chapter 1

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(This is going to be a fanfic involving Our 2nd Life. I am going to probably update daily. I'll try to make the chapters long and I hope you enjoy!!)

"Lucy, did you get your plane ticket yet?"

"Yes, it came in the mail today", I call down to my mom as I walk over to my desk to put my ticket in the front of my suitcase. I'm so excited to go to my first Playlist live. Even though I have been on Youtube since 7th grade, I have gotten quite popular in the past 3 months. My channel now has 750k subscribers. Ricky Dillon even subscribed to my channel last month. Ricky and I have spoke a couple times since February. And also Thatsojack has became one of my close friends. I'm really excited to meet them.

I leave for Playlist Live tomorrow at 9:30am tomorrow since it takes about 6 hours by plane to go from Baltimore, Maryland to Orlando, Florida.  Thankfully my mom isn't coming with me. Since I will be turning 18 soon and graduating high school, my mom is letting me travel alone because I have become "responsible" enough.

I get in the shower and let the warm water heat my skin for about 20 minutes. Once I am done showering, I put on underwear from PINK, a bra, a hoodie and yoga shorts. My phone buzzes and it's a text from Jack saying are you done packing? I text back saying," I think so, are you?" I decide to blow dry my hair making it a little wavy but mainly straight. My brown hair stops almost at the bottom of my back. I put stuff in my hair that makes it smooth and put my blow dryer in my suitcase. My phone buzzes with a text from Jack saying no, it's illegal to bring my whole closet onto the plane and they wouldn't have enough room so I have a problem. I laugh and respond, " just give them some vag juice and they will most likely let it slide." I press send and start packing my shampoo, perfume, toothbrush, body wash, and everything else I need to stay clean. I run downstairs and get the credit card and cash my mom is giving me. I have about 2,000 dollars in all so I should be good.

I check everything twice again and climb in to bed as I receive a text from Jack saying do you think I can borrow some vag juice.. "hahaha no." I respond as I get another text from Ricky saying I am so excited to meet you. The rest of O2l are really excited too. Let me know when you get on your plane! I respond quickly saying ," I am too! And okay, I'll text you tomorrow it's 2 am here so goodnight!"

As I set my phone down I get a text from an unknown number saying Hey, it's Rebecca Black, I really want to meet you when you get to Orlando! Let me know when you get there! How do I know if it's really her.. "If this really is Rebecca, what is Ricky and Jack's numbers?" I set my alarm for 6:00am and I get a text back from Rebecca giving the right numbers "haha I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't someone faking you haha. I would love to meet you! I'll text you when my plane takes off!" I lay in bed thinking about how exciting this is. I fall asleep thinking about Playlist Live.

<<<Next Morning>>>

I wake up to the alarm on my phone indicating it's 6:00 am. I slowly get up and wash my face. I pack my face wash and start to pick out what I will wear. I go with a  pink crew neck sweater saying, " you can't sit with us" which Jack will love and black jean shorts. I put my white converse on and start to pack my other shoes. I then go into my bathroom putting in my contacts so I don't have to wear my glasses. I apply mascara that brings out my green eyes and turn my straightener on.

I pack my make-up bag and start to curl my ends with my straightener. My hair ends up looking really good and I pack the last of my clothes. I grab my backpack with a ying-yang symbol on it and put my laptop, phone charger, sunglasses, plane ticket, 20 dollars, camera, and ear buds in it. I spray perfume on before running downstairs with my backpack and suitcase. I eat a cereal bar and brush my teeth. I check the time and it says 7:30 am. As I walk into my sister's room to wake her up, I remember I have lip-rings I got for Jack in my room. I run upstairs and grab them throwing them in my backpack.

I run back downstairs and wake my sister up. Since she is 9, she is going to want to pick out her own clothes but I don't want her looking crazy today so I grab skinny jeans and a crop-top with flowers on it. I tell her to put it on and I run to the kitchen to make her cereal. She comes out and eats as I brush her hair and put a head band in. My mom comes downstairs dressed with her keys in her hand as I push her a bowl of cereal too. "Thank you sweety. And may I say, you both look beautiful," my mom says while kissing both, my sister and I, on the cheek. "Thank you, but can we leave now? I don't want to be late." 

My mom puts the bowls in the sink and walks out to the car with my sister. My sister stops and grabs my suitcase for me. I kiss her forehead and walk out behind her. 

I sit in the back seat with my sister as we drive to the airport. "I'm going to miss you a lot", my sister whispers to me. "I'll miss you more but I'll only be gone for a week." I log into Twitter and Instagram so I don't have to on the plane. "But what about when you move out?" I am shocked for a second," no matter where I live, I'll visit you a lot."

We arrive to the airport and go through security and stuff. Once I'm done, I get Starucks then sit back down with my mom and sister. I see a girl about 12 years old staring at me so I walk up and ask her if she was okay. She looked at me in awe until she found her voice to say," You're Lucy, LifeofLucy, love you so much." She hugs me and I tell her I love her. Then she starts to cry. I get a picture with her and she runs away.

My flight number is finally called and I hug my mom and sister before boarding the plane. Once I am seated, I remember to text Rebecca and Ricky. I text Jack asking him when he thinks he will arrive to Orlando. He texted my back saying around 3:45. Looks like I"ll be alone until Jack gets there but at least we are sharing a hotel room! Since the plane ride is 6 hours, I decide to edit my new video which is about Playlist Live.  

Once I finished editing it, I watched a movie until I fell asleep. I woke up to a voice over the speaker saying we have arrived in Orlando. I text Jack telling him I just got to Orlando as I get off the plane and go through security again.

Once I am done in the airport, I get a taxi to take me to the hotel which is 20 minutes from here. Jack texted me back saying we literally just got to Orlando, where are you? "I'm like 5 minutes from the hotel," I reply back. The taxi stops in front of the hotel and I get my suitcase out. I walk into the front lobby and see Rebecca checking in. "Lucy!" Rebecca runs over to me and hugs me. "Did you just get here", I ask her. "Yeah, a lot of the Youtubers are coming today." " yeah, Jack just landed in Orlando too", I tell her.

Once I am checked in, Rebecca and I go to our rooms which happen to be next to each other. I am almost done unpacking when I hear the door open. I see Jack stumble in and I run over to him as he yells, " Lucy!" We hug then he tells me about his trip here. "This hotel could use some more workers to carry our bags. I think I pulled my fucking arm out by carrying mine." "It could use more space for clothes too, I brought all these clothes and there are like 3 drawers", I complain to him.

Once we are done unpacking, I check my hair in the mirror, "Want to go meet O2l and some more Youtubers ", Jack asked grinning. "yeah, sure." "Good because you need a boyfriend", Jack mutters and I roll my eyes. He changes his lip ring to one I got him. "Ready?" "Yeah let's go", I respond while grabbing my phone.

(I hope you liked this chapter. I will be post chapter 2 tomorrow!)

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