🎉The Game Party🎉Pt 6🎉Miyuki and Wolfrun's crushes🎉

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The 4 walked down the dark hallway, looking for the others. "As long as we're together, nothing will happen....where did Reika and Joker go?" Miyuki looked up at Wolfrun. "How am I suppose to know." Wolfrun looked down at her. "Now we have to look for them." Miyuki sighed and kept walking.

~Miyuki's Pov~

Honestly, I'm starting to like Wolfrun. He's been really nice to me, and I find him kinda cute. Ah~ Am I getting a crush? No, no I can't, I don't have a crush. Erm....I think I do....

~Wolfrun's Pov~

To he honest, I'm actually starting to like Miyuki a lot more now. Ugh, what am I saying, what if she doesn't like me. It'll be embarrassing for me to tell her and hear her reject me in front of everyone. Suddenly, all the lights in the house turned on and me and Miyuki teleported outside the game.

~Normal Pov~

Everybody ended up outside. "What happened?" Akane asked. "The game died." Joker said. "Oh...then what are are we gonna play next?" Miyuki asked. "I want to play Marco Polo!" Miyuki shouted. "Marco Polo?" The bad end generals looked confused. They all tell Porter to a swimming pool~

"Oh, Marco Polo, I see." Akane nodded. "This should be fun." Nao giggled. The girls noticed the bad end generals blushing. "What are y'all blushin' for?" Akane asked them. "N-nothing..." Wolfrun looked away. "I really like these swimsuits, they're really cute." Yayoi looked down.(this is the picture for now, I'm gonna find another one though so this one is just a fill in)

(this is the picture for now, I'm gonna find another one though so this one is just a fill in)

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"These swimsuits do look nice I guess." Nao smiled. "Now then, who's being Marco?" Reika questioned. "I'll be it." Akaoni volunteered. They all got into the pool and started swimming around. "Ah~ this is nice." Miyuki said softly. "Marco." "Polo" Akaoni headed for the direction Reika and Nao were in. Reika and Nao nodded to each other and as soon as Akaoni was about to touch them, Reika and Nao swam under him. "Good thinking Nao." Reika high fived her. Akane didn't want to move off the steps of the pool, she was too scared. "I know your "hot-blooded Cure Sunny" but you need to atleast try and swim." Nao said, swimming over to her.

"Fine...I guess." Akane got in slowly. "Marco" "Polo" Akaoni headed in the direction where Joker, Wolfrun and Miyuki were. Miyuki splashed the water near Wolfrun and Joker and left the other way. Wolfrun and Joker followed. "Marco~" "Polo" he went towards Yayoi and she started panicking. "Uh, um what should I do?" she mumbled to herself. "Over here Yayoi!" Nao whispered. Yayoi held on to Nao's hand and they both swam away before Akaoni got her. "Marco" "Polo" Akaoni swam over to Reika, Akane, Nao, Yayoi and Miyuki.

"What should we do now?" Yayoi looked at the girls. I would pull all of you out if Akane wasn't clinging so hard on to me." Nao glared at Akane. The girls split apart when Akaoni tried tagging us. Miyuki got swept away by the waves and fell underwater. "Miyuki!" Yayoi cried. "What happened Yayoi?" Reika swam over to her. "Miyuki is drowning!" Yayoi told her. "I'll save her!" Akane swam underwater. "Akane no!" Nao tried to stop her. "Why is this pool so deep!" Akane thought to herself. "Are the girls alright down there?" Reika looked down and saw Akane running out of air. "We have go go save them!" Nao and Reika swam down. Nao grabbed Akane and Reika grabbed Miyuki.

"What happened?" Joker asked the girls. "Akane and Miyuki almost drowned." Yayoi sighed. Reika and Nao dragged Miyuki and Akane's body's out of the pool. "Akane, wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Nao slapped Akane, but she didn't wake up. "Give her CPR Nao ;)" Yayoi smirked. "But she could always- oh...oh, yes, the best way to wake her up is CPR exactly." Reika said. "Uhm...I don't know." Nao looked down at Akane. "Do you want her to be alive or no." Yayoi questioned. Nao sighed. She got on top of Akane and gave her CPR. Yayoi and Reika quietly giggled while Wolfrun and Akaoni's eyes were wide open, Joker was just slightly surprised. Akane woke up and looked up at everybody.

"What happened?" Akane asked Nao. "Uh....nothing. You just kinda fainted but your fine now!" Nao said nervously. "Nao gave you CP-" Nao covered Reika's mouth. "LET'S SAVE MIYUKI NOW HEHEHEHEH!" Nao nervously yelled. "Ok...?" Akane looked over to Wolfrun, so did the others. "How about you give CPR to Miyuki Wolfrun." Akane grinned evilly. "W-what?! N-no." Wolfrun looked away. "Why not, you want to save her right?" Akane teased. "Erm...fine..." Wolfrun sat down next to Miyuki~


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