Dam X Blue

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The fan fiction about Damcclub  and bluedogs5

Dam and Blue were having a picnic at the park. Dam was reading all her notifications from wattpad about people shipping her with bluedogs5 *COUGH* Mini Midori *COUGH* Aka a fabulous girl named *COUGH* Cure Night who is the third wheel *COUGH*. "When are people going to understand we need privacy?" Dam asked Blue. "I don't know." Blue shrugged and stuffed her mouth with blueberries. "They even made a ship name for us! Blueclub!" Dam sighed and layed back. "That's not so bad of a ship name, I kinda like it." Blue said as she stuffed her mouth with more blueberries. "Is all you ever eat is blueberries?" Dam asked her. "No..." Blue kept on eating the blueberries.

"I'm bored now." Dam sighed. "Do you wanna go cosplay?" "I guess." Dam got up, so did Blue and they held hands and skipped all the way to the precure store(I couldn't even believe that was a thing 😂). "Who do wanna dress up as first?" Blue asked her. "Let's be Cure Princess and Cure Lovely! I call Cure Princess!" Dam grabbed the Cure Princess outfit. "Fine, I'll be Lovely then." Blue went inside a dressing room.

~Like five minutes later~

(Dangit I have to write like this for the rest of the chapter fml)

"Ha! I look better in my costume!" Dam twirled around. "No, I do." Blue twirled around, almost falling. "Let's be one of the Suite cures! I call Cure Melody!" Blue grabbed the costume quickly and changed inside the dressing room. Dam sighed and grabbed a Cure Rhythm costume. Both girls came out their dressing rooms. "I think I look good with pink hair." Blue whipped her hair/wig in Dam's face. Dam tried doing the same but her hair/wig was too short. Blue giggled and grabbed a Cure White costume while Dam grabbed a Cure Black costume.

As the two girls came out the dressing room, the theme song came on. "PURIKYUA! PURIKYUA!" Dam and Blue sang. Everybody looked at them and they waved at everybody nervously. "Let's change quickly." "Yea." Blue grabbed a Cure Whip costume and Dam grabbed a Cure Gelato one.

"These costumes are making me hungry." Blue said. "Same." Dam said as she came out the dressing room. "Let's La * mix this up!" Dam said. "It's 'Lets * la * mix it up! Cure Whip is ready to serve!" Blue posed. "Lets * la * mix it up! Cure gelato is ready to serve!" Dam spun around and posed. "Close enough." Blue grabbed a Cure Sunny costume while Dam grabbed a Cure March costume.

"Cure March!" Dam yelled. "Cure Sunny!" Blue yelled. "Ooh, do you wanna do a fan fiction roleplay?" Dam asked her. "We are already in one.." Blue pointed to her phone. "What the hell....God dammit." Dam mumbled. She read out the words. "Dam and Blue kiss and get married and have kids! The end." Dam said. "Uh....ok..." Blue mumbled. "Do you?" "Uhm..." "Well.." "See.." Dam grabbed Blue's shirt and kissed her. Blue blushed but kissed back to show how gay their love is(😂) while everybody stared at them with a "wth and aww that's sweet face."

After that, they got married and had kids named Kelsey and April and April became female gang leader while Kelsey became a comedian like her mummm.


Blue, Dam, you have the permission to kill me now

Smile Precure Fan Fictions!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ