chapter 21

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"Oh shit", is the first thing I wake up to. my eyes burst open and I sit up. I see Sam lying on the ground. He stands up quickly while turning red. "What was that?" He laughs lightly," I tried to get out of bed without waking you up but I guess I fell off." I laughed and we both walked into the living room. I started a pot of coffee and sat across from Sam at the table.

"So what are you doing today?" Sam sets his phone down," A special secret for O2l, you?" I'm kind of glad we won't be together today. I don't want us rushing into things. "Rebecca and I have to edit our video and we'll probably go somewhere. I don't know."

Once Sam ate, he left to get ready for the surprise. Rebecca finally woke up at eleven and we ate breakfast together. "Hey, want to edit the video after we are done eating?" Rebecca nods her head and we hurry to finish eating. Halfway through editing, I hear a knock on the door. "I'll get it", I announce as I stand up and walk over to the door.

I open the door and almost scream. In front of me is standing Nelson and he looks pretty mad. "We need to talk Lucy." I don't know what to do. He scares me and last time I saw him, he was snorting cocaine up this god damn nose. I suddenly get really angry. "About what? The fact you refused me to leave your house when you were smoking weed and snorting cocaine? Because I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY ABOUT THAT! I don't even want to be socializing with you! I barely know you and you fucked up both the times we hung out!"

Once I cool down a little, I notice Rebecca's presence when I turn around. She's peeking from behind the door. "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about!" He screams in my face and talks a step closer to me. "I am trying to fix our friendship and you're going physco bitch on me!" Rebecca tries to step between us but I refuse. "What friendship!? I barely know you!" I feel bad for being so straight forward but he is going crazy.

Nelson steps closer again and this time I let Rebecca step in between us. "I don't know who you think you are coming to my apartment and call my best friend a bitch! LEAVE!" Rebecca is up in his face now and I've never seen her like this. She's probably thinking the same about me, oh my.

Nelson gives us on last disgusted look before we shut the door on him. We wait a couple seconds to open the door to make sure he's gone but we are only left with his spit sliding down the door. I walk over to the cabinet beneath the sink, pulling out the cleaner and a paper towel.

"What the fuck was that?" Rebecca seems normal now and I start to clean the door. "When we went to meet for dinner, he had Sarah with him. God know why, so I left. Then when I went to his house, he pulled out cocaine and weed asking me to do it but I refused. Then he wouldn't let me leave, so I snuck out. Then he's going to come here, yelling at me?! I don't even know how he knows where we live!"

"Thank you for standing up for me by the way." I pull her in for a hug and we decide to go finish editing the video.

Once we are finally done, we quickly upload it and decide to go to the beach. I walk into my room and clean my contacts and wash my face even though it's almost one in the afternoon now. I put my white, strapless bikini with diamonds on it on and put a over-sized tank top on. I brush my teeth and leave my hair down since it's straight. I don't bother with any make up, so I pack my beach bag and sit on the sofa to wait for Rebecca.

She finally comes out and we get in the car to stop at the gas station before we go to the beach. Thankfully, I have iced coffee that I made with me as Rebecca fills that tank up. We finally set out to the beach and we arrive in twenty minutes. The scene is breath taking. Even though I live here now, I can never get enough of the views. We lay our towels down near and empty part of the beach.

We tan for an hour before I fall asleep getting slightly burnt. The sky starts to get cloudy so Rebecca wakes me up and we go home before it rains which is very unusual. It starts to rain halfway home and we get home finally. "Let's play in the rain. This never happens." And we do just as Rebecca suggests.

We dance in the rain, singing random songs. Then we start running around until we are running the streets of LA which catches people's attention causing weird looks and honks to be directed to us. "Hey, want to visit Jen and Andrea?" And just like before we do just as she suggests. We finally walk up to their apartment. We knock on their door and we find all four of us dancing and playing in the rain.

I had a smile on my face since Rebecca suggested this and I am truly happy in this moment. Once it starts getting dark, we walk back to me and Rebecca's apartment. We all take showers and we lend Jenn and Andrea some clothes to stay in.

We order Chinese food for dinner and pick a whole bunch of movies and things to do. Soon the food gets here and is all gone in ten minutes. Then we decide to watch movies, but we stop since we got bored. We decide to sit around, listening to music before I announce I am going to bed. I say goodnight to everyone and go into my room.

I take my contacts out and put my glasses on. Then I plug my phone in, laying in bed until I get two texts.

From Sam:

We need to talk.

From Jc:

We need to talk.

I don't know which one to be more nervous about, but I lose interest in worrying as I fall asleep.

(Sorry this was short! I hope you liked it though!)

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