chapter 8

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I stand up next to a table as my fans come up to me. After an hour of camera flashes, smiles, I love you's, gift bags, and someone grabbing my butt, I am finished with my meet and greet. I meet Rebecca and Jack at the relax room I guess it's called. "So what are we doing later tonight", Rebecca asks while popping a piece of gum in her mouth.

"I don't know, why don't we ask the boys what they plan to do", I suggest. Jack and Rebecca look at each other cautiously," Well we kind of over heard them talking to Sarah and Marcie about going to some 21 and over club. Jc asked if we wanted to come but I said we'll pass." I scrunch my nose up," Look I feel like I'm holding you both back from friendships with them." The both look at me like I have gone crazy. "Lucy, we don't want to even want to know them. They are obviously up to no good and I refuse to leave you alone either way", Rebecca crosses her arms and shakes her head.

We all decide to go to dinner then we can go to the Playlist Live party thing tonight. I am so distracted with being excited for tonight that I forgot I have to be backstage by 3:45. I check my clock and it reads 3:30. "I have to get to the stage to perform, see ya later!" I wave and walk to the stage. I find the director and he tells me I have 15 minutes to get ready. I start getting really nervous after I warm up and nearly jump out of my skin when a hand rests on my shoulder.

"Hey there jumpy." I calm down when I see Sam and say hey. "Why are you so nervous?" Does anybody know that I sing? Or? "I have 13 minutes until performing," Sam gives me a unsure look," you know, singing.." "Ohh, well don't be really nervous. I'm your friend right," I nod my head," Then just pretend you are singing to me, your friend." I feel a little less nervous until I hear the announcer say "Next performance is by LifeofLucy in 5 minutes." My heart jumps and Sam notices my nervousness again.

"What are you doing tonight", Sam asks. "Probably going to the Playlist Live party. What about you?" He looks like he is considering something. "Nothing, I don't really know yet, but I think I'm just going to go to the party too." I don't have time to ask him about Sarah because my name is called. Sam grabs my hand, squeezing it and telling me he knows I'll do great.

I am handed a microphone and I walk out on stage.The bright lights blind me first, but I adjust to them. I talk to the crowd briefly before the music begins.

After two performances and an on core, I have the biggest smile ever and am full of confidence. I walk off stage and Rebecca attacks me with hugs. I get compliments from Jack, Andrea, Jenn, and all of O2l. Soon, Playlist Live is over and Rebecca, Jack, and I go outside to catch a cab. We end up basically having another meet and greet. I decide to try and catch a cab, but a lot of fans asked for a picture.

After I tried getting a cab to stop for the past 10 minutes, I'm super annoyed now. "Having some trouble", Sam asks trying to hide his laughter. "Shut up", I roll my eyes and hear girls scream about how the ship Sam and I. "Watch how it's done." In 3 minutes, a cab is pulled up to the curb as I drag Rebecca and Jack. "You aren't coming?" "Nah, none of the boys are leaving yet," I shake my head and start to climb in the cab as Sam grabs my wrist making me forget about all the fans around us by his touch," No thank you?" I roll my eyes and throw my arms around him, "Thank you so much my knight in shining armor!" "Anything for you my majesty." I shake my head and get in the cab leaving him behind with about 450 screaming girls.

Rebecca and Jack keep giving me the question eye but I ignore them. We finally get back to the hotel and pay the driver. Once we are in our room, we all lay down obviously exhausted. We decide to eat order pizza later. I drift off to sleep until I am being lightly shaken as the aroma of pizza fills me up. I open my eyes to see Jack hovering over me. "I'm starving", I say putting my hand on my stomach.

"Go eat pizza, we're leaving in 2 hours." I can't believe I slept for two hours. Wtf. I walk into the kitchen with Jack trailing behind me. "Finally you're awake, I've been waiting for you to wake u[p so we can eat." Rebecca grabbed the plates and handed us each one. "Well why did you wait for me?" I grab a piece of pizza and a bottle of water before I sit down. "This is a family meal, duh." I roll my eyes and start pulling the cheese off my pizza and eat it.

"Lucy, what the literal fuck are you doing?" Jack looks at me like I'm dissecting a frog. "I'm eating my pizza. This is how I eat it.." "You are so weird", Jack shakes his head," But anyway, let's leave at 10:00 tonight so we can get there and it doesn't end until 3 am kind of so we should have enough time." I am so excited for tonight. I finish my third piece and decide to pick out what to wear considering it's 9:00 already. "Rebecccaa?" I hear her come out from the living room place and lean against the wall.

"I'm wearing what I wore today and so should you. It looks cute." Wow, she knew exactly what I was going to ask. "Okay thanks, and am I really that predictable?" "When it comes to clothes you are." She turns and walks to sit on the couch I assume. My phone buzzes and I go to check who it is. Sam: Can I ride with you all since most of the boys are going to an actual club? I respond quickly saying yes you can, come to my hotel room when you are ready because we are leaving at 10.

I walk into the bathroom and spray perfume making sure I smell good. I brush my teeth and put a little more make-up on. I decide to leave my hair the way it is. By now it is 9:45 and I run around putting my black converse on and stuffing my camera, charger, money, and Playlist Live pass in my bag.

All three of us walk out the door just as Sam is coming down the hall way. We all meet up and find a cab, jumping into it. In no time, we are stopped in front of a place that looks like a club for teenagers. We all get out walking to the door. I have an uneasy feeling in my stomach which I push away and ignore hoping we all stay safe tonight.

(Sorry I didn't update last night. I may post another chapter later tonight. Let's hope I do! Sorry this is also kind of a short chapter too!)   

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