chapter 59

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It's been a week since I was shot. Troye decided to stay with Tyler for the rest of his visit so I can "heal". Sam's basically moved in and has been taking care of Liv as I have spent most of my hours in bed.

"Sam, I don't want this anymore." His protective arms draped around me as a strange nostalgia entered my mind. "What are you talking about Lucy?"

I breathed out of frustration. "I didn't press charges thinking I'd be able to forget easier yet I feel the lowest I could feel. I'm letting it take over me." Sam took a breath before saying, "You know I love you but the only way for change is for you to stop being it's prisoner."

I knew Sam was right. It seemed like ever since that night I've been unhappy but maybe it's my choice. Maybe I've been unhappy all along and took this chance to let the feelings take toll in my life. But whatever the truth is, I want it gone. I just want to be like the old me again.

When I was in high school I had these feelings of unhappiness and I put my mind into Youtube for a distraction. "I'm going to film." Sam looked confused as he got the message. "Okay, I'll be..downstairs." He stood up and kissed my cheek before shutting the door behind him.

I set up my lights and camera before pressing the record button. I didn't have a plan or a topic to talk about but whatever felt right is what I would go along with.

Three hours later and I was running my cursor over the upload button as I heard a knock on my door. I surprisingly was in a better mood. I wanted to do things. Maybe it was because I opened up in my video or maybe I liked the feeling of filming, but either way, I was happier.

"Come in!" Sam popped his head in the crack of the door and raised an eyebrow which was a common gesture for him. "Done?" I stood up, setting my laptop down and nodded. "I'm going to shower then we can go get lunch or something. Just give me twenty minutes."

I walked into the shower as I stripped down, making sure to be careful around my stitches. I had seven and they were still sore. The doctor already said there would be a scar but I didn't really care about that.

I stepped into the relaxing shower with the water hitting my dirty body. I feel like I haven't showered in years. I took my time washing every part of my body before wrapping my body in a towel and stepping out into my room.

I put on a royal blue romper before I combed my hair out and applied mascara. I slipped on my sandals before grabbing my purse and heading downstairs. This was the first time my mind registered that I hadn't really talked to Liv since the day I caught her smoking.

I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind, preventing any anger. I found Sam sitting on the couch watching TV as Liv sat at the table on her phone. Liv didn't even attempt to visit me in my room but I think she was scared to, one, see me in such a bad state and two, get yelled at again.

"Lucy!" She set her phone on the table and got up, running over to me. She wrapped her arms around me and since she pressed herself against me, a part, I have no idea what part, but a part of her hit my stitches and i retreated back, wincing at my pain.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. Did I hit your stitches?" My hand was covering the wound through the clothing as I shook my head. "No, I'm fine." She stepped back and nodded her head as she walked over to retrieve her phone. Sam stood up and walked over to me as he wrapped his hand around my hip and pulled me into his body.

"Hey." He stared into my eyes with a happiness filling them. A kind of happiness like when something really small and unnoticed in the world makes you unusually happy. Like when your favorite shade of blue is the color of a toothpaste that works really well and it's just your favorite thing in the moment.

That certain happiness is my favorite kind. It's unexpected from most people but it's the kind that works the best; when you take in and get a extraordinary feeling from the little things in life and lose yourself in them.

"Hey." It felt like we were high school lovers who went to football games on Friday nights before going to the local diner with the whole school it feels like. Everything felt raw. "What do you want to do today?"

I took his question into thought. I wanted today to be memorable. "Why don't we go get lunch then go to the beach?" He revealed a puzzled look at my suggestion. "I can go to the beach, don't worry." He seemed satisfied with my explanation and grabbed my hand before leading me to the door as I grabbed Liv's hand, dragging her along with us.

We got in my car which I assume Sam retrieved from Tyler's house and decided to go to Lemonade. It was a cute restaurant and I got the Sam thing as Sam since I didn't know what to get. We all quickly ate before going back to the car and driving home to get changed.

I carefully took off my romper and replaced it with a vibrant, red strapless bikini top and white bottoms. I grabbed my backpack, stuffing a towel, my sunglasses and ear buds in it before putting on a loose tank top before running downstairs.

We all met in the kitchen before going back to the car and driving to Sam's where he changed into his bathing suit shorts and we recruited three more boys to come to the beach, Kian, Jc, and Ricky. I was able to fit them in my back seat and we all sang along to the radio as we headed for the beach.

Kian made a disgusted face as I put sunscreen on my stitches and Sam flipped him off as he laid down next to me as I tanned. Ricky took Liv in the ocean and Jc and Kian begged Sam to go play soccer with them.

We stayed on the beach until the sun had set and we went home with the wind picking up and it beginning to get chilly since it was mid September. We dropped the boys' off before driving home which is where I made coffee and dozed off in Sam's arms on the couch, with happiness, the satisfied kind, surging through me.

(I am sooo sorry I haven't updated and I know I always say this. This chapter is kind of a fill in. I guess it's more about Lucy's feelings and stuff.

Okay so I've been thinking and I am soo upset to say that this story will probably be coming to an end in the next twenty chapters at the maximum. BUT, I plan on writing more books because I love doing this so if you have any suggestions or preferences on what you would want to read, please comment!

I hope you liked this chapter! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH AND THANK YOU!!)

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