chapter 27

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I don't know if I should hug Andrew because he's here in LA or apoligize for walking in on Rebecca and Andrew sucking each other's face off. I decide with both I guess. "Um..sorry," I mumbled," but I'm glad you're here! I missed you!"

Rebecca and Andrew separated as Rebecca laughed at how awkward I'm acting. "How's Sam?" Rebecca never cares about how Sam is, this is weird. "He's worrying me. I found him asleep in a closet and his apartment was destroyed. I cleaned it up and when I woke him up, he was really fucking confused. Then when I was about to leave, he asked me why I was still there, in his life."

Rebecca looked surprised while Andrew looked pretty confused. "What the hell? I know he used to go to therapy and shit, maybe he needs that again." I shrugged and decided to explain to Andrew since Rebecca hasn't.

After we all caught up, we decieded to go to the beach since that's like our favorite thing to do at night. I went into my room and almost had a heart attack when I remembered that Jack was still in LA and asleep on my bed.

I feel so bad for Jack. He came to LA to have fun with his friends but I barely have been with him because of Sam. I haven't been myself the whole time he's been here and I owe him. Thankfully, he is staying longer than a week since he changed his flight.

I walked over to Jack and gently woke him up. "Jack, wake up." He slowly lifted his head and rubbed his eyes. "Why?" "We're going to the beach. But I want to talk to you real quick."

 He sat up and converted all his attention to me. "Look, I'm really sorry about everything. You came to LA to spend some of your summer with your friends and have fun and all I've done is bring drama into your life. I also haven't been myself lately. I assume it's from stress and shit but you don't deserve my shitty attitudes. From now on, I am spending my time with you and Andrew since you two live across the country."

Jack tried making me feel like less a bitch but he accepted my apology and told me he had to go get his beach pants on. I changed into my plain bright pink bathing suit and put Jack's t-shirt on over my suit.

We all kind of met up in the living room and I grabbed my purse and put my flip flops on before racing Jack down to the car to get shotgun. Just as I got into an arms length, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me off the ground asw I was thrown over Jack's shoulder.

"Jack! Let me go! I won!" He set me down and I accidently made eye contact with him which ended up being held for I don't know how long. After a while I felt like I was stuck in a trance. Thankfully I was snapped out of it when I heard Rebecca," Five dollars that Lucy won." Ah, I can always count on Rebecca.

We all got in the car and thankfully I was sitting up front or else it would have been a super awkward car ride.

We finally got to the beach and set our things down. It was ten o'clock at night so the beach was pretty empty and the beach was very dark with an exception of the moonlight and distant city lights. Everybody striped down to their bathing suit and we ran into the water. It was pretty cold but all four of us love this enough to bare with the cold water.

  We all played and swam in the ocean, forgetting the awkward moments between Jack and I earlier. We started getting tired so we all got out and I put the shirt back on, not really caring about being soaking wet.

"Jesus Lucy, you're really wet," Jack commented causing me to kick sand in his direction, but my flip flops got caught in the sand and I fell forward. "Lucy stop throwing yourself at me." I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the car.

I saw a lady wearing a popsicle costume, dancing on the sidewalks. "ME!" Of course, Jack said that causing us all to laugh whilewe got in the car. Rebecca insisted on me driving since she almost fell asleep in the ocean, leaving me up front with Jack.

It was a quiet car ride since Jack was glued to his phone and Andrew had Rebecca back their with him. We finally got home and I begged Jack to carry me up to the apartment. I jumped up on his chest and layed my head on his chest also, since he is so tall.

He carried me all the way to my room and set me down. I quickly went to the bathroom and took a shower to get rid of the salt water. I got out shortly after and put on soft shorts and a t-shirt, not really caring about how I looked.

I let my hair air dry and took my contacts out, sliding on my glasses. I told Jack he could use my shower as Andrew was in Rebecca's, finally giving us alone time.

"Rebecca, I need your help." She looked concern as she told me she'll always help me, no matter what. "I feel like I have to take care of Sam, but if I am so caught up in him, I won't have time for you or any other friends. And tonight, Jack acted like he likes me. I can't just leave Sam like everyone else has but he holds me back from things. I feel like I am leading Jack on, but things will never work out if I refuse to leave Sam."

"Well, no matter how much I don't really like Sam, it's worse to leave Sam than it is to lead Jack on. And if you need to stop all chances with Jack, then that may be what has to happen. That's just my view on it though. And Jack? Really?"

"That's true, thanks. And shut up."


I woke up to the sound of knocking. But where? And why? I slowly got out of my bed and walked into the living room to see Jack opening the door. It's been so long since he's came over. And I'm kind of scared to know why.

(Sorry this chapter is short too but I've been updating more and I like how this chapter ended. THANK YOU ALL & ILY ALL! HOPE YOU LIKED THIS CHAPTER!)

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