chapter 28

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Jack looked disgusted to see Sam at the door. I don't know why exactly though. "Hey Sam", I beat Jack to it of saying something because I knew Jack would be rude. "Good morning Lucy, You're exactly who I am looking for."

I felt kind of creeped out by his wording. "Okay.. what's up?" He stepped forward towards me like he thought I would be scared and run. "Can we talk in the hallway?" I nodded my head and walked out there.

"Soo? What's going on?" Sam just stared at me for a while before opening his mouth forming his next sentence. Everything has felt so weird with us two. I don't even know what happened between us but we both act like the other one is hurt and we are scared to say something that will snap them. I don't like it this way, like a cycle that is going nowhere since nobody is making an effort to fix things.

"I think I should be asking you that", he spit back at me with emphasis on "you". What the hell is he talking about? I am almost positive I did nothing wrong. Plus we aren't even dating. But I could have done something that hurt him when I didn't know it effected him.

"What are you talking about?" He looked really pissed off as he shook his head, letting a chuckle escape his lips but it's obvious he found nothing funny. "You still haven't realized that I notice and find everything out Lucy." He took a breath looking torn over something. "You and Jack were acting like a fucking couple yesterday. How do you think that makes me feel when I see you two drooling over each other?"

I couldn't be any dumber. How can I forget that when people see me in public, some people freak out because I'm "famous"? I understand I don't think it's a big deal because I don't see it as famous rather than having a lot of friends and being well known.

How could I do that to Sam though? I was wasting my time worrying about leaving him and hurting him but I turn around and flirt with Jack in public.

"And you know the funny thing is, I'm still crazy for you." I didn't know what to say honestly. I guess my body decided for me as I broke down into tears. I felt Sam come over to me and wrap his arms around me. "What's wrong babe?"

I need to grow the hell up and stop being a little bitch. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself because that won't help anything. Sam is obviously ruined emotionally yet he is the one dry-eyed and comforting me. That needs to change.

"I'm so sorry Sam. I know it looked like Jack and I were really hitting it off and I won't deny it but there is a reason I decided last night that I would cut off any ties that are more than friendship with him to save us. And more importantly, you. I can't hurt you anymore. I need to stop being an emotional bitch and start helping you, comforting you. I can't imagine what you go through mentally and emotionally. I'm not leaving Sam and I don't plan on it anytime soon. And it looks like you're in luck, because through everything, I think I'm even crazier about you than before."

On cue, Sam smashed his lips into mine. Its felt so right while my stomach started doing acrobats. I missed this so much. You could feel the passion and hunger for each other. I couldn't ask for a better moment for this to happen.

Unfortunately, Rebecca decided to open the apartment door revealing Sam and I sucking each other's face off which is not her first time. "Oops, sorry. I just came to say that Andrew and I made breakfast. By the looks of it, Sam will be joining us?"

"Sorry, but I have to go to the boys' house for an O2l video." Rebecca shut the door to give us privacy to say our goodbyes.

"So we're okay now?" Sam intertwined our fingers, kissing each knuckle of mine. "Yes, but under one condition. We need to be open with each other. No hiding things or emotions, it isn't much of a relationship or whatever you call us if you stay hidden behind your wall."

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