chapter 57

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I felt the cold and hard cement under me as I quickly sat up causing pain to shoot through my abdomen. My hand shot up to clutch my stomach as I looked around the building. I heard heavy footsteps coming towards me as I saw Sam rushing towards me.

"Lucy!" Why was I still in the warehouse? And why am I bleeding? Sam reached me and fell to his knees as I realized my head was sitting in Troye's lap before I shot up. "W-what's going on?"

I saw Sam's eyes widen before he ripped off his shirt. "You bleed through the bandage." He wrapped his light blue t-shirt around my stomach as he turned to Troye. "Where the fuck is the ambulance?" Troye ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"I called them three fucking times. We should just take her ourselves." Sam nodded as he quickly scooped me up in his arms and tossed Troye the car keys. Who's car did Sam take?

I was placed in the back seat with my head in Sam's lap as I heard the car's engine roar to life as Troye quickly sped off to the nearest hospital. "" Sam's voice came out broken and barely a whisper.

I looked my boyfriend in the eyes and saw worry filling them. "Sam..", I gulped while trying to find my voice. "I'm fine. It's just a little scrape." Sam buried his face in his hands as I pulled him into me as best as possible.

"No, you've lost so much blood I don't know how you're still alive." I rolled my eyes and took Sam's hand in mine. "Sam..look at me." His teary eyes met mine as I whispered to him, "I love you." He broke into a sob as he choked out the same sentence.

Suddenly we arrived to the hospital and Troye was already out of the car and opened the back door as he helped a sobbing Sam carry me into the emergency room.

As we entered the lobby I shielded my eyes from the bright and luminous lights above as sick and hurt people crowded the waiting room. Troye ran up to the counter as Sam stood in the door way with me in his hands, unsure what to do or where to go.

"My friend was shot, we need a doctor now!" As soon as the secretary comprehended what Troye said, multiple doctors came rushing out of the door that connected the waiting room to the emergency room with a hospital bed.

I was transferred from Sam to the bed and rushed into a room as a doctor stood over me with a very bright light asking me question.

"How old are you? What's your name? On a scale of one to ten, what's your pain? Why didn't you call 911?" I was slightly irritated at this doctor as I tried to keep up with his questions as I was wheeled into a room which looked like one in the ER.

Then a man walked in who was obviously the real doctor who would decide what would happen. He was like a Channing Tatum among a bunch of Cody Simpsons. He walked over to me and shook my hand introducing himself as doctor Morris.

"So since the bullet is in you, we are going have to remove it which means there will be surgery." At this moment I wish I passed out so I wouldn't have to deal with this doctor stuff and honestly I don't know why or how I still am conscious.

"Sounds great, let's do it. Now please?" Doctor Morris laughed at me and wheeled me into a surgery room I suppose before giving me a shot that would knock me out, which is what I needed; a break from reality.

I felt myself check out of reality as darkness invaded my vision and I honestly think I was too tired to dream or hallucinate.

I squinted my eyes at the light in the white room as I took in my surroundings. I was lying in a hospital bed with Sam sitting in a chair next to me and Troye on the sofa across from my bed. I looked around and tried to sit up but wasn't able to.

Make It Simple (O2l fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon