chapter 18

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I slowly open my eyes feeling someone staring at me. I expect Sam to be next to me looking down at me but am slightly startled by Kian standing in the doorway. "Good morning", Kian is leaning against the wall as I prop myself up on my elbow. "Where'd Sam go?" That's when everything resurfaced my brain from last night; Sam huddled in the corner, the pain shooting throw his eye, him asking me to sing.

"I don't know, did anything..uh happen last night", Kian scratches his head refusing to look at me.  "Actually, yes, something did happen. He said something about flashbacks of memories. Whatever he means by that", moving my hand in an exasperated style. "Fuck, how bad was it?" So I guess Kian knows about these occurring's. "I don't know, he asked me to sing and they stopped. You could just see the hurt in his eyes though." Kian and I talk about last might for a while until I decide to go home.

I wonder if Sam left before I woke up because he was embarrassed. I hope not. Once I got home, I told Rebecca everything about last night causing her to talk about "Lam" even more. "So where does this leave you two?" I never even thought about that. I don't want to be another girl he uses as a distraction or someone to play with.

"That's a good question. I don't even know." I finish doing laundry and clean the apartment while I get a text. Please be Sam.

From Nelson:

Hey, can you come over my house? I want to apologize for yesterday.

I decide to go since I am a forgiving person. He texts me his address and before I even left the apartment I knew it was a terrible decision.


I get out of Rebecca's car, walking up to the house in front of me. It is a small house to be in Palm Springs. It has a pond in the front yard and looks like a two story house. I knock on the door and it is opened revealing Nelson instantly. "Hey, come in." He flashes a toothy smile as I walk in. It's a nice, big house but it smelled like smoke, kind of surprising me.

He sits on his leather couch, gesturing me to do the same. "Look I am really sorry about yesterday. I had to pick something up from Sarah and she decided to tag along." I wonder what he had to pick up. "It's okay. Thank you for apologizing too." He seems relieved that I accepted his apology but little does he know I am not interested. "Well, I should get going.." I start to stand up but he grabs my arm. "Why don't you stay and we can hang out for a little", He pleads causing me to say yes, not wanting to sound rude.  

After a small conversation, he asks a question out of thin air. "So have you ever done drugs?" What the fuck? I start to get worried but I decide to stay unaffected by the question. "No, why?" I left Baltimore hoping I wouldn't feel surrounded by drug users. "Well, would you like to experience your first time today?" He pulls out a bag of Cocaine and Weed, setting it on the table. How the fuck did I manage to get myself into this situation? Oh yeah, I was trying to not sound rude.

"Um, sorry but no. I don't want to." He smirks," Well, you don't mind me doing them right now, do you?" I really don't want to be here at all, especially with drugs in this house. "Actually, I was just about to go." I start to stand up but freeze when he slams his hand down on the table. Where is the Nelson who was really nice on the beach? "No, you are staying here! Sit down." I need to come up with a way to make him leave the room so I can leave. About half way through all of his Cocaine, I come up with it. "Hey Nelson", I say trying to sound as innocent as possible," Can you get me a cup of soda?" He stands up and leaves the room.

I don't know how far the kitchen is from the living room, but this is my chance. I stand up with my purse and run to the door with my keys in my hand. I don't even think about Nelson hearing the door slam but he does. Once I am in my car starting the engine, Nelson swings the door open trying to run to the car. Throwing it into drive, I drive away trying not to speed. In the mirror, I see Nelson  throw the cup onto the ground angrily. I have a feeling this won't be the last time I see him though.

Once I get home, I run inside slamming the door behind me. "What's wrong Lucy?" I hug Rebecca tight, being grateful I have her in my life. I tell her everything and she is really starting to worry about my safety.  

Once we calm down, we decide to go get our nails done to relax and have a girls day. I get acrylic nails painted half black and half white. Then we go to the mall where I end up buying leggings and a whole bunch of shorts and crop tops. We go back home now that it is six o'clock at night. We decide to make Ramen noodles and watch movies all night until I start drifting to sleep which is interrupted by Sam's text telling me goodnight and that he is sorry he left before I woke up. I just hope he can get some sleep tonight. That's who I fall asleep thinking about, Sam.

Rebecca's ear-piercing scream startles me awake as I immediately run to her room bursting through her door.  Thankfully she is still in her bed sleeping, but I wake her up, pulling her out of her misery of sleep I suppose. "It was just a nightmare." I crawl into bed with my best friend and fall back asleep wondering why she had one.

(Hope you liked this chapter! I'm trying to make the book more interesting, you know?)

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