chapter 43

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I wanted to break down and not move on with life, but I couldn't. I had to handle this the best I could. I walked through Liv's bedroom and tiptoed over to her bed where she was sleeping. I bent down to the bed's level and shook her gently.

"Olivia, wake up." She mumbled something before turning over to where the back of her head was facing me. "Liv, Wake up!" I shook her harder and she quickly sat up looking around before realizing I was the one who woke her up. "Lucy!"

She jumped out of bed, into my arms and squealed. "Why are you here?" I looked around knowing I couldn't tell her yet. "Let's talked about that later, okay?" I didn't want to lie to her but I didn't want to tell her right here, right now.

 She shook her head and walked in the kitchen where our mom still sat. Olivia walked up and kissed my mom on the cheek before digging into the pancakes. Once we were done breakfast, Olivia went into her room to get a shower which gave me the perfect time to talk to my mom.

"So I've been thinking and I want to tell Olivia today. I want to just go out ot lunch or dinner and talk about any arrangement and everything with Olivia involved. She not only deserves to know but I want her there." My mom knew we had to talk about this sooner or later causing her to agree with me.

I washed the dishes before going upstairs to call Andrea and Jenn. It's obvious that I would have to find an apartment for Olivia and I meaning I would move out of the house I share with my friends. I dialed Andrea knowing she always has her phone with her.

"Hey Lucy. How is everything?" I breathed out a laugh, "It's okay. Listen, so when my mom..passes away, Olivia and I are coming back to California but we're going to have our own apartment. We would stay at the house until we find a place which won't be long but I'm just giving you a heads up." After Jenn, Andrea and I arranged everything, I hung up, deciding to start taking care of things.

I decided to look at places that was close to my house and Sam's, which reminded me to call him later. Once I decided that, I realized I had to get rid of this house's furniture and everything inside of it. Once I realized I don't have to do everything right now, I decided to call Sam.

He picked up on the second ring before asking the usual, "How are you?" I had a sudden urge to tell the truth. I feel like I have to put on a mask for everybody showing how strong I am, but with Sam, I feel like it's no use since he'll see right through it.

"I'm not okay. My mom's dying and I'm getting custody of my sister. I have so much to deal with since we have barely any family. I have to act strong and understanding for everyone when I don't understand a thing. Why me? Why my mom? What if I can't be what Olivia needs?" Once I spilled my heart out, I felt so much better.

"I don't know what it's like to be in this situation, but I do know that you are strong enough. You can do it. You'll be the perfect guardian for Olivia. Everything gets better, trust me baby." I melted at his words of encouragement and didn't even think before I blurted out my next thought.

"Do you still want me?" He was quiet for a second before laughing. "Do you mean do I still want to date you?" I was nervous to hear his answer after I say mine but I said it anyway. "Yes." He breathed a sigh, but not an annoyed one, more of a satisfied one.

"Always have, always will Lucy." Before I said the next thing, I needed to stop and think. Am I only saying this because I feel alone and think the only way for him to be there for me is to date him? Would I not want him after this mess?

"Sam, I've been crazy about you since I met you. I want to date you and I want things to work, but don't think I'm only doing this because of a tragedy. My feelings won't change."  I could tell he was deciding something.

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