chapter 30

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Considering that my mattress was on the floor, I woke up feeling like I slept on a cloud. "Wake up love birds," Rebecca said with her head hovering over Sam and I. "Ready to move today?"

Since I would be moving, I didn't take a shower in the morning. I went to my boxes of clothes and pulled out leggings and a big t-shirt with the smirking emoji on it. I ran into my empty bathroom with my toiletries bag, sliding on my clothes and washing my face. Then, I put my contacts in and brushed my teeth before pulling my long, almost black hair into a messy doughnut bun,

I put my dirty clothes and bathroom bag back into a box and went to get Rebecca and I coffee while Sam  got Arizona. Rebecca stayed behind since her mom could show up any minute with the truck. "Are you excited for today?" Sam laced his fingers with mine while kissing me on the cheek. "Of course, maybe I can call today a workout since I don't exercise regularly."

We finally got to the store on the corner of the street and bought the drinks before walking back to the apartment. When we got back, Rebecca was sitting on the couch talking on the phone to who I assume was Jenn. "Are they still moving in today?" Rebecca nodded her head and hurried to end the call with Jenn. "My mom's here with the truck."

We all set down our drinks and grabbed two boxes, carrying them to the truck and repeating the cycle until all of our boxes were in the back of the truck. "How are we supposed to move our couch and washing machines?" Of course we called Jc and Connor asking for help and getting an estimated five minutes before they arrive.

Once they got here, Sam, Jc and Connor moved all of the heavy furniture into the truck. At least, around noon, we were done loading. "Jc, Connor, can you guys help with Jenn and Andrea's and with unloading and we'll buy you food and you can sleep over. Deal?" They nodded their heads eagerly and went downstairs to sit in Rebecca's car while Rebecca and I did the last couple things.

Rebecca called the landlord asking him to meet us at the house in half an hour while I called Andrea to tell her Jc, Sam, and Connor would be coming with Rebecca's mom to move their stuff. Then we went through the apaertment to check for anything and turn everything off. I found a mascara and shirt I've been looking for since forever. "I'm so happy we are doing this together."

We grabbed our drinks and purses before going down to the car and driving to our new house. On the way there, Jc insisted on stopping at some old, vintage shop where he found sunglasses he "fell in love with" and Connor found a coffee mug he liked. Then, we went straight to the house where the man was waiting outside with our keys.

We all got out and got the two sets of keys as the man quickly left which I was thankful for since he wouldn't be in the way now. Then we all did the same process, unloading the truck and leaving everything in the living room before the boys left to help Jenn and Andrea.

The house looked bigger than we remembered seeing it, but that's okay with us! When you first walk in, there is a little room where you would have a coat hanger or something. This connects to a hall way which opens up to a huge living room with a fireplace. Then to the left is a dining room connecting to a kitchen which is where the back sliding, glass door is.

Somewhere in that mess is a windy staircase which leads to the second floor. I let Rebecca have the room with a huge window since I had it last time. I ended up with a room which was every big which a huge closet. It also had a little room connecting off of the bedroom where I plan to film my videos.

I moved all of my boxes upstairs to my room and helped Rebecca do the same. Then I moved the table and kitchen things into the kitchen. By now, the boys and Jenn and Andrea got back and they were moving their things into their rooms.

"Hey guys? Can you move my dresser and mattress into my room and I'll carry my bed frame pieces." And they did. I finally had all of my things in my room even though it was messy, but I'll do that later tonight.

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