chapter 6

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(This is going to be a long chapter because I'm going to have Sam's point of view and Lucy's.)


(Starting where they all meet at Lucy and Jack's place for the beach)

All the boys meet up in the hallway, leaving me in the bathroom brushing my teeth. I hope I don't have to talk to Lucy. I didn't even mean anything by the kiss. Yeah, she's beautiful but I don't want to get my heart shattered again like Rachel did. Ever since then, I only dated to get my mind off of the pain but I realized it isn't working anymore.

And all the questions of what happened in the room last night really annoyed me. None of the boys know what exactly happened, but they have an idea. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Jc knocking on the bathroom door asking if I was coming. "Yeah I'll be out in a second", I yell out as I put my toothbrush on the counter and wipe my mouth with my shirt.

I grab my phone and Arizona before I head out the door. "Took you long enough", Kian muttered and I rolled my eyes. "So are you excited to see your bae", Jc asked and I almost punched him. "I don't have any feelings for her", I say clenching my fists. We get to Jack and Lucy's room and they are all in the room with the door left open.

I don't really talk to anyone so I just walk with Andrea and Kian. We get to the taxi and hop in deciding to go to the closet beach. Soon enough I catch Lucy laying her head on Jack's shoulder sending a pang of jealousy through my body. I would totally be chasing after her but I am trying to repair myself still, not dig deeper.

I realize Lucy is asleep and Ricky notices me looking at her. "Sam why don't you wake up your bae?" How many fucking times do they have to call her that. She is nothing to me, literally. But none of them can't get that through their thick heads. "Ha, She isn't my bae." Then, Rebecca decides to speak up. "You kissed her, what is she then?" Shit, none of the boys knew I kissed her. Yeah, they assumed that, but I was never planning on confirming it. "So what? I kiss a lot of girls who don't mean a thing to me. She's just another one. She's nobody to me."

I didn't even think before I said that and I really regret it, I barely know her and she didn't do anything wrong. I should be annoyed with my friends, not her.  "Sam chill. Don't talk about Lucy like that. She's better than that," coming from Andrea followed by, "Yeah chill", from Jenn and "Don't worry Sam, she didn't want anything to do with you anyway", from Rebecca.

Ouch. But I don't think that's true, she obviously kissed me for a reason. And you kissed her for a reason, the stupid voice says inside of me. We finally pull up to the beach and I get out of the car as soon as possible to get the hell away from Lucy. For some reason, she was all I thought about last night and this morning. What the fuck.

We all set our stuff down and run to the ocean. All the girls stayed up at the beach tanning, thank god, as all the boys wrestled each other and played pranks on everyone. After spending about half an hour in the water, we got out to see that all the girls were gone. Fuck, they are probably telling her. Or worse, she found a hot guy to get her mind off of me. Wait. What the fuck am I thinking.

About 10 minutes later, they all show up, talking and laughing. "Where were you all", of course Kian asks them. "Oh we just went on a little walk, don't sound so worried", Lucy responds with a mischievous grin and all the girls start laughing. All of us just stand there confused as hell. What does she mean by that..

After about 10 more minutes, everyone gets back in the water and just swims for an hour. "Hey guys, I got an idea. Since the girls confused us all back there, we should carry them into the ocean completely off guard", Connor suggests looking unusually happy.. "I'll grab Lucy first, then Kian can grab Andrea, Ricky can get Rebecca, and Jc gets Jenn." I knew Connor was going to try to pull a move on Lucy.

Make It Simple (O2l fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz