chapter 35

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Everything went terrible after I realized that the booth to my left is O2l, meaning when I directed my attention to their line, all the girls started shouting and yelling. They were obviously yelling different things so I was only able to catch some of "fuck you" and "You're such a bitch" and a lot of "I hate you" and "Go die."

I turned my attention away from them to the photographer, "Ready?" She nodded but as soon as the first girl came up, the camera wasn't working. Fucking great. I was standing with this viewer listening to her talk but I got a little distracted when all of the boys came out and girls started yelling to Sam and Kian.

Of course, they both looked over at me shaking their heads while Connor gave me a 'I am so sorry, I don't agree with them' look. "It's not true", I looked down at the viewer who said that. "Of course not, but some people just have to jump to conclusions and feed off drama." The girl nodded her head," You two weren't even dating", causing me to confirm it.

That's when I turned seeing a huge group of O2l fans screaming at me, "You never deserved him! Kill yourself, Sam's mine! You're sick!" That's when it broke into my wall. They see me the same way I saw my father. A cheater. Sam knew about my father too but I shouldn't have trusted him.

I can totally relate to them feeling betrayed that I 'cheated on Sam' causing them to hope for my death which is exactly how I felt with my father. But the difference is I didn't cheat. I was just a stupid girl. "Lucy?" I looked up to the photographer who called my name. "Are you ready?' I nodded my head and smiled with the girl who knows the true story.

"Thank you for coming, I love you!" She hugged me and we went to the next girl. We got through about five more girls before the security guards came over. What the hell? That's when I realized my line and the O2l line were practically going to World War III where fists were literally being thrown and there was a huge fight.

I turned to the girl I was with, "You need to let my viewers know I was never dating him! I don't want this to happen!" I felt tears welling up in my eyes causing me to be totally oblivious to the massive crowd of non fighting O2l girls charging at me. "Lucy!" Thankfully Troye and Andrea had been watching behind the curtain and ran out picking me up and carrying me away from everything.

That's when I broke down into tears. I didn't want this to happen in public in front of random people. Thankfully I was in the Vidcon relax room with a whole bunch of couches and food. Troye and Andrea set me down and I just cried my eyes out. Troye pulled me into his chest while Andrea rubbed my back trying to comfort me.

This is all my fault. I caused this and even though the boys lied, I could have prevented that from being such a bitch to them. I deserve every bit of this. Now I humiliated myself in front of everyone because I thought a boy really cared about me.

"Lucy, look at us." I pulled away from Troye's chest knowing I can't stay there forever. Both, Andrea and Troye were in front of me looking worried, upset, angry, the list goes on. "What are you thinking", Andrea asked. I wiped my eye before answering, "This is all my fault. I was stupid to believe someone actually cared for me enough to want me in a desired way."

I was getting looks from the few people in the room but I don't care. "I made a fool of myself and I deserve this. I was stupid. Do you realize their fans see me the exact way I saw my father. The only difference is I didn't cheat. I know the anger and hatred. The betrayal and sick, unwanted feeling. Because of this fucking lie, I'm going crazy! It's taking me back when nothing even happened!"

They both looked confused and upset but I wasn't done. "I'm losing myself. I thought I could hold it together but of course not." Before I could say anything else, I was in tears with Andrea and Troye hugging me.

"You don't deserve this at all. You deserve happiness", Andrea poured out the encouragement. "Everyone's a little mad. The crazier they are, the better. Why do you think I'm so great", leave it to Troye to make me laugh in these situations.

"And you most certainly are not losing yourself. Tension got a little too high", Andrea made her point. "Pick your head up princess, you tiara is falling." I laughed at how cliche he sounded, "How quirky Troye." We all laughed, "But really, don't let them see you cry, dry your eyes and go out there looking stronger than ever." Andrea was so inspirational.

I nodded my head while Troye and Andrea fixed my make-up. "Thank you two so much. I love you guys. And sorry for your shirt Troye." He looked down at the make-up stained shirt, "I am honored to have your make-up on my shirt. I'm never washing it." I giggled before the doors swung open revealing a frantic  Zoe and upset looking Caspar, Marcus, and Joe.

"Lucy!" They came running over as they all pulled me into a hug. "Are you okay? I heard what happened." I nodded my head. Does everyone know about my scene? "As soon as I heard about it, I found Zoe and set out for you", Joe said looking relieved.

"The news is spreading like wildfire", what a Caspar thing to say. I let out a fake laugh before changing the subject. "So my meet up is over?" They all looked around, "We actually don't know. A bunch of girls were thrown out of the hall though. It was crazy."

I checked my phone seeing it was only noon. "I have another meet up in an hour." They all looked confused, "With who?" "Rebecca. This will be interesting." They all laughed, "Well I'll be there", Andrea said since she had a meet up with Jenn. "I will too", Troye added.

This made me feel a lot better knowing my best friends will be there. "Well, we can just chill around here until our meet and greets." "I have to pee", I announced. "I'll come", Andrea stood up. We walked out of the room before Andrea said something.

"What happened with your dad?" She sounded nervous but I owe her so much for being there for me. "He cheated on my mom but she wouldn't leave him. He died though." She nodded and thankfully, didn't say sorry.

"I totally ship you and Joe though", Andrea mentioned. I laughed, "I've heard that before." We went pee and went back to the room. While Alfie and Caspar were arguing I leaned over to Troye. "Where's Tyler been?" His face fell when I mentioned Tyler, "I have no clue." My heart swelled, "Everything works out in the end."

It finally was time for the meet and greet and Rebecca had already called me telling me she was already there. As we started walking to the place behind the curtains, my heart started racing. I was walking next to Joe and I think he saw how uptight I was. "Hey, don't be jumpy. You can do it." He kissed my forehead and headed to his curtain.

Then Troye said he had to leave. I hugged him wishing him luck. Then I walked to my curtain. As soon as Rebecca saw me, she came running up. "I'm so sorry I didn't come find you. I heard about it during my panel. Are you okay?" "I'm perfect, It's okay, you were busy."

Then it was time for us to go out. As soon as we did, everybody went wild. Our camera actually worked and we got to meet almost everybody. They all asked me if I was okay and I felt so much happier. I have to remember to make a video about how happy they make me.

Two hours later, we were done and Rebecca and I rushed to our question and answer thing with Jenn and Andrea. We made it in time and it went by quickly. I was finally done with my Vidcon events for the day.

I found Troye and  ran up to him. "Thank you so much for being a great best friend. I am so happy." He looked at me like I was on drugs, "Gosh, what did you take?" I laughed, "What are you doing tonight?" Right as I said that, I got a text.

From Sam:

I want to talk.

(Wow, a lot of drama. Sorry it's short! I like this chapter though. Well, I hope you liked this chapter too! I LOVE YOU ALL AND THANK YOU! I MEAN IT!)

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