chapter 12

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We go to the car and drive home while I tell them about every thing that happened the past couple days, leaving out Sam, Sarah, and the creepy old man. "I'm really happy you made friends sweety." I am too. Rebecca and Jack are honestly my best friends and I never have really had "best friends", but they couldn't be any better friends. I already miss them so much.

We pull into the driveway and I grab my bags before running into my house and up to my room. I unpack everything quickly just to get that out of the way. I need to talk to mom as soon as possible about California so she has enough time to prepare herself.

I walk downstairs to find my mom outside watering the flowers. I should probably wait until she's inside so she isn't distracted. As I wait for her, I sit on the coach and pull my phone out which notifies me I have two texts, one from Rebecca and one from Jack.

From Rebecca:

Hey, are you home yet? I miss you!

To Rebecca:

Yes, I've been home for almost an hour now. I miss you more. I'm about to talk to my mom about California too!

Then I check the message from Jack.

From Jack:

I miss you so much. how is Baltimore?

To Jack:

I miss you so much more, and Baltimore is good.

The sound of the sliding glass door opening snaps me out of my thoughts as I walk into the kitchen to talk to my mom. "Hey honey, what's up?" I sit down simultaneously as her across from her. "So you know Rebecca Black, right?" She nods her head as she sips on her water. "Well, as you know I'm eighteen and Rebecca said she plans to move out of her parents house and wants me to move in with California. But it's not like we are strangers. She is really my best friend."

I look over at my mother and she is trying to keep a smile on her face. "What's wrong?" She takes a few moments but says exactly what I expect. "Nothing. I just knew this would be coming, I just don't know if I was ready now to let you go. But I am happy for you. I know California has always been your dream and haven't I always taught you to follow your dreams? I'm kind of just scared to let you go."

I walk over and engulf my mom in a hug. "I know this sounds cliché but I'm not going anywhere, even if I am across the country, I'm still your little girl. I'll never love you less."

She wipes a single tear from her eye," I really want you to go so I assume you are going to go. I am here for you anytime and I want to help you pack your stuff. I can even help you find a place. When do you think you'll be leaving?"

I expected her to break down in tears and beg me not to go, but seeing her so helpful and excited for me to live my dream makes me want to stay here for her forever. "That sounds great and I think in the next month. I have to talk to Rebecca. Thank you for accepting me so easily mom." I kiss the top of her head and run upstairs to my room.

To Rebecca:

Hey, I just talked to my mom about California and she really wants me to go. She said she would also help us find a place but if we would rather go when we get there, that's good. What day should I fly out?

How am I going to tell my sister? I know it's going to hurt her but like my mother said; I need to chase my dreams. I guess I'll go talk to her now. I walked back downstairs to her room and knock, receiving a "come in!"

"Hey, what's up?" She closes her laptop and turns around in her chair to turn her focus on me. "Nothing, just on the internet." I sit down in her bean bag and pull my knees up to my chest. "I want to talk to you about something, but before you react let me explain my ideas." She nods her head and pushes me to get on with it. "I'm moving to California," I breathe out quickly. "But listen, you're still my little sister and knowing I will be in California as you grow up hurts but when I told mom, she made a good point; she taught us to always chase our dreams and my dreams are to live in California."

Make It Simple (O2l fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin