Chapter Nine

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T h e H o l l o w s I n 

I kicked open the door with such a ferocity that I was surprised when it remained on its hinges.

"We're not going out there unarmed, are we?" Jace asked, though just barely, as he tried to keep up with me, becoming out of breath.

I rolled my eyes. "Clarke, you'll be surprised which weapons you can find on my body—apart from the obvious." With that, I hoisted myself up onto a brick wall, climbing it and standing atop the roof of the building.

I looked out around us. Yeah, we're doomed.

With my battle face on, I descended the building, just barely noticing the flush in Jace's face. And I could tell by his body language that it wasn't all to do with the pace I had previously made him move at.

I sighed and patted his shoulder. "I think we have worse things to be worrying about."

Throughout my entire secondary life, I had always been known as the flirt. I'm not stupid, I know I have the body. So I just adapted my mental capabilities, and here we are, full-fledged flirt. Though I'm not too sure how well Jace is taking that.

I ignored this, or at least I tried to, in order to follow Guardian protocol. I patted all the normal places where I stashed my weapons on my body, before setting off in the direction of the danger. I could sense Jace hesitate, but I soon felt as he tried to keep up with my fast pace.

I skidded to a halt at the corner, and caught Jace as he went tumbling forward from the sudden change of momentum. Nearly distracted by this, I could've missed the shadow move in front of us. Slowly, I moved towards the edge of the wall that hid us, making sure to keep an eye on my shadow. Normally, I was the bait, and then the 'better team' came in to finish the job—though, half the time, I never really got to start it.

I could've thrown Jace in to the lions as the bait.

But I'm savvy.
And nice.

I held Jace back with my hand, which skimmed the fabric of his top—I think. I peered around the corner to see a man standing a breath away from me. I grabbed him, snatching him away from his own shadow. Putting him in a choke hold and covering his mouth, I managed to drag him back silently. Then I tightened my grip.

Jace watched silently as I put the guy down. I straightened and looked at Jace, who looked clearly horrified. "He's not dead." I mouthed. His expression changed slightly, but he still remained pale.

I held my breath, my eyes shut as I envisioned every corner and bend that was waiting for us. And with my heart beating wildly, I pounced.

I was immediately the centre of attention. All eyes turned to me, all forces turned to me. And I was doomed.

That's what they thought.

You can underestimate anyone.
You just can't underestimate Alexi Abbot.

They all thundered over to me, and the fear gave me all the power to both shield myself and fight off the circling shadows.

I didn't really have a plan; I didn't even know how or when Jace would come in. I just knew to fight.

I watched in slow motion as they all lunged for me. I stuck my leg out, sending them flying into the wall.

And then we were back in real motion.

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