chapter 61

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"Youtubeobsessed asks why we barely ever argue." This has actually crossed my mind a couple times but why would we bring the social world into our arguments. Sam raised an eyebrow at me, "Do you want to take this?" I smiled as a sudden warmness filled my hand as mine molded into his.

"We argue just like any normal couple, but Sam and I hate when we argue. Sam is what completed me. He helped me find myself and hold onto that. I don't plan on letting go of him until the day I die. I don't just think of him as my boyfriend, but my therapist, the reason I smile uncontrollably, he is my everything. I know I've done wonders for his life, too. I believed there was a reason we met, and this love between us; that's the reason.

I try to erase the arguments between us from my mind. I don't want to think of our memories and remember the day I cried because I was upset with him or vise versa. I know you asked just asked one question", I looked at Sam and smiled, "But I'm not simple, Sam isn't simple; and there is the friction but with two simples, we even out. We're just making it simple."

Sam wrapped up the Q and A before turning his camera off. "Soo, what's left to do today?" I flopped down on the couch in the boys' living room, "My merch releases tonight, but that's all. I'm actually kind of hungry."

I watched as Sam's head snapped up at the mention of food, "We can order pizza since Kian said he's almost home. He's picking up Dom, too." I nodded my head in agreement. Suddenly my phone started ringing with a picture of Rebecca and I on my screen.

I sighed at how much we've grown apart. I actually cry sometimes, missing my old life. (A/N: Holy fucking feels, I cry.) "Hey babes." Rebecca laughed on the other end of the line, "What's up?" Sam mouthed a question which I suspect was somewhere along the lines of 'who is it'.

I waved my hand, dismissing his question. "I'm at the boys' house and we're about to order pizza. You can come over if you want." I noticed Sam was on the phone with probably Kian. "Are you sure? They don't care?"

I rolled my eyes at her thought of intruding even though she couldn't see me, "Of course, you know you're welcomed wherever I am. Now come over." I heard her chuckle, "I'll be over in an hour. Save me pizza!"

Once I was done talking to Rebecca, I realized how much of a mess the house was. Sam was distracted by his phone so I got up to retrieve the cleaning supplies before getting to work.

A half hour later, the doorbell rang, giving me a reason to stop, as I walked over to the door and opened the front door where a pizza delivery man was reveled. I handed him the money Sam sent on the counter before he left to shower and took the pizzas from the man before thanking him and closing the door with my foot.

I walked into the living room and set the pizzas on the coffee table before walking into the kitchen, retrieving a bottle of water and an Arizona for Sam. On cue, he came out of his room with his hair filled with water droplets as the front door opened and the house suddenly filled with Kian and Dom's laughter.

We all sat around the table as we devoured two of the three pizzas.

Soon, Rebecca arrived and we all just hung out until it was almost two in the morning and Rebecca and I decided to go to my apartment where we crashed on the couch with nostalgia filling my body.

''''''''''''''''''''' *one week later*'''''''''

Liv was at Brianna's house as usual and Sam had called me a few minutes ago. "Get dressed, I'm taking you somewhere." He didn't even tell me what to wear so I went with a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a black sweater with a pair of combat boots. Hopefully my outfit was acceptable.

Since I had just showered, I was letting my hair air-dry as I applied little concealer and mascara. I spritsed some perfume and grabbed my phone and cross body bag before running downstairs where I loaded the dish washer while I waited for him to get here.

I had no idea where he was taking me of course, but I was really excited even though my anxiety level was rocketing. Soon enough, I heard a horn outside of the building and I locked the door behind me as I jumped in the passenger seat of Sam's new car. "Hey babe."

I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek as he started to drive away from my apartment. "Soo,where are you taking me?" I already knew what he would say, but it's worth a try, "That's a secret." I sighed in frustration and sat back as he drove, talking carelessly.

Surprisingly, we pulled up to a parking garage as Sam pulled in and parked the car as he got out. Why would we be in here? I stepped out of the car cautiously as I followed behind my boyfriend to an elevator as we got in and he pressed floor twenty. What the hell?

I shot him a questioning glance as he had a smirk plastered on his face. The elevator 'dinged' and I grabbed Sam's hand as we stepped out and I jumped  at the sudden openness to the air. We were on top of a building, but which building? "Is this safe?"

Sam rolled his eyes as he guided me to a lone table with two chairs, "Would you just relax?" I sat down in my chair as he mirrored my actions. "Soo?" He laughed and I almost jumped out of my seat at the sudden man standing next to our table. "I'll start you off with drinks, what would you like?" I ordered water, hoping he'd leave us alone.

"Why did you bring me here?" Sam placed his hand on his chest as if I offended him, "Can't I just bring my girlfriend out to a nice dinner without a reason?" I felt guilty now.. "I guess so, I'm sorry."

Sam and I talked about everything and anything as we ate, which was amazing.

Just as we were about to leave, he held up his finger and dug his hand in his pocket, pulling out a small box. I shot him a confused look as he stood up and walked over to the edge of the building where a railing stood. I stood up and followed him to where he was leaning against the rails.

I never noticed how beautiful it looked out. The sun was just setting as the pink and orange mixed with the denim blue sky in the crisp fall air. The wind nipped at my ears as I stood in awe at the scene, sight, feeling. Right now, in this moment, everything was perfect.

"Lucy.." I turned to look at him as he held the box. "I've been waiting until the perfect moment to give you this. I won't mess this moment up though. I've destroyed many perfect moments, but I refuse for this one to go wrong."

He handed me the box as watched as I ran my thumb across the top of the box. It was one of the boxes that hold jewlery so this box could only be holding so much, but it's not what it is that matters to me; it's the thought and love put into whatever is in this box.

I opened the box, revealing a gorgeous silver ring with a dazzling diamond decoration. I took it out of the box and saw on the inside of the ring, it had the word, "Promise?" engraved in it.

I looked up to Sam with the biggest smile on my face. He took the ring out of my hand and slipped it onto my finger.

I stared at him in an over-whelming feeling of affection before throwing my arms around him. I pulled back as our lips met, moving in sync as my hands traveled up to his hair.

I was the one who pulled back as I gazed into his eyes, which were reflecting the beautiful sunset, "I promise." He kissed my forehead, "I love you so much Lucy."

(Wow! I'm soo sorry for the wait but I hope you liked this chapter.



warning: next chapter will be emotional, yikes.)

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