chapter 32

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Nelson walked up to our house looking really angry. I ran to the door and locked it before closing our curtains. Great idea Lucy, he problem saw the curtains move.Thankfully, everyone was down here but in the kitchen, not with me.

I ran into the kitchen,"Guy! Nelson is coming up to our house. What the fuck do I do?" Rebecca looked like she could kick a baby while Jenn and Andrea just looked confused. "Who's Nelson?" I heard a knock at the door. "Shh, be quiet. I met him at the beach but he's a douche and is involved in things I don't want to be caught up in. Plus he flipped out on me and he's scary when he's mad, trust me."

They looked kind of scared. "How does he know we live here?" That question didn't even strike me until now. Oh my gosh, he couldn't have followed me. "I don't know, the only possible way is when I went to the corner store to get breakfast foods and he was working there so I ran home."

They all looked scared and pretty pissed off. I'm positive I was reflecting the look too. Then, the door bell rang reminding me that he is still outside of our house. "Well, maybe we should answer it so he isn't even more mad at you Lucy."

We all stood up and walked to the door. I looked through the peephole seeing a lone Nelson standing there. I took a breath with Jenn, Rebecca, and Andrea standing behind me. I unlocked the door and slowly opened it. "Oh, hi Nelson," I said in a small voice.

"I need to talk to you. Alone." I looked behind me and nodded my head," That's fine I guess." The dor closed behind me but I know their ears were pressed up against the door making sure I'm okay and to hear what he needs to talk about.

"So..what do you need?" He crossed his arms and held a death stare with me. "i think you know exactly why I am here." What the hell is he so mad at? "We already argued about you refusing to let me leave your house, so no I don't fucking know." By now I was beyond pissed off.

"So you're saying you don't know that Sarah and I date now?" He is literally insane. "No, I didn't know because I haven't interacted with you or your life in a month." He rolled his eyes like I am the one who is expecting people to know every single fact about my life.

"Well we do. And I want you to stop harassing my girlfriend and talking about her. She told me what you said about her and that's really immature Lucy." I felt like I walked into a 'Who can get the most confused' game show.

I hadn't even realized how close he was until I could feel the anger rolling off of him."Look, I don't know Sarah, I barely know you either, but I do know that I haven't said a single word about either of you. It's cute that you care enough about her though to threaten someone over for her though. Goodbye."

I turned around to go into the house and I was almost opening the door when Nelson grabbed my arm, yanking me back to him. I nearly fell causing the door to swing open. "Nelson, get off of her." Surprisingly, Andrea was the one who spoke up to him.

"Not, I'm fine. We're almost done talking." I didn't want Nelson to be after Andrea so I gave her a look telling her I'll explain later. The door shut again and I turned to him. "Sarah wouldn't lie to me. Don't say another word about her." I rolled my eyes before saying," Oh don't worry, she isn't a frequent topic in my conversations."

I pulled my arm out of his grip and walked into the house making sure to lock the door behind me. All three of the girls were right there like I imagined. I explained to them why I told them I was fine and we talked about how crazy nelson is. It's kind of scary.

We all ate breakfast and talked about what we planned to do today. "Hey, we all are going to Vidcon right?" I totally forgot about Vidcon. "Of course", we all answered Rebecca's question. "It's going to be weird and very tension filled though", Andrea commented.

Make It Simple (O2l fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें