🔪The Smile Cures Take A Trip To Akademi High🔪Pt 3🔪

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"It's been 3 days, we still have to figure out who this person is!" Nao said. "Yea, we really have to but how'd you guys day been?" Akane asked them. "It's been great! I met a girl named Kokona and she's really nice to me! Although her hair looks like that mean girls hair but whatever." Miyuki smiled. "That sounds really nice Miyuki, today I helped out the teachers and some students with their homework, but all of them have been boys...strange." Reika said. "Well, today I ran into delinquents...again and they're not very nice...but I did meet this really nice girl named Asu Rito." Nao told them.

"Delinquents....huh, I can go talk to them if you want me to Nao." Reika got up from her chair. "Me too." Akane got up too. "No, I don't want you guys to get involved." "No it's ok, I don't mind." Reika smiled at her. "Me either." Akane said. "Ok then, lets go." Nao led them behind the school. The 3 took a peek at the delinquents. "Hmm, they seem, very interesting." Reika was about to walk over to them but Nao grabbed her skirt and pulled her back. "Wait Reika, we have to go in together, those delinquents have weapons." Nao warned them. "Are you sure?" Reika and Akane walked up to them. Nao sighed and walked over to them too. "Hi, I am Aoki Reika and this is my friend, Hino Akane." Reika noticed the weapons in their hands and took a step back. "Told ya." Nao giggled.

"What do you losers want?" Osoru walked up to them. "I don't want anything, I just want to say hello a-" "Zip it, I don't want to hear it." Osoru stopped her from talking. "Please, may I atleast ask why were you so harsh on my friend, Nao earlier?" Reika asked. "Why would you want to to know, it's not of your business so can you just get lost with your stupid accent." "Excuse me?" one of Reika's eyes widened. "I said get lost, with your stupid accent, and when I say get lost, you get lost." Osoru smirked. Reika clenched her fist. "There's no reason why to talk like that..." Reika tried to stay calm. Nao and Akane were betting(idk) eachother. "You have to give me 20 dollars if Reika goes off on them." Akane said. "If she doesn't, you have to give me 20 dollars." Nao also said. "Deal."

"Their is a reason, to keep stupid little girls like you from my group." Reika took some steps back to Nao and Akane. "Excuse my rudeness girls." she whispered to them

Time Skip due to Reika going off on the delinquents

(Ok I can't turn off highlight or whatever this thingy is so I'm gonna have to end the chapter here, byeeeeeeee)

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