Nao giggled.

"Nao and Akane agree, how about you two?" Miyuki looked at Yayoi and Reika. "Uh....sure.." Yayoi looked down. "I guess your right Miyuki, sure you guys can eat with us." Reika smiled nervously. Nao and Akane were giggling. Majorina sat next to Nao, Joker sat next to Reika, Akaoni sat next to Yayoi and Wolfrun sat next to Miyuki.

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