chapter 53

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I stomped back into the kitchen out of anger and maybe a tad bit of jealously, but I have all rights. "Woah, what happened in the last minute that I missed?" I looked over to see Ricky and Troye stuffing their face with breakfast as I sat down and was about to eat my feelings away.

"How about you ask shit-faced Sam? Or maybe krunk Kian, or maybe even the half naked girls my boyfriend got dropped off by while I was passed out for the past twelve hours?"

I may or may not have blown up on the boys out of anger but I also may or may not have meant to use alliteration in my explanation too. "I'm sorry, I'm just angry and maybe jealous. You two didn't do anything." I started eating my huge stack of pancakes and I was already feeling a little better. Hey, pancakes fixes everything.

"No, it's okay. Boys are mean and inconsiderate, especially Sam when it comes to drinking and girls" ,Ricky assured me with an obvious look of sympathy.   Troye took a bite of his food before adding his advice, "Everything will get better. Just let him sleep and talk to him later."

I took his advice as I continued to shove pancakes in my mouth as Jc walked into the kitchen. "This is why I'm single. I don't have drunk boyfriend troubles and I'd like to keep it that way." I suppose Jc understood what we were talking about as he piped in, "Did Sam come home drunk?"

Ricky answered for me as I continued eating. "Asshole," I heard Jc mumbled under his breath as he sat across from me and also dug into his pancake stack. I honestly felt so cared for as all of Sam's friends were here for me and not drunk with him.

"By the way, how's your head Lucy? I'm surprised our ground doesn't have dent by how hard you hit your head." This caused me to laugh a little as Ricky lightened the mood. "I've been better but I'm good enough to make pancakes."

Once we were done eating I was ready to go home. I just wanted to have fun with Troye and not worry about boyfriends. I walked over and shook Liv awake. She slowly sat up, "We're going home, come on." She silently followed me as I walked over to Ricky, hugging him before I did the same to Jc.

Troye and I then walked out to the car with Liv behind us. I drove home as we chatted about our plans for today. "You know, we could just go to the beach" ,Liv suggested but I ignored her.

"You know, I've never been to the Hollywood sign." Again Troye's jaw dropped, "Can we please analyze what you have done? Because that would be a very short list." I rolled my eyes at him before he actually spoke to me without sarcasm, "But I haven't been there in a long time. Let's go today."

I pulled into the usual parking space as we all got out and I heard Troye mumbled to Liv, "I suppose you've never been to the Hollywood sign  either?" She shook her head confirming his suspicions as he groaned obnoxiously and I shot him a look over my shoulder.

I went right up to my room and peeled my clothes off before stepping into the relaxing shower while cleaning my body.

Once I was wrapped up in a towel, I walked over to my closet to put on a pair of black leather shorts which were very comfortable and a white, long-sleeved crop top. I combed my hair out and washed my face before applying my usual make-up.

Once I was ready I put on my sandals and went downstairs to find a showered Troye and Liv no where in sight. We waited for her to be down in the shower before we all walked out and got in the car, heading to get coffee before we start this adventure.

As we drove to a Dunkin' Donuts, Troye and I sang our hearts out as Liv sat in the backseat on her phone. Once we had our energy boosters, I parked in one of the parking spaces as Troye and I searched for the easiest way to get to the sign..or as close as we can get to it.

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