🌈Precure Ultra Form🌈Pt 9🌈

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(I'm gonna do Emily X Lily in another chapter @madgirl2868)

Beauty didn't move an inch, she didn't want to fight somebody she loved. "Are you gonna fight me or what?" Peace flew down in front of her. "I don't know! I don't want to fight you! I'm sorry but I just don't. I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier to save you." Beauty stuck her sword into the ground and looked down. "You're not sorry, you left me here and now you're going to pay." Peace's eyes turned yellow and she smiled maniacally. "No, I really am sorry....I never wanted any of this to happen. I'm so, so sorry!" Beauty hugged Peace and Peace's eyes turned back to normal. "L-let go of me!" Peace tried escaping but Beauty held on to her tightly. Beauty felt tears come to her eyes. Her tears dripped onto Peace's shoulder. "Please come back..." Beauty mumbled. Peace slowly hugged her back. Peace slowly turned back to normal. Beauty let go of her and saw Peace smiling at her. "Hi Beauty." Peace giggled. "Peace! You're back!" Beauty hugged Peace tightly and Peace hugged back.

Joker watched them from up above. "Hmm, it seems like peace and sunny have turned back to normal by the precure pest. I'd like to see who would save Happy." Joker said. Joker flew over to Happy's area. He saw a girl down there with long blonde hair. "Who is that?" He sat down on a tree and watched the girls.

"Happy! Is that you?" Echo said. "Hello Echo, nice to see you again, you came here with March and Beauty right?" Happy asked her. "So her name is Cure Echo, theirs another brat I need to take care of." Joker mumbled.
"Happy, please come back to me, this isn't you." Echo ran over to her. "This is me Echo, the new me, don't you like it." Happy giggled. "No, no I don't. You shouldn't like it either!" Echo said. "So you're telling me that you don't like the new me. Well if you don't like the new me.....I guess I'll have to destroy you." Happy's eyes lit up and she formed a purple heart. "Happy...please...listen to me." Echo came closer to her. "No, you listen to me!" Happy formed a bigger heart. "Please Happy, listen." Echo said. "No, no I won't listen!" Happy yelled. "Bad End....Shower!" Happy aimed the heart at Echo.

Joker laughed. "I guess she destroyed that brat for me." Joker was about to fly down next to her but something stopped him. Echo came out of the dust, having her hands formed into a heart, which was pink. Happy took some steps back. "Precure, Heartful Echo!" Echo aimed the heart at Happy. Happy's outfit and hair went back to normal, she was now in her normal cure form. "Echo?" Happy looked up at Echo. Echo nodded. "Thank you Echo." Happy ran over to her and both girls hugged.


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