chapter 48

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This is not my dad. How? How could he find my number? I don't even know if he's telling the truth. " did you find me?" I heard him take a deep breath, "Your mother's obituary in the paper. I heard she died and saw your name. I looked you up. It wasn't that hard to find actually. You should see if you can get that information taken down."

So many thoughts ran through my head but one stood out; if he heard about the death in the paper, he lived in Baltimore.

My mind can not grasp the thought of this man on the phon being my real dad. His voice sounds so..foreign. This has to be a lie.

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" If only mom was here.. "Because I know you Lucy. When you were born, the chord was wrapped around your neck. You were born with a hole in your heart. You weighed five pounds and three ounces." And damn if he wasn't right..

"Look, I want to get to know you. What are you, sixteen?" "Almost nineteen." I heard him laugh. A laugh that proved he even knew he was pathetic. "I want to meet my grown daughter. I've never seen you. Why don't you stop by my house? You know where the hospital is, I live on the street over."

I took a few deep breaths, "I live in Los Angles. I'm not in Baltimore." His voice sounded disappointed, almost let down. "Maybe I can make a trip out there." That's when I snapped. "Why now? You've known I existed for nineteen years, even lived ten minutes away yet you try to get to know me now? After my mom died you want to come in my life? Maybe you're too late dad."

He took a few breaths before speaking, "Look, I have a lot to explain.." I cut him off due to the furry building inside of me. "I have to call you later okay? It's good to know you exist." I pulled the phone away from my ear and before I hung up, I heard a muffled sentence.

"I love you."

I needed time to think. This is all happening too quick and in such a short period of time. The stress and surprises feel non-stop.  I felt a hand wrap around my waist causing me to snap back to reality and realize I was standing in front of the boys in my bra and underwear. "Hey, who was that?" I turned around to face him. "My dad."

Sam's face looked beyond confused and he was staring at me as if I just explained a confusing math equation. "But..your dad's..gone." I laughed at how behind he is on my father situation. "No, the one who died was my step-dad. I have a real one."

He shot me a crazed look. "So what I heard you say on the phone is what you said to your real dad?" He started getting loud causing me to place my hand on his chest. "Shh, why don't we talk about this later? Are you sleeping over tonight?" He shook his head and I stepped away from him to put my shorts and shirt back on my now dry body.

"Liv, we have to go soon. You have school tomorrow." I heard her groan and Jc patted her on the head. "That sucks kid. I wish you luck." she giggled and wrapped herself in a towel. Sam went in the house to get clothes and his phone while I hugged all the wet boys. "Bye guys!"

Liv and I walked to the car and waited inside of it for Sam. "Who was on the phone?" I couldn't tell her it was my dad. Oh yeah, we have different dads, mine called me wanting to come into my life after nineteen years and our mother hid this from you and I.

"Andrea. She needed..advice." She sat quietly in the back seat as Sam hopped in the passenger seat. I drove home with the radio as the only noise in the car.

We finally got home and I told my sister to go shower while I take care of dinner. "So when can we talk about this?" I could tell Sam was irritated. "When Liv goes to bed. Please don't be angry with me." He sighed, "I'm not. Come here."

I walked into his open arms and gave him a quick kiss before ordered a pizza to the apartment. While I waited for dinner, Sam got in the shower and I changed into a t-shirt and track pants. I took my hair out of the bun I put it in to go swimming and took my make-up off.

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