🎇The Smile Cures 4th of July🎆Pt 1🎇

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Me and the Smile Cures(+Cure Echo) knocked on the door to the bad end kingdom. "I don't think I'd like being here today..." Yayoi said. "Cmon, this won't be so bad, they seemed like they just wanted to have a simple party with us." I patted Yayoi's back. The door slowly opened and we saw Wolfrun standing there. "Hi!" Miyuki waved at him, so did the others. "Who's this?" Wolfrun pointed to Ayumi. "This is our friend, Sakagami Ayumi!" Nao said. Ayumi waved shyly. "But..." "Oh, she is a precure, she just thought she'd hold off being one for today." Nao explained. Akaoni walked up to the door and stood next to Wolfrun. "Who are these two?" Akaoni pointed to me and Ayumi.

"Are you serious." I glared at him. "This is Jade, Cure Night, this is her civilian form." Reika said. "Over here is Sakagami Ayumi, Cure Echo." Ayumi waved at him. "So, you invited us over is that so?" Reika questioned. Wolfrun nodded and we walked inside. "Wow, so many bright colors." Miyuki looked around. Miyuki ran into Joker and both fell down. "Oww...oh, I'm sorry- oh Joker! Hi!" Miyuki waved at him. "Hello Miyuki, where are your other friends?" Joked asked her. "Oh, they're back near the entrance, I just wanted to explore because this place looks so pretty!" Miyuki got up then helped Joker up. "I see and thank you." Joker walked past Miyuki. She continued going around the bad end kingdom.

Joker walked into the room where everybody else was. "Hey Joker, where's Miyuki?" Yayoi said as she shut the door behind her. "She said she wants to "explore" around this place and may I ask, who is this girl exactly?" Joker looked over at Ayumi. "I'm Sakagami Ayumi, I'm also a cure named Cure Echo." Ayumi explained. "Well well, nice to meet you Cure Echo." "Ok, you invited us so what are we gonna do now?" Akane looked around. "Follow me." Majorina jumped in. "Ok...." Me and the girls followed Majorina. Before we could get to our destination, Miyuki was roller skating down the hall. "I CAN'T STOP SOMEBODY HELP ME!" Miyuki yelled.

Me and the other cures moved to the side and Miyuki ran into Wolfrun. "Otp~" I whispered to the girls. Miyuki and Wolfrun blushed and Miyuki quickly got off of Wolfrun. "I ship it." Nao and Akane both said at the same time. "I ship it too!" Reika and Yayoi giggled. "What's wrong with you guys?" Me and Ayumi said. Everybody giggled, so did Miyuki.
Majorina led us outside where there were games, food, fire crackers, and lots more. "This. Looks. Amazing!!!!" Miyuki squealed. "It really does look amazing." Nao went over to the table with the game's, Akane followed her. "The food here actually looks pretty good!" Yayoi said. Reika nodded in agreement.

"It's alright." I shrugged. "Jade, lets go check out the fire crackers!" Ayumi grabbed my hand and ran over to them. "It seems like they're having fun already." Akaoni said. "Of course they are." Wolfrun went over to Miyuki, who was looking at the lake. "This lake is so beautiful, I just wanna swim in it!" Miyuki said to herself. "Well actually you can."  Wolfrun told her. "Really? But I don't have a bathing suit." Miyuki mumbled. "Hey Miyuki, whatcha lookin at?" Akane ran up next to her. "I'm looking at the lake, isn't it beautiful and I want to swim in it, but....I don't have a bathing suit to wear." Miyuki explained. "Oh..." Akane said. The rest of the girls and I ran up to them. "Have you guys tried out the food, it's absolutely amazing!" Reika said, taking another bite of her cotton candy. "The firecrackers are very....interesting..." I sighed. "Yea..." Ayumi sighed too.

"Wow, this lake looks really cool." Yayoi bent down and touched it. "How does it feel?" Nao questioned. "It feels nice." Yayoi said. Joker, Akaoni and Majorina walked over to us. "What are you guys staring at?" Akaoni asked us. "The lake, its just so pretty and beautiful!" Miyuki twirled around. "Miyuki be careful!" I yelled. Miyuki tripped and she fell in the lake. She splashed all of us and we were all soaking wet. "Hey, look at our outfits." Ayumi saw her outfit change colors. I looked at mine. "What the heck?" I looked at my romper and it went black to white. "I have an idea." I whispered to Ayumi. She nodded. I snuck up behind Joker and Ayumi snuck up behind Akaoni.We both pushed them in which caused the girls to fall in too.

Happy 4th of July🎆
(By the way, I actually am wearing a black romper and I won't be on all the time because I'm going swimming so no wifi)

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