Chapter Twenty-Four

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T h e   H o l l o w s   I n
O U R  F R E E D O M

I woke up when I sensed someone hovering over me. I snapped my eyes open to see Jace in all of his—very hot—glory.

Last night was great. We didn't have sex, but we did eat—and food is great, so. For dessert I had chosen a strawberry sundae, whilst Jace had settled for a fudge chocolate cake. Usually I would turn my nose up at such an atrocity, but I must admit that I think I ate more of his dish than I did of my own.

We'd pretty much had food comas after that, and so I fell asleep as soon as we hit the bed. In my sleep, I think I curled up to Jace; I woke up melted into his side. I decided it wasn't fair to him, and so reluctantly rolled over on my side. Jace kind of jolted awake after that, so I asked if he was okay. He said he was fine, then I fell asleep.

I stared at him now, albeit wistfully. He was knelt down by my side of the bed.

"You never told me your birthday was today." He said, eyes drinking up mine.

I frowned, pushing the covers back slightly. "Good morning to you, too."

He smiled, "I would've got you something."

I sighed, sitting up in the bed. "You wouldn't have known what to get me."

"Actually," He said, leaning into the bed a little more, "I would have."

I rose my eyebrow at him. "Right. Because knowing me for a month gets you to that point?"

He pondered this. "I guess we've made good use of that time, because yes–yes it does." With that, he got up and slid into his shoes, slipping his coat on too.

"There's someone here for you." He said, and before I had the chance to say goodbye, he left. But he left the door open, and in trailed the most beautiful blonde dove the world has ever made.

Sky Forest.

It had been almost two days since one of our worst arguments, and I began to fret that I was about to become her sacrifice for the Beaufort Gods.

Not that she knew she was a Beaufort. The closest she was to knowing was Jameson, who we gave the rundown to in the hospital. He said that it wasn't his secret to keep or to give away—I think he was hinting that it was either mine or Elle's. Well, she's Elle's daughter—there's no way could I squeeze a baby out this young.

She closed the door behind her tentatively, as if she thought I was going to jump up at any second, steal her voice away and trap it into a locket. In reality, she dictated the room. She owned it as soon as she walked in; I was waiting for her to speak.

"Look, I'm sorry Alexi–"

"–you literally just took the words straight out of my mouth," I said, interrupting her, which I always had a bad habit of doing. "Well, I wasn't going to use my own name, but yours."

Sky smiled, setting down a bag, which I eyed. "I'm sorry about what happened between us, I wouldn't want anything like that to tear us apart." She said, making me grin.

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