chapter 2

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As we walk down the hallway, I ask," Who's room are we going to?" Jack ignores my question as he stops in front of a room numbered 732. He knocks before opening the door and walking in. I prepare myself to come face to face with O2l but am taken back when I come face to face with Jenn Mcallister and Andrea Russett. I remind myself to stay calm as I introduce myself," Hi, I'm Lucy", I say sending a smile in both of the girl's directions. "You're LifeofLucy right," Jenn asks as Andrea hugs me saying, " Oh my gosh, I love your videos. I'm a huge fan!" I get a warm feeling inside hearing that people like my videos. "Thank you, I've always been a huge fan of you too. It means a lot", I tell both; Andrea and Jenn.

After a while of getting to know Jenn and Andrea better, we all decide to go to the rooms that the O2l members are staying in. As we get closer to their rooms, I hear screaming but can't make out any words. "I love them so much but the amount of noise they make literally makes me sick", Jack says and I laugh at how sensitive he is around people.

We stop in front of room 728 and Jack knocks on the door loud enough to be heard over the screaming. "Have you met any of the boys",Jenn asks. I shake my head, "don't worry, they will make you feel welcomed right away", Jenn assures me. "Do you have a boyfriend", Andrea asks with a huge smirk on her face. "No, I don't really care for relationships," I tell Andrea, causing her to raise her eyebrows.

"I totally ship you with at least 5 Youtubers here, this should be fun", Andrea smirks walking into the now opened door and jumping into Kian's arms. Gosh, they are so cute together.

Ricky notices me and runs over. "Ricky!" I yell his name as we hug and he leads me to the kitchen part of the hotel room. He gets Jc, Trevor, Connor, Kian, and Sam's attention. "Guys, this is Lucy," I say hi and Ricky turns to me introducing each of the boys. They all tell me how much they have wanted to meet me and how much fun we are going to have. I feel like I finally fit in here.

Back in Baltimore I didn't have friends because I dedicated my time to Youtube and people thought I was really weird. Everyone smoked and got drunk every single night and I just didn't feel comfortable around them. But here at Playlist Live, we all share a passion for Youtube which makes me feel like I finally fit in.

"Lucy, I'm going to get my phone charger then I'll be back, need anything?" I shake my head no and thank Jack as he leaves. I feel a pair of eyes on me as I turn around and catch Sam staring at the side of my face. I smile and start to walk over to him but everyone who is now in the living room calls my name. I walk out with Sam behind me as I ask them what they need.

"Are you and Jack sharing a room?" About 5 people ask the same question as I answer," Yeah, why?" Trevor speaks up," I see what's going on here," he says while wiggling his eyebrows at me. "Oh my gosh, no. Since Anthony already booked a room with Andrew and I became friends with Jack, he suggested to share a room. That's it, nothing more than friends." I roll my eyes and everyone laughs.

I look over to see Sam looking down at his phone and run his hands through his hair while pulling his lip ring in between his teeth. He looks stressed out so I walk over to him. He looks up. "Are you okay", I ask him and he nods his head while saying," yeah, my girlfriend, I mean ex- girlfriend, broke up with me but I could of seen it coming", I feel terrible that I basically made him bring it up. "Hey, at least you're single and can do whatever you want without worrying about her. You always just have to see the good things in life." He looks deep in thought before replying, " You're right, thank you", he smiles as I turn my attention to the conversation everyone is having.

"So what are we doing tonight", Kian asks sitting on the couch with Andrea in his arms. "Why don't we go out to dinner then go to the boardwalk or go shopping", Connor suggests. "Sure", everybody agrees and we decide to meet back at the O2l room at 7:00pm since it is 5:45 now.

Jack and I walk to our room to get ready. "Should I change into a crop top? Or do you think I'll be cold", I ask for Jack's opinion. Since it's early June and we are in Florida, it's going to be pretty warm. "Why don't you wear that floral sundress with a white cardigan?" Jack's suggestion sounds good so I grab both, the sundress and cardigan, and go into the bathroom to change while Jack changes out there. I take off my shorts and crew neck. I slide the dress on and ask Jack if I can come out. As he answers yes, I walk out and ask him to zipper the back of the dress. Then I put the cardigan on and slip on my white converse. 

Jack pretends to cry as he praises himself," I am so proud of my clothing selection. And you can be the beautiful model to strut your shit." I walk over to him and hug him knowing he means that as a best friend type of way. I walk back into the bathroom with my straightener and make-up bag. I turn on the straightener as I apply a little more mascara and some eye liner. Sam's upset face flashes though my head making me feel guilty I didn't ask him if he wanted to talk about it but I didn't want to sound weird or force him. I must say he is really attractive though.

I snap out of my thoughts as the straightener starts to smell like it's melting. I touch up my curled ends and turn off my straightener. I see Rebecca in our room as I leave the bathroom. "Thank god you are wearing a dress, I thought I would look too fancy but I feel more comfortable now." " I always feel that way but then I decide not to care", Rebecca explains," your outfit is really cute too!" I say thank you and tell her that hers is too.

I spray some perfume on and put lotion on my legs as Rebecca watches and laughs, saying I'm silly for doing that. I check my phone and it's 6:35 pm. I put my money, phone charger and sunglasses in my black bag that hangs across my body.

I wake up Jack who managed to fall asleep while I was getting ready. Jack goes in the bathroom to fix his hair but we all end up taking mirror selfies with each other. We all post a different picture on Instagram and decide to walk down to the O2l room.  

Rebecca grabs her purse and I slide my phone into my bag. We end up being the last to show up to the room because Andrea, Jenn, and Andrew, who just arrived to Orlando, were already there waiting for us.

Sam walks up to me as I was taking more selfies with Andrea and Jenn. "Hey Lucy" "Hey Sam, what's up", I ask as I put away my phone. "Nothing, I'm really excited for Playlist Live this week." "I am too. It's my first one which makes me nervous, but I can't wait to meet everybody!" Sam scratches the back of his neck while Jc calls him over. "By the way, you look beautiful. Let's get a picture together later tonight", Sam suggests and I nod my head while turning to see Rebecca laughing at me. "Wow, you already have a side hoe. I'm proud of you", Rebecca says sarcastically as I swat at her arm and tell her to shut up. She laughs and pinches me elbow. We bicker back and forth all the way down to the Taxi van.

I feel so happy with these people I would call my friends now.

(I hope you liked this chapter! I'll try to make my chapter longer & I'll be posting chapter 3 either tonight or tomorrow. I plan on having different point of views in the upcoming chapters.)

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