Chapter Thirty-Five

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T h e   H o l l o w s   I n
O U R  F R E E D O M

I awoke with a start, surprised when I found my limbs entangled with Jace's in our bed. I slowly came away from him, raising so that I was sitting upwards.

I pressed a palm to my throbbing head. Great, a nightmare.

I wanted to go to the toilet, and our room had an en suite, but I fancied a walk around, so I slipped out of our bed and found a robe. Whilst tying the strings, I watched as Jace slept wistfully.

I sighed, pattering over to our door and opening it carefully. I stepped outside into the cold corridor, and closed our door as a shiver rocked my body.

I rounded a corridor, trying to remember where the closest toilets were. I took a sharp left, somehow remembering that they were down this corridor. I think Sapphire and Jonah were down here, but I couldn't be sure.

I walked past the room I thought they'd be in, seeing the bathroom at the end of the corridor. I entered it and switched on the light, yawning as I found the toilet.

I flushed the toilet, looking into the mirror and dismissing the mess that was my nightmare. Though, I did flatten down my hair slightly so that it returned to its usual smooth and silky self.

When I was sure I was done, I opened the door and switched off the lights, adjusting quickly to the darkness using my Guardian senses. I also adjusted to something else—a figure moving outside.

The corridor I was walking through didn't have as many windows as the one back at my room, but there were still few. I had already walked past one, and had to slot myself in between the two, sensing that someone was watching.

Slowly, I leaned forward, peering outside of the window, only to see a man. And he was looking right at me. I drew away quickly, my heart beating rapidly in my chest. Shit.

I had left my room, therefore leaving my weapons, my shoes and...Jace. I couldn't think of Jace now; there was an intruder and he was out for all of us.

I had a moment of hesitation. A moment of 'what the hell do I do?'

That moment soon passed, and I collapsed to the floor as quietly as I could, before crawling underneath the windows with stealth. Passing the last window, I jumped to my feet and started for the stairs, running down them as quickly and quietly as I could.

I reached the front door, slipped my feet in some random trainers, and rifled around in the drawers. Jackpot. A knife. It would be a tough weapon to fight with, especially since they could be armed with guns, but it's better than going out with nothing.

I tucked it into the waistband of my shorts before throwing my hair up into a tight bun. They'd always told the girls in practice that anyone can use our hair as a hold and weaken us. I wouldn't let them do it.

Since I had last seen the figure in the back garden, I dashed over to the back door, unlocking it and sprinting out into the darkness.

I used my Guardian senses as quickly as I could, but apparently not quick enough.

Someone had grabbed me in a flash, and held me against their chest. I fought hard, and ripped myself out of their grip, trying to tear their arms away from me.

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