Chapter Two

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T h e H o l l o w s I n 

Jace stared at me.

That kind of attention from him would have made my heart flutter.

But my heart had stopped beating millenniums ago.


I started pacing again. Backwards and forwards. Backwards and forwards. It was the only thing keeping my mind active in the current moment.

"How don't I know this? Does Sky know about this?" He asked, and I couldn't decide if he was shocked or angry at me.

I gnawed at my thumbnail.

"Jameson?" Jace prompted. I kept gnawing.

"Did Carter know?" Gnawing.

"Do Sky's friends know?" I nearly ripped my entire thumbnail off.

"Does anyone know?" Jace asked, raising his voice as the impatience got to him.

I shook my head. "No one but me, and a few Guardians in the highest positions."

Jace watched me for a few minutes. And then sighed. "What's her real last name?" He asked.

My stomach flipped. "I don't know."

"You don't–Alexi, this is a mess!" He yelled, reaching up to tug at his hair.

I nodded. "I know. I know. I'm trying to think. Hang on."

"It's not me you should be telling to hang on." He spat at me.

I tried to ignore the bitterness, but I couldn't. And so, my plan was a bit delayed, albeit eventually made it into my brain.

"Jace." I whispered, trying to get his attention from where he now stood brooding at the notice board. He turned his head, throwing me a sharp glare. I was almost hurt.

I signalled at him with my eyes, trying not to be obvious in front of the security cameras. Jace, obviously not trained to decipher my messages, looked back at me like I was an idiot.

I sighed, ready to just spit it out. Then a receptionist walked in. She smiled at us and sat down behind her booth.

Just great.

I pursed my lips, pulled out my phone, and composed a text. When it was done, I sent it to Jace.

I may or may not have added him to my contacts in the midst of our grand plan.

'I'm going to leave to find a computer. But I need your therapist status'

I thought about sending kisses, then just didn't.

Jace's phone beeped, and he turned back to the board to read the message, just making it look like he was trying to find some private time. Even if he wasn't doing it purposely, it was definitely a good tact.

'Therapist status?'

I rolled my eyes. He definitely isn't a Guardian.

'You're a therapist, right? Don't you have like secret hospital access or something? That, or you can use your natural charm.'

Upon receiving my message, Jace turned to give me a weird look, cheeks colouring slightly as he rose his eyebrow. I could only imagine that it was in response to the 'natural charm' part. I ducked my head, trying to hide my grin.

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