chapter 17

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The second I walk into the O2l house, everyone runs up hugging me. I set my bag down in the living room and walk out to the kitchen. "So what are we doing?" I wonder why Sam wanted me to come over so badly.. "I don't know, we can go night swimming?" I didn't bring a bathing suit but I don't want to use that as my excuse. "I don't care. I just took a shower though." They all tell me to stop being a girl as my stomach rumbles; very loudly. "What the hell? I thought you just went to dinner", Sam asks looking suspicious. Yeah, like I would lie about that. "I did but I left before I ate because it was supposed to be a friendly dinner with this guy I met because I didn't want him making a move, but he brought someone I didn't like so I left."

Sam looks really angry and I have no idea what part set him off. He walks into Jc's room, shutting the door. "I'm going to go talk to him," I point to the door as the boys go outside. I knock on Jc's door and Sam doesn't say anything. "Sam, I'm coming in." I twist the door knob and see Sam sitting on Jc's bed with his head down. "Sam I know you're angry at me but I need to know what I did so we can talk about it." He shakes his head and I sit next to him on the bed.

"Why didn't you tell me you would be with a boy?" So he's angry I was with a boy? "I didn't know it mattered, I would have told you if you asked though. But it isn't like I have feeling for him," the next them I say really came out of nowhere. "I only have some feelings for you.." His head shoots up, "I think I do too, I'm just scared." Sam? Scared? "Why?" He takes in a deep breath, "A couple months ago I had a girlfriend. She broke my heart and I'm scared if I fall for anyone, they will do the same. I went through too much pain to even think about trying again. I don't even know why I opened up to you, sorry."

He is sitting on the bed with his feet on the ground and I am standing in front of him. He stands up with inches between us. I put my hand on his face, "I would never purposely hurt you. It hurts to know you're experiencing this pain."

My hands are running through his hair as he snakes his arm around the small of my back. He closes the space between us, starting gentle and slow, but as time passes the kiss turns into a heated make out scene. His tongue runs along my bottom lip asking for entrance and I accept it, letting him lose himself in this kiss to take the heart break off his mind.  He lifts me up wrapping my legs around his torso as millions of knots in my stomach and the feeling of heat explodes in me.

Our make out session is ended by Kian and Ricky barging in, "Hey guys ca- opps, looks like we're interrupting something.." Kian has a smirk on his face finding this awkwardness amusing. "We'll be outside, come out when you're done." I turn to look at Sam who has a huge smile on his face. "Want to go swimming now?" I nod my head as he grabs something out of his bag, "You left this bathing suit at Playlist Live." It was my bikini with sun emojis on it.

I thank him and run to the bathroom quickly changing, shoving my clothes in my bag. I walk out of the bathroom and Sam is outside the door waiting for me. I catch him running his eyes up and down my body a few times, "Keep you eyes to yourself mister." He holds his hands up in surrender and chuckles. Before opening the glass door to the backyard, he grabs my hand, getting a comment from Kian, "Awh, there's the love birds!"

I feel my cheeks heat at Kian's comment and Sam's touch. Come to think of it, why is Sam showing all this attention to me so quickly? I am snapped out of my thoughts by a ball being thrown at me as I duck my head just in time. "Connor, it isn't that hard to hit her!" Boys are so stupid and I stick my tongue out at Connor.

I realize everyone is in the pool except me, or so I thought. As if Kian could read my mind, he walks up to me looking down at his feet causing me to suspect nothing, but as soon as he is in arms length he grabs me and picks me up bridal style. "KIAN PUT ME DOWN!" He just shakes his head and laughs getting closer to the pool. "Pleasse! I'll get in if you set me do-", I was cut off by Kian jumping in with me. The water isn't as cold as I expected it to be but when it is just starting to lose the sunlight in the sky, it's at a cool temperature.

"Why do I always get thrown in?" I have literally been thrown in by three-sixths of the O2l boys. "Because you don't get in fast enough", Sam answers my question like it was obvious. "Y'all are so impatient." Realizing some of my Baltimore language shone threw, I knew I wouldn't hear the end of it. "Woah, are we speaking southern-ghetto talk language now?" I knew Kian would be the first to say something. I roll my eyes and swim around in the pool.

Once it was almost midnight and we decided to get out of the pool, I change into my yoga shorts and tank top before going back to the kitchen waiting for Ricky to get back from Taco Bell. I hear somebody approach me not paying much mind to it until I feel arms wrap around me causing butterflies to go wild in my stomach. He kisses me on the forehead and I turn in the chair to face him. He pecks me on the lips before picking me up and carrying me to the couch.

He sits on the couch and I sit in between his legs as he puts his arms around my body. "Take a picture", he suggests as he starts to laugh. I pull the camera up, taking selfies that we look really happy in. I hear the front door shut and I turn my head seeing Ricky come into the kitchen as Kian and Jc enter too. "Sam I thought you said you wanted to be between her legs, not her between yours..?" "That doesn't happen until later tonight Jc", he smiles at him and my eyes pop out of the sockets. But even with the dirty and uncomfortable comments, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but with Sam.  

After we eat our food and play Mario Kart, everyone goes to bed leaving Sam and I to the pull out couch. We lay down and get settled in before Sam's body is pressed against my back and his arms are wrapped around me. I quickly drift off to sleep with the engaging smell of Sam surrounds my nostrils, but the peaceful sleep doesn't last long.

I feel the bed shift due to the weight getting off of it, but I don't sit up with my mind clouded with sleep. About five minutes later, I sit up seeing Sam in the corner bent down while covering his ears. I slowly uncover myself and walk towards him, sitting on the floor. "Sam? What's going on?" He looks at me with pained eyes as he lays down on the floor placing his head in my lap. What the hell is going on? "Sing to me Lucy." Sing?  Why does he want me to sing to him? "Sing?" But as I look into his eyes, I can almost feel the pain in them.

I start to sing Beneath Your Beautiful, being the first slow song that pops up into my head. As I sing, I see him coming out of the one in trance, I see the pain leaving. He suddenly sits up, kissing me before explaining. "I get flash backs of memories. I usually don't sleep at night because they are worse memories if I am asleep and they come. Everyone has tried to help me but this is the first time someone was able to actually stop them before ending." As he climbs back into bed, I don't ask any questions, just wanting him to go to sleep. I kiss him once more before he and I both are asleep.

(A LOT happened in this chapter, wow! I hope you liked this chapter!)

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