🎉The Game Party🎉Pt 2🎉Peace's Fear/Sunny's Victory!🎉

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"This is legit! Cmon girls!" Akane grabbed Nao and Miyuki's hands. Reika and Yayoi followed. All of them got into a rainbow themed race car. "Did you guys notice that the bad end generals are using their powers for this race?" Yayoi pointed to them. "Well that's obviously no fair! So we're gonna cheat too!" Akane got out her Smile Pact. The other girls did too. They transformed into their Precure forms. "Akane, are you sure about this, we should cheat too." Beauty said  to her. "Hey, we've already transformed, its too late now!" Sunny jumped into the driver's seat while March starts beside her and the rest of the girls sat in the back.

"Ugh, we stand no chance against them, they've even transformed." Akaoni said. "Don't worry, I got this." Wolfrun jumped into the driver's seat. Joker and Majorina watched. "Good luck, and try not to loose." Joker teased. Wolfrun rolled his eyes. "Please Sunny, don't go to fast." Lily said. "Yea yea, I'll try." Sunny mumbled. "Thank you- wait what?" "3" "2" "1" "GO!" Majorina yelled.

"Sunny! You said you wouldn't go fast!" Peace yelled. "I said I'd try." Sunny went even faster. "Sunny, please slow down!" Beauty yelled at her. "I can't I have to beat those 2!" Sunny said. Happy's face started turning green. "What's wrong with Happy?" March asked. "I think she's car sick..." Beauty told her. "She'll be ok! All that matters now is being first!" Sunny shouted. Happy's face turned even greener. "Ugh..." she moaned.

"They're already in Front of us, can you go any faster?" Akaoni yelled at him. "Can you shut your mouth and be quiet! I'm trying to think!" Wolfrun went even faster. He bumped into the cures car. "Hey! You can't do that!" Sunny yelled at him. "Says who?" Wolfrun passes them up. "Beauty! Freeze their race car!" Sunny demanded. "But-" "NOW!"
Beauty sighs. "Precure Beauty Blizzard!" Beauty freezes their race car. "Sucka's!" Sunny zooms past them. "They're blowing..." Majorina said to Joker. "Big time." Joker replied.

"We are totally goin' to win." Sunny said. "Sunny, slow done, Happy's face is turning a darker shade of green." March looked back at Happy. "Alright fi-" They all felt a cold breeze go past them. "They're catching up already?" Sunny was confused. "Ha! We're going to win!" Akaoni yelled back at them. Wolfrun was 10 seconds away from the finish line. "Oh no they arent." Sunny jumped out of the driver's seat. "Precure... Sunny Fire!" she shot fire from out of her hands to make the race car go faster. Wolfrun and Akaoni were close to winning by 2 seconds until the precure went past them. "Huh?!" both Akaoni and Wolfrun said. "Ha! We won!" Sunny bragged. "Way to be a gracious winner." Wolfrun rolled his eyes. "Alright, what's the next game?" Peace asked them.

"I have an idea." Wolfrun said. "I want to play....Night of the living dead!" Wolfrun yelled. "Dead? Why dead?" Peace mumbled. All of them teleported into the game.

"Ah, where am I? And why am I holding a flashlight?" Peace said. She turned it on and saw Akaoni next to her. "Ah! Oh, Akaoni you scared me!" Peace said. "Sorry to frighten you." Akaoni apologized. "It's ok, you didn't mean it." Peace smiled.

"What happened. Girls? Where are you? I don't feel so good being here alone..." Happy felt something tap her shoulder. She turned around and saw a shadowy figure. Happy screamed until Happy realized who it was. "Oh, Wolfrun, thank goodness I'm not alone." she sighed in relief.

"Hey, where the heck is everybody? They should be here." Sunny said. "Sunny, is that you?" March grabbed her hand. Sunny jumped and turned around. "Jeez March don't scare me like that, almost have me a heart attack." Sunny put her hand up to her heart. March giggled.

"Hello, is anybody here?" Beauty waited for somebody to answer. Joker teleported behind her and placed both hands on her shoulders. "Boo~" he whispered in her ear. Beauty turned around and kicked him. "Joker! Don't sneak up on me like that." Beauty said. Joker rubbed his leg and chuckled.

"Oh....Wolfrun just had to choose this game..." Peace said to herself. "Is something wrong?" Akaoni asked her. "Oh, no, no. Everything is perfectly....f-fine..." Peace told him. They were about to turn the corner until they herd moaning. "What's that noise?" Akaoni and Peace took a peak and saw a zombie walking down the hallway. Peace was about to yell until Akaoni covered her mouth and dragged her into a room. They turned off the lights Peace hid in the bathroom cabinet. "Akaoni, what happens if you get caught?" Peace asked him. "I don't really know." Akaoni said. "Are you serious." Peace whined. Akaoni started sweating as he herd banging on the door.

"Ok Wolfrun, why in the world would you pick this game?" Happy asked him. "Just to scare you girls." Wolfrun chuckled. "Well, I'm not scared!" Happy placed her hands on her hips. "Cocky much." Wolfrun mumbled. "I herd that." Happy rolled her eyes. As they walked down the stairs they froze. They saw a clown walking towards the stairs. Happy was about to scream but Wolfrun picked her up and covered her mouth. He backed away and ran back upstairs into a bedroom. Wolfrun puts Happy down on to the bed. "What are we suppose to do he's gonna come up here any minute!" Happy yelled. "Shh, the rest of the monsters will hear you." Wolfrun pulled Happy under the bed.

"This is so creepy." Sunny whispered to March. "I don't really like it here, if smells." March covered her nose. "Yea, it kinda does, what is that smell?" Sunny covered her nose too. They looked around and saw a dog com around the corner. "Oh, it's a cute little doggy." March said. The dog opened its mouth to yawn and they saw its very sharp teeth. The dogs eyes turned red as she spotted Sunny and March. "Aww Crap." Sunny whispered. "We're so screwed." March whispered back to her. "Big time."
"What should we do now?"
"Yes Run!"

It's really dark in here..." Beauty turned on her flashlight. "Well yes, this is a horror game after all." Joker said. "I see that, but it's...too dark." Beauty looked around. She saw 2 yellow glowing eyes looking at her. "What is that?" Beauty walked towards it. The yellow eyes turned red and starting running towards her. Joker grabbed Beauty's hand and both of them teleported to a bedroom. "Where is it?" Beauty opened the door and saw a zombie walking down the hallway. Beauty shut the door and grabbed Joker's hand and they both hid in the closet.

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