chapter 38

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I thought Sam would quickly get whatever he needed and would walk away, but he didn't. "Hey Lucy. I heard about Rebecca." He knows she's my best friend, he doesn't even think it would be a raw topic? "Yeha.." He looked down, "I hope she's okay. I know how much you love her." Is he trying to make me cry?

I just nodded my head before Sam suddenly pulled me into a hug. I stiffened as he kept his grip. "I'm so sorry Lucy. I want everything to go back the way it was." Now when he said this, two things ran though my head. One, why would he try to make up with me in public?

And two actually came out of my mouth, unfortunately. "You think a quick hug and apopogly will make up for the hurt I've felt when you and fucking Kian decided to pull a lie out of your ass?" Hey, I'm starting to like that nickname; fucking Kian.

Sam looked down, "Look, I have a lot of explaining and I'll never be able to make up for that, but if you live in the pass, how can you have a future? Because I want one with you." And with that, Sam was gone.

I turned around to see Troye mirroring the same facial expression as me. I hurried to get my coffee before basically sprinting back to Troye. "What the hell was that?" I literally had no idea, all I could do is replay Sam's words in my head. He still wants me.

"What are you thinking Lucy?" I snapped out of my trance, "He wants a future with me.." I know Troye thinks I can do better but I have strong feelings for Sam still. "Look, before you try to yell at me to get my head straight, listen. I still like him. I don't know if I want myself to like him but I do."

Troye looked down, "I know. I don't want you to get hurt, but I can already tell with him or without him, you'll get hurt." Gosh, why is he always right? "Well, I have to focus on Rebecca before I move into a relationship with Sam."

Not long after the run in with Sam, it was time for Troye's meet up. We stood behind the curtain until we were lead out. People were okay with me being there and for an hour or two, I was genuinely happy and stress-less.

After the meet up was over, we still had no information on Rebecca. "Well, that's my last event for Vidcon. What do you want to do?" I obviously want to see Rebecca but that's no good if she's asleep. "I don't care. We can go eat and go to swimming or something."

We went to lunch with Joe, Caspar, Marcus, Alfie, Louis, Zoe, Connor, and Tyler. We all ate lunch and I felt so awkward because everybody was treating me like I would break down in tears if they say the wrong word. I was happy for Troye since he and Tyler were in their own world.

I was sitting next to Connor and Zoe who were very helpful since they knew me better than most of the people I was with. Once we were done with lunch, we all went back to the hotel to get ready for the pool.

When I got back to my room, Jenn and Andrea were in there too. "How are you guys?" They looked super tired. "Okay, you?" I shrugged. We talked about our day and other things before I focused back on getting ready for the pool.

I put on my black bikini with a t-shirt over top. I grabbed my phone and a towel before running out of the door down to the pool. When I arrived, I found Alfie, Joe, Zoe, Marcus and Troye all sitting on lounge chairs.

I picked the chair next to Troye before taking my shirt off and lying on my chair. I quickly fell asleep after a small conversation with Troye. Sleep is the best place for me right now since it gives me a break from all my stress and problems but I can't expect them to be solved if I hide from them.

I woke up to Troye shaking me and my phone going off. "Lucy, it's your mom." I was a little disappointed but I really did miss my mom and Olivia. I answered the phone with a sleepy hello. "Lucy, we miss you so much!"

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