Chapter Thirty-Four

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T h e   H o l l o w s   I n
O U R  F R E E D O M

Darkness soon came, and I was still alone. Then again, I was used to that.

I was sick of holding myself. I needed someone else to hold me. But I had no one else. I had ruined my friendship with Sky, and Elle isn't my mother, despite the fact that our relationship has grown faster than her relationship with Sky, and Jace doesn't love me.

I knew that I had to leave soon, unless I wanted a panic attack, of course.

I jumped when some twigs around me suddenly snapped.

My heart raced, until I saw the sunshine blonde locks framing the face of the person who appeared beside me.

"Lexi." The girl said, before embracing me. I was shocked for a few moments, surprised that she had forgiven me so quickly. Then I sobbed into her embrace.

In all the years I had known Sky, I don't think I had ever cried around her, at least not this much. Usually, she cries and I pick up the pieces. This time, though, the roles were reversed.

"Jace told me to speak to you, and to get to you quickly." She whispered to me, still holding my trembling body.

"I didn't know why until I pieced it together—"she paused, "are you scared of the dark?" She asked. I nodded into her shoulder, feeling her grip on me tighten. I couldn't use my voice; I think I had cried it out.

"Are you upset about your conversation with Richard?" She asked next. I nodded again. She ran the palm of her hand over my back.

"Did you want to talk about it?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Okay," she responded, "only when you're ready." She said. I pressed myself close to her, relishing in the comfort a hug from my best friend brought to me.

Time passed around us, throwing us into the darkness of the night sky without a moments notice. We pulled away simultaneously, and Sky stared at my face. I felt suddenly exposed, but then Sky reached forward, and wiped my tears away.

She stood up, helping me up and taking one of my hands. We walked around to the front of the building hand in hand, and I think I sensed what we saw next before Sky herself realised what was going on.

The other group had arrived.

I knew because of the strange car, and that the fact that Jameson had jumped out of the passenger's side, swiftly followed by Jonah from the driver's side.

I could feel Sky inching forward, even if she wasn't moving. I knew she wanted to be at Jameson's side in a second. When Jameson finally saw Sky, I knew that I couldn't hold her back for long.

She turned to me, but I just smiled at her. "Go." I said, pushing her onwards, releasing her from the grasp of my fingers. She gave me an uncertain glance. "Go." I repeated, my smile growing.

With that, she span around, and ran.
I'd never seen the girl run with such drive in my life.

Jameson shut the car door, grinning at her as she sprinted, and then, when she was close, he spread his arms out, and brought her in for an embrace. I think he nearly launched her into the air, but he didn't. They held each other, ignoring everyone as they walked around them—much like Sky and I had done a few moments ago. But it was much, much more powerful.

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