chapter 23

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A shirtless Sam and a girl who looks familar but I just can't put my finger on it. She was in her underwear and what looked like Sam's shirt is what caused these emtions. And they were in a pretty intense make out session of course. Rebecca must have been just as surprised. She quickly shook my sholders once she realized I was sort of frozen.

I don't know how long it took for me to snap out of it because everything seemed to be crashing down and I was too distracted. This was why I was unsure of a relationship with Sam. I have had boy troubles like this before and I don't want to have to bear another.

Sam seemed so sincere and serious about his feelings for me but now that he has some girl wearing her clothes while sucking her face off, all the things he has ever said to show he really wants me turned into one big lie. I know we were never dating or anything but it hurt to see this.

The door to his apartment swung open which is what brought me back to reality. "Lucy answer me!" Rebecca had a grip on both my shoulders to shake me as she stood in front of me. "Sorry, what?" Before she could reply Sam stepped out looking guilty but at the same time had a smirk playing on his lips.

How could he? He said something I think but I was just too zoned out still. "Lucy, I need to get you out of here." Rebecca put her hand on the small of my back and began to lead me to the elevator. "No, stay here. She obviously came here for a reason", was Sam's so called plead.

"You're kidding right? How could you?" Rebecca didn't even raise her voice, it was low and kind of dark with venom laced through it which kind of scared me. Rebecca turned to me and we walked to the outside of the building. "Thank you." I mumbled to her and she pulled me in for a hug. "Let's go home."

Once we got home, my phone was blowing up with texts from Sam which lead to Jc and Kian texting me too. That's when it hit me. Sam didn't want me today. He wanted someone else. He fed me bullshit and lies. He didn't mean a word he said and he choose someone over me, the girl who he claimed he had stong feelings for and I am tired of things not working out for me.

Due to these thoughts, I burst into tears in our living room and Rebecca, being the true best friend she is, came over and pulled me into a hug. She pushed my hair out of my face which I didn't even realize was in my face. "I understand you are hurting but instead of focusing on him and who he chose, focus on the things you have and the positive things. He doesn't deserve this emotion from you. He really fucked up." It literally felt like she read my mind. Her pep talk helped me feel better and I started to calm down.

"Hey on the bright side Jack is going to be here tomorrow! He moved his flight ahead an extra day!" This helped lift my mood. I hadn't seen Jack in so long and I miss him so much. "Now let's do something. If we sit here, you'll fall back into your feelings." She had a point. I can't sit here and mope around. I need to forget and move on.

"Okay, what do you want to do?" It took us some time to decide what to do, but we finally did. "Why don't we go shopping? About ten minutes away is a little section in LA where there is really cute, vintage stores? Then we can grab a bite and go to the beach?" I nodded my head agreeing with her proposal. She decided to invite Jenn and Andrea which was fine with me and I went to get ready.

I stayed in my leggings and The 1975 tee shirt but packed a bathing suit in my back pack. I fixed my hair and changed my nose ring to a different hoop. I grabbed my back pack along with stuffing money, sunglasses and my phone in it. We drove to pick up Jenn and Andrea and in no time, we were at the shops. We went in five of them and I got a kimono, a cardigain with fringe at the bottom, leather leggings, and a black, cropped tank top.

Once we finished shopping, we decided to go to a small diner where I ordered chicken nuggets and french fries. We all payed for our food and left to frive to the beach. It was four thirty and the sun was still high in the sky beating down on LA. I don't know which beach we went to but it was the closest one to us.

Thankfully, this one had bathrooms where all four of us went to change into our bathing suits. I changed into my olive green bikini with a strapeless top which had studded stars on it. It made me look really tan so I sort of fell in love with the bathing suit.

I ran to the car with everybody's clothes and threw them in so we didn't lose track of them. As I walked back to meet Jenn, Rebeca and Andrea in front of the bathrooms, somebody who was on the beach playing soccer caught my eye. No. It was Sam, Kian and Jc.

I kept my head down until I reached the others. "Sam, Kian and Jc are here!" I frantically informed them. "What?!" Of course Rebecca wanted to kick his balls clean off his body but I know we will make up and I will forgive him. When is what is unknown. "Kian told me they were going to the beach but they never come to this one?" She looked a little confused. "We can leave if you want", Jenn reassured me.

"I'm not going to let him ruin our fun. We can walk right past them if you want. Of course Andrea will talk to Kian but I understand that. I won't say a word to Sam and we will be fine." They all seemed happy with my attitude and we started walk out from hiding near the bathrooms.

As we got closer to then, we all started to get nervous which made me start acting silly. "Guys", I whispered loudly", This is like mean girls." They all started laugh which was sure to get all three of the boys' attention.

Sam and Kian looked over and Sam's body tensed up. Kian whispered something to Sam before he started to walk straight to us. He walked up to Andrea and kissed her while whispering something. "Lucy, can we talk?" Why would Kian talk to me?To clean up the mess his best friend made? Pathetic. "Sure", I smiled at Kian reminding myself I am mad at Sam not Kian. Rebecca shot a nervous glance my way before I walked down the beach with Sam's best friend.

Long story short, Kian obviously apoligized for Sam and I told him I was still mad which Kian understood but he wanted me to try to forgive him because he knows Sam fucked up big time.

The beach was fun. I caught Sam looking at me about every five minutes which got annoying and when we left, he hugged me which was kind of awkward.

When I got home, I took a shower rinsing the sand and salt water off of me. I changed into sweat pants and a plain white tee shirts. We had to pick Jack up from the airport tomorrow at twelve fifteen. I watched TV with Rebecca while eating fruit suprisingly and talking about everything.

I decided to go to bed so i went to my room and took my contacts out replaing them with my glassses. I brushed my teeth and laid down hoping this week will be happy and I'll get a break from the drama.


I woke up to the alarm I set at ten o'clock since the airport was twenty minutes away and always busy. I washed my face and put my contacts in before I decided to wear my new leather leggings with a black and white checkered crop top and white converse. I left my hair in it's natural waves and went to wake Rebecca up since it was already eleven.

I decided to go make up free today and grabbed my phone from my room before going to the kitchen to make iced coffee and do the dishes. Rebecca came out to eat while I went to brush my teeth.

To Jack:

About to leave to go to the airport. We'll be right outside your gate.

We decided we should leave now since it was eleven thrity and Rebecca wanted a Baja Blast. It didn't take us long to get her drink and it took us half an hour to get to the airport. We pushed through a crowd to get to Jack's arriving gate and waited until we saw him running to hug us. He picked me up and spun me around kissing me on the check. He did the same with Rebecca and I could easily say I missed him so much.

"Jack! I missed so you much!" We all went to the car and drove home. As we walked into our home letting Jack get settled in, I got a text from Sam only adding more fuel to the fire.

(Sorry It wasn't really long! I hope you liked this chapter!)

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