chapter 29

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"Lucy, Jenn and Andrea will be over in two hours." Rebecca's voice pulls me out of my dreamy state. "For what?" I feel like it's a new century, I must have really been out of it. "House hunting. Now stop acting like you are on hardcore drugs and get ready."

I rolled my eyes and threw my pillow pet at her while sitting up in bed. I didn't feel like taking a shower so I went into the bathroom to wash my face and put my contacts in. Since I didn't want my hair to look really dirty, I put some dry shampoo in it and shaved my underarms.

It was supposed to be really hot today so I decided to wear black, stretchy shorts with little ruffles at the leg holes with a white hulter top. My hair is a mix of wavy and curly so I decided to straighten it. It didn't take long and my hair has been growing like crazy since it's almost on my butt now.

I put on my black Converse and put my phone in my purse before changing my nose ring to my new clear hoop. I ran out to the kitchen deciding to eat cookie dough poptarts and get something to drink when we are driving. I finished up eating and brushed my teeth just in time for Jack to walk into my room.

"Are you ready to go? Because everybody is here." Thankfully he didn't do anything weird and we both walked out of my room. Andrea, Jenn, Jack, Rebecca, Andrew, and I all piled into Rebecca's car but I insisted on stopping at some gas station for me to get an ICEE.

We finally started going into nice neighborhoods about ten minutes from our home. We went to about three different houses already but they all either were way to much money or didn't have enough rooms.

"Maybe we shouldn't keep looking around here if we don't like the houses." Everybody agreed with my suggestion and started looking for houses that is unfortunately a couple streets over from the boys' house. don't get me wrong I love them all but Andrea and Kian just broke up and we aren't going to make Andrea live in walking distance from him.

Thankfully, we didn't like any of the houses around there either. We started getting really tired so we decided to go get lunch at a little diner. We all ate and tried to figure out where to look for houses since the four we looked at were bad.

"Maybe we should look a little farther. Like twenty minutes away from your current home?" We all agreed with Jack and got back into the car. We went to a neighborhood with meduim to large sized houses. We all thought they would be expensive but considering the house quality, it's affordable.

We looked at two which we also didn't like before we saw one that really caught our eye. It was a big house on the outside with a black gate surrounding the property. It had white cement kind of material as the outside sides.

Thankfully, what looked to be the real estate person was showing people around the house as we drove by. Rebecca quickly parked the car and we all got out. We walked up to the man. "Hi, my friends and I are intrested in buying a house. Do we need an appointment to just look inside?" "Nope, I can show you right now."

We all followed him up the path way of stones to the wooden front door with a small half circle window at the top of it. "Are there any imediate cons of this house or anything of that sort?" I thankfully sound professionaly and down to business since I have seen my mom do this.

"There is actually one. The neighbors gave the last owners a hard time. They said the neighbors are teenagers who party alot." The man looked about thirty five so he wasn't super old. "That doesn't bother us," I looked around to make sure they all were oaky with it. All four of us shook our head indicating we didn't care since we obviously were teenagers.

The man showed us around the house and I am positive every one of us, including Jack and Andrew, fell in love with this house. The floors are hardwood and the walls are white which is how we plan to keep them. The back door is a sliding glass door and we have a huge backyard with a fire place inside and outside with a hot tub. The kitchen is huge and very nice. The stairs are spiral and there are four bedrooms and two bathrooms.

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