chapter 52

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I felt a weight on my head and I think it was..wet. I could feel something soft beneath me but my eyes wouldn't open yet. They felt too heavy right now.

Then I heard voices, and I recognized them. I heard Troye and Kian. What? What happened? I could feel my eye lids begin to feel lighter and lighter until I opened them and looked around the room while I still laid down.

I guess I caught Troye's eyes causing him to shush Kian, "She's awake." I tried to lift my top half up and a block fell off my head. What the fuck? I looked to where it fell to see it was actually an ice pack. I rubbed my eyes with one hand while the other supported me up.

"Wh-what happened?" Troye took a step closer to me and bent down to my level, "How are you feeling?" I shrugged my shoulders, "My head hurts." He lightly chuckled, "When you fell you hit your head pretty hard so that sounds right."

Fell? That's when everything came rushing into my head. Kian picking me up, me on the roof, jumping onto the trampoline, and fainting. I turned my head to look out the window to see it was dark out. "Where's Liv?"

I sat up quickly as pain shot through my head and back. "Don't worry, Ricky picked her up. She's playing Mario Kart with Jc." I relaxed a bit and let Troye push me back down on this not so comfortable..bed, chair, whatever it was.

"I called Sam twenty minutes ago, he's on his way." I looked around with confusion written across my face. "How long was I out?" Troye checked his watch, "Maybe two hours. Why?"

I ignored his question as I looked up at Kian, "I'm going to tell Sam it was all my decision. I don't want him to be mad at you." Kian quietly thanked me. He and I both know that if Sam found out that Kian pressured me to jump off the roof, their friendship may be a little more than just rocky.

I could feel how heavy my head felt even as I was lying down. And I could also feel my stomach screaming for food. I pushed that to the back of my mind and closed my eyes, letting sleep take over my body once again.

I was up high somewhere. I could see all of LA from where I was, but where was I? I walked to the edge of where I was to see a trampoline waiting for me. Then, suddenly Kian and Sam were next to me. But they didn't say anything to me.

Sam was in Kian's face yelling at him. I could see Kian yelling back but there was no sound. Sam pushed Kian as he continued to silently scream at him. Kian pushed Sam back but now Kian was standing on the edge of whatever we were standing on.

They continued to yell back and forth before Sam walked up to Kian. I tried to yell, either for Kian to watch out or to tell Sam to stop, but just like these two boys, no sound came out.

I ran up to Sam and grabbed his arm but he acted as if he didn't see me, like I was invisible. Then everything turned into slow motion as Sam's arms met Kian's chest and Kian slowly lost his balance, falling over then edge.

Everything went back to normal speed and I ran over to the edge, seeing Kian's lifeless body lying on the ground. I had to help him. Without thinking, I jumped off the high place.

I jolted awake, sitting up quickly causing pain to shoot through my head. My hand went up to craddle the pain in my head.

I didn't even notice Sam and Kian sitting next to me. "Oh, hi." Sam pulled me into his arms gently and wrapped his arms around me. "How are you feeling?"

I shrugged, "My head still hurts and I'm hungry." Sam laughed at I suppose my appetite, "Well what do you want to eat?" I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know, I don't really feel like thinking."

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