Precure Paradise Pt 1~

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~With The Futari Wa Cures~
"Are we almost there yet Honoka?" Nagisa asked her. "We will be there in about....10 minutes." Honoka looked at her watched. "I wonder what this precure paradise is like." Hikari said. "Same, but I just can't wait to see everybody again. I've herd rumors theirs another cure team around and only the Mahou Tsukai girls know about it." Nagisa explained. "Who told you that?" Honoka asked Nagisa. "Tsubomi and Erika told me." Nagisa told her. "Oh." Honoka and Hikari both mumbled.

~With the Yes! 5 Cures~
"I can't wait! Precure Paradise sounds AMAZING!" Nozomi spun around on the ship. "It does sound pretty interesting." Karen looked up at Nozomi. "I can't wait to see Miyuki and her friends. They're so nice." Urara smiled. "They really are, especially Nao." Komachi sat down next to Urara. "This is going to be so much fun!" Nozomi squealed and hugged Rin tightly. "Sure is....please let go of me now." Rin mumbled. "Oh! Sorry Rin~Chan...." Nozomi let go and Rin took a deep breath.

~With The Fresh Cures~
"Ah~ I can't wait to see everybody again. It's been so long." Miki said. "Same. I can't wait to see Tsubomi again." Love sat down next to Miki. "I can't wait to meet the newest cures. Riko and Mirai said theirs a group of girls called "Kira Kira A La Mode." Inori explained. "Cool." The girls said. Inori nodded. "I wonder what the girls are like. They seem cool though. Do any of you girls know their names?" Setsuna asked the girls. "I have no clue." Love said. "Me too." Miki said. "Me three." Inori also said.

~With The Heartcatch Cures~
"Today is going to be soooo AWESOME! We get to see everybody again! So exciting." Erika jumped up and down. "It is pretty exciting but Erika, calm down." Yuri sat Erika down on a chair next to her. "Fineee." Erika then, fell asleep. "I really can't wait to see Hibiki and Kanade. It's been so long." Tsubomi said. "I can't wait to see Ellen and Ako." Itsuki smiled. "I think we all can't wait for this trip." Yuri said. "You're right about that." Tsubomi went inside her room to go get her stuff ready.

~With The Suite Cures~
"Have young girls herd of the new group of cures? Riko told me about them and they seem really nice." Hibiki said. "I've herd about them. I think their group is called Kira Kira A La Mode." Ako told them. "Oh, do you know their names?" Kanade walked over to Ako. "No, but I at least think the leaders name is Usami Ichika." Ako explained. "Their cure name?" Ellen asked. "I think it's Cure Whip." Ako said. "Cure Whip....interesting." Hibiki stared out at the ocean and sighed.

~With The Smile Cures~
"I wonder what precure paradise is like." Miyuki spun around. "I hope it just has lots of food there." Nao giggled. "Nao, you've eaten all the food here, you've hard enough food." Akane said. "Yes Nao~san. Please do not eat so much food in one day." Reika told her. "I hope I can make drawings for everybody! I also can't wait to see Urara again~" Yayoi got out her sketchbook and started drawing. "How many more minutes til we get there Reika?" Akane asked her. "5 more minutes." Reika said.

~With The Doki Doki Cures~
"This precure paradise should be really good. I'm so excited to see everybody again! Especially the new group of cures!" Mana sat down next to Rikka and Makoto. "Mhm. I know that one of the cures names is Tategami Aoi, Cure Gelato." Makoto said. "! Anyways, when are we gonna get there?" Alice asked them. "6 minutes at the most." Aguri looked at the clock above her. "Thank god, feels like we've been on here for hours." Rikka sighed in relief. She layed back in her chair and went to sleep.

~With The Happiness Charge Cures~
"Were going on a trip! We are goin' on a trip!" Hime danced around. "Calm down Hime." Yuko giggled. "I'm sorry, I'm just so excited." Hime jumped up and down. "Same! I can't wait to take a dip in the pool, see Haruka again. Everything will he absolutely great!" Megumi jumped up and down with Hime. "Yes. It should be a really fun experience. Seeing everybody again after so long. Things should go really well." Iona said. "Yep. Nothing could possibly ruin this fabulous trip." Megumi smiled.

~With The Go! Princess Cures~
"This "precure paradise" sounds cool. When will we get there?" Kirara asked Minami. "In about 17 more minutes. We did come late." Minami watched all the fishes swimming in the water. "I'm so pumped to see the newest cures. They seem awesome!" Haruka skipped around Towa. "Do any of you possibly know their names?" Towa asked the girls. "I herd their cure names before. Mirai told me their cure names were Cure Whip, Cure Custard, Cure Gelato, Cure Macaron and Cure Chocolat." Minami explained.

~With The Mahou Tsukai Cures~
"Riko! Kotoha~Chan! Don't you just feel excitement coming through you! We're basically going to a party! Isn't this amazing?" Mirai asked them. "I do feel a bit of excitement coming through me I suppose." Kotoha said. Riko nodded. "I can't wait to see Ichika, Himari, Aoi, Yukari and Akira! They were so cool went we met them." Mirai held Riko's hands and spun her around. Riko giggled and smiled at Mirai. "I ship it~" Kotoha giggled. "Ok, you can stop now." Riko became dizzy and fell down. "Whoops..."

~With The Kira Kira Cures~
"I bet this trip will be fun. Seeing other cures should be exciting." Yukari said. "I wonder what they're like. I'm mainly excited to ask how it felt becoming a cure and how did they defeat their enemies." Ichika said. "Same. I wonder if any of them like sweets." Himari smiled. "Hopefully we get to learn some things from the past cures. It would be interesting to get some detail on them. It was nice of Riko and Mirai to tell us this news." Akira sat down next to Aoi and Yukari. "This Should be good." Aoi flopped down onto a beach chair.

I'm almost done with the game party story
I just wanted to do a story like this
Bye bye~

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