Precure Paradise Pt 3~

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The precures ran outside. There were a bunch of people, which shocked the cures. "So...we actually have fans?" Princess asked Lovely. She nodded and waved to everybody. "HIIIII!" Marine yelled. Marine ran towards the crowd and said hi to everybody. "Take me away!" Marine said. The fans grabbed Marine and she was lost in the crowd. "Marine! I'll come find you!" Princess ran towards the crown and started looking for Marine. The cure's laughed and looked at the crowd. "I can't believe we have so many fans!" Happy squealed. "I know right!" Dream squealed to. Both girls held hands and jumped up and down, excited. "It seems that we are very popular." Beauty said as she waved to everybody. "I suppose so." Aqua and Beauty smiled at each other. "Ooh! Can we sing a song for them?" Miracle asked the girls. "Why not! Sunny, Blossom, Sword, and Lovely can lead!" Bloom said. "Us?!" Sunny, Blossom, Sword and Lovely looked at Bloom. "Yea! You guys are pretty good singers!" Egret said. "I guess. What song are we singing?" Sunny asked her.

"How about Forever Friends?" March suggested. "Yea! Pop, turn on the music!" Melody yelled. Pop nodded and started the music. The girls got on stage and started singing.

"Forever friends with Pretty Cure!" Sunny, Blossom, Sword and Lovely sang. "Smiling girls with hearts that never give up. They just progress onward with earnest passion." The Futari Wa cures sang. "For protecting tomorrow on their hard working backs. Are pairs of invisible wings that soar towards hope." The Yes 5 Go! Go! cures sang. "One by one they shine. One by one their wishes come true." The Fresh cures sang. Love smiled and waved as she danced around the other cures. "Starting out now towards a new world. Overcoming time with assembled power their connected bonds." The Heartcatch cures sang as Marine jumped up and down on stage. "When did Marine come back?" Ace whispered to Muse. Muse shrugged and kept on dancing. "Everyone smile and believe in happiness. Holding tight and strung together with burning friendship." The Suite cures sang.

"Standing up even when they fall creates legends. Flying forth to the future, forever friends with Pretty Cure! Unbeatable girls even in the raging storm. The beads of sweat and tears are proof of their growth. Clear eyes facing up to countless challenges are filled with courage and are unchanging even after a century." The Smile, Doki Doki and Happiness Charge cures sang. "Thank you's ringing though the sky. Because of beloved comrades they become stronger." The Go! Princess cures sang. "Handing over light on to the next era. Like stars, like sunshine they're continuing to shine." The Mahou Tsukai cures sang. Miracle motioned for the Kira Kira cures to sing next. Whil nodded and started singing with the others. "In every heart, a spark grows. The seeds of dreams bloom and become light." The Kira Kira cures sang.

"Standing up even when they fall, creates legends." The Happiness Charge cures sang. "Flying forth to the future, forever friends!" The Doki Doki cures sang. "Facing forward without looking back becomes reality." The Smile cures sang. "Understanding through smiles, we're all friends! Pretty Cure!" The Happiness Charge, Doki Doki and Smile Cures sang. "Everyone is a Pretty Cure!" They all sang and posed. The crowd cheered. The precures waved to all their fans. They all jumped off stage and ran towards the crowd to meet everybody.

 They all jumped off stage and ran towards the crowd to meet everybody

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