chapter 10

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SAM'S POV (starting when he asks to sleep in Lucy's room)

I finally get back to the hotel from the party. Ever since Lucy left because of the fucking creep, I didn't have much fun but I didn't want to bug Lucy so I stayed. I pay the driver and quickly getting to my room having so much to tell the guys. When I open the door to the room, I am welcomed by silence. I grab my phone charger and change into sweatpants.

I really hate sleeping in hotel rooms alone so I guess I'll see if I can sleep in Lucy's. I grab my room key and walk out the door. I walk down the hallway to her room and knock. I hear someone get up quickly and I wait for the door to open. The door opens and her figure stands in the doorway. My eyes widen at how sleep deprived she looks. "Hey what are you doing her?" Oh my gosh, she probably doesn't want me here. "None of the guys are back yet and I hate sleeping in a hotel room alone. Can I sleep in here?"

"Yeah, sure." She moves out of the way and I walk in. "Why do you look so shaken up?" Really Sam, you had to ask, didn't you? It's obvious why and she probably doesn't want to talk about it. "I had a nightmare of the man at the club, but I'm fine now. Just a little scared." I think I am actually starting to get feelings for Lucy but I won't see her after this until she moves to California so I think I'll wait. 

We lay in bed and I see her nervously looking around and stretching her neck out. "You can lay with me. I want you to feel safe, no one will get you." She snuggles her head into my chest and I chuckle. "Goodnight Lucy." She mumbles night and falls asleep right away.


I wake up due to muffled murmurs. I lift my head up and realized my head was pressed against Sam's chest still. I slowly pull my body up trying not to wake him up. "Awh did the love birds finally wake up?" Rebecca is grinning and Jack made a sex movement. "Sorry but no. He came at like 3 a.m asking to sleep here because none of the guys were back yet. I also had a nightmare last night so him being in the bed helped me feel safer."

Jack and Rebecca's face both look like they saw a ghost. "You had a nightmare? Why didn't you wake one of us up?" I looked down at my feet knowing they will be disappointed by my answer," I already bug you guys enough with my problems.." They pull me out into the hallway so they don't wake up Sam," NO, don't ever think like that again. We are your best friends. We are supposed to be here for your problems. Neither one of us would give up on you."

That's when I realized just because I didn't have friends before doesn't mean I have to act like I don't have any now. I do actually and I should start acting like I love my friends. I don't say anything to them and just hug them. "I love you Rebecca and I love you Jack. Thank you both for being my best friends." They tell me they love me and we decide to get ready for Playlist Live. We have an hour and forty-five minutes until we need to be there so I take my time.

When I walk back in, Sam is just waking up and heads back to his room to get ready too. "Thank you", I whisper as I hug him. He leaves and I go into the bathroom. I wash my face and put my contacts in. Then I walk back out deciding to wear a white, lacy dress with a floral cardigan and a pair of white, five inch heels. Once I am dressed, I go back into the bathroom, putting mascara and a little bit of eyeliner on.

Then I straighten my hair which takes me half an hour to get it pin straight. Once I am done getting ready and looking good, I lay on my bed until we have five minutes until we leave. I jump up and brush my teeth while stuffing my usual items in my backpack. I throw my backpack over my shoulder and wait by the door for Rebecca and Jack.

It's finally time to go and we grab some Starbucks quickly. We get into a stopped cab and are off to the Playlist Live building.

(Sorry this is short, next chapter will be long. I might update tomorrow but if I don't, I'm super sorry! and I will Saturday then.) 

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