🔪The Smile Cures Take A Trip To Akademi High!🔪

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Miyuki's alarm clock rang. She slowly got up and turned her alarm clock off. She got out of bed and opened her eyes. "Huh? Where am I? And where's Candy?!" Miyuki said to herself. She looked around her room. "This isn't my home...how did I get here?" Miyuki thought. She still had her smile pact and candle, she sighed in relief. She decided to to face time her friends. "Cmon, please, please pickup." she pleaded. The ringing stopped and her friends answered. "GIRLS MAJOR CRISIS!" She yelled. "Woah, what's wrong Miyuki, is somethin' wrong?" Akane asked her. "When I woke up, I wasn't in my was and Candy isn't here!" she told them. "Actually...the same thing actually happened to me." Yayoi said. The rest nodded. "But the question is how did we get here." Reika said. "Miyuki, time to get ready for school!" Miyuki's mom called her. "Oh gotta go, my mom's calling me, I'll text you guys when I'm on my way to school, if schools even here.." she turned off her computer and grabbed her phone, smile past and candle.

She looked inside her closet and saw a white and blue uniform with a red bow with bright pink stockings and black shoes. "Huh, this isn't my normal uniform..." she mumbled. She put it on anyways.
After she ate breakfast and said her goodbyes to her mom, she walked out the door and saw the school. "Woah, this isn't my school." she said. "It isn't mines either." Akane said running up to her. "Akane! Thank goodness you're here!" she hugged her. Yayoi, Nao and Reika came running up Miyuki's driveway. "That school over there does NOT look like our school." Nao said. "My mom told me it was...strange..." Reika looked down. "Should we check it out?" Akane asked them. The girls nodded.

They walked into the school with the other students. "I haven't seen these students before..." Nao said. "They look....different." Miyuki thought. "Is anybody going to ask why our skirts look so short?" Akane looked at herself. "Yes, and I do not feel very comfortable." Reika tried pulling her skirt down more. The girls followed the rest of the students out to the court yard. "Should we ask somebody for help or..." Yayoi said. "I'll ask." Reika walked over to the boy that sat at the fountain. "Excuse me." Reika said. The boy looked up. "Hi, I'm Aoki Reika and I'd like to ask one question, would you mind showing me and my friends around the school?" Reika asked. The boys face turned a teeny bit red. "Sure." The boy closed his book and followed Reika. "Meet my friends, Hoshizora Miyuki." "Hi!" "Hino Akane." "Sup." "Kise Yayoi." "Hello!" "And Midorikawa Nao!" "Hey!" "Hey, what your name?" Nao asked. "Oh, my name is Taro Yamada, but most people call me Senpai." he said. "Hello Senpai." they all said.

A girl with a black ponytail hid behind the tree watching Senpai and the girls. "That girl, Aoki Reika huh? I guess that's another girl to get out the way!" she said.

"Thank you very much Tar- I mean Senpai for showing us around the school." Reika said. "Hey, no problem, see ya guys later?" Taro said. "Yea, cya Senpai!" Akane and Nao waved. "Hey, did you guys notice that Senpai dude was blushing whenever he talked to Reika?" Akane asked them. "Actually, yea." Yayoi answered. "He was probably just cold, it is pretty chilly in here." Reika said. "Or maybe he likes you~" Nao nudged her arm. Reika rolled her eyes. "Ooh~ but anyways, we have to figure out how did we get here and where are we." Miyuki said. "Right." they all said. The bell rang and the girls jumped. "Jeez that bell scared the crap out of me. Anyways, what class do you guys have?" Akane looked at her schedule. "Math" "Math" "Math" "Math" "Oh, I guess we all have the same schedule then." Akane and the others walked to their classroom.

Miyuki sat next to a girl with purple hair, Akane sat next to a girl with orange, Yayoi sat next to a girl with orangish yellowish hair, Nao sat next to a girl with green hair and Reika sat next to a girl with black. "Ok class, today we have 5 new students, first we have Hoshizora Miyuki, second, Hino Akane, third, Kise Yayoi, fourth, Midorikawa Nao and last Aoki Reika." The teacher announced. The 5 girls walked to the front of the class. They all said hi and introduced themselves. They all sat back down. "Ok class, lets get started." The teacher handed them a test. The students groaned except Reika.

I feel like I'm already ruining the story
But here are my plans for each role
Miyuki: To make friends with everybody with school, especially the social butterfly's and be one of the most likeable girls in school. She'll also become enemies with the drama club leader, Kizana Sunobu(FML). She also has a girl named Ayano Aishi out to get her for being friends with Senpai and getting along with him so well
Akane: To be the class clown and join the Marshall Arts club(idk what to call it or is that the only spelling) and have the leader, Budo Matsuta fall in love with Her and to also be friends with all the girls in the cooking club
Yayoi: To become the best artist in school and be friends with the occult club members
Nao: To become friends with the sports club leader, Asu Rito(Ritu idfk) and have a rivalry with the delinquents and their leader, Osoru Shidesu (I forget how to spell their names FML). Nao will also become one of the most athletic girls in school which makes Asu a bit Jealous and to be known as "female gang leader" XD
Reika: To be one of the most popular girls in school and have a special girl, Ayano Aishi to try and kill her as of her and Senpai having the same likes and dislikes, also having Senpai developing a small crush for Reika. She also will become Megumi Saiko(u)'s friend.

I hope these roles are good X3

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