chapter 7

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"Uh, hey Sam. What's up?" Why would he want to talk to me..? "Look, I want to say I'm sorry for what I said about you. I'm sure Andrea, Jenn, and Rebecca already told you." "Oh, no, I was awake when you said it. They only asked if I was okay", I say while nodding my head. I see no emotion in his eyes but the way he drew in a sharp breath told me he is upset with himself.

"Either way, I am really sorry. As soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted it. I wasn't upset with you, I was just annoyed with everyone thinking we were a thing just because we kissed. All they did was bug me and I took my anger out on you, when it was them. Speaking of our kiss, I lied about it not meaning anything to me. well kind of. I don't know if it did mean something or not. I would like to be able to be friends at least."

I am very shocked at Sam's apology and explanation. But I still don't really want to be a thing. "I understand, everyone gets angry, and sometimes we let it out the wrong way. I would like to be friends, and just friends. For right now at least, I don't really want a relationship or any kind of drama involving one." I give him and apologetic smile and he seems really happy actually.

"Yeah I totally understand." I am so thankful there won't be so much tension that you can feel it whenever we are in a room together anymore. "Well I have to get going, see you later." Sam waves and walks away as I turn around finding Rebecca standing 3 feet away. "Heard the whole thing right?" "yep", she says smiling," I would have never guessed he would apologize." "Me either", I shake my head as we walk up to Jenn, Andrea, Kian, Jack, Jc, and Ricky standing in a group with some other Youtubers.

Rebecca and I walk up next to Jack as Jc introduces us to everyone. "Rebecca, Lucy ,this is Tom, Steven, Marcie, and Sarah." My blood runs cold at her name. I know this is the girl the two women were looking for. I observe her closely and notice her sunken in eyes, her lightly, yellow tinted skin. Of course, this is only noticeable up close, but she looks high or something. I grab Rebecca and Jack's arm tightly without realizing it due to Sarah's intense stare at me.

I feel them pull me away. "Lucy, what's wrong", Rebecca asks me and I try to find my voice. Sarah, Marcie, and Ricky start to walk over to me, noticing something is wrong. "Get me away from them now", I barely whisper and I feel Jack pick me up and carry me to a room with couches and food.

I feel a lot safer with just Rebecca and Jack and I start to calm down. "I'm worried about you. What's wrong", now Jack asks and the words just flow out. "Remember when you asked me where I was last night when we got Chinese food," I ask turning to Rebecca," and you stopped me when I came out of the bathroom later that night asking if I was okay", I ask Jack. "Yeah.."

"Well, when I heard a knock on the door, I got up expecting the boys or Kian, Sam, Jenn, and Andrea with the food, but when I opened the door, I was pulled out and taken to a closet." I'm cut off by Rebecca," How does that Sarah and Marcie tie into this?" "If you let me finish the story, you will understand."

I continue on telling them about them thinking I was a girl Sarah, them giving me money then sending me back to the hotel room, and how I flushed the money. "The women told me if I tell anyone, bad things will happen, but I am so scared so please don't tell anyone. I just want to have a fun vacation." Both Rebecca and Jack look scared for me," You can trust us, we know how to keep our mouths shut."

"Thank you..and do you think Ricky, Jc, Kian, Andrea, and Jenn will be around them a lot? I want to warn them but I can't." "They probably are just trying to get to know everyone well. And even if they are around them a lot, Rebecca and I will stay with you. I don't want any of us, including myself around them." I give Jack and Rebecca huge hugs, then we all walk out to my meet and greet.

We arrive to the small room with a stage. The place is crowded with fans and I stand on stage as the manager announces directions. I am so excited to meet all of my fans!

(Sorry this was a short chapter but a lot happened. I will update tomorrow I think. Hope you enjoyed this!)   

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