chapter 9

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All four of us show the bouncer our Playlist Live cards and are let in. It takes me a second to focus my vision with the strobe light and fog. Everyone is dancing and having fun. I see a lot of familiar Youtubers such as Jenna Marbles, Bethany Mota, Tyler Oakley, Casper Lee and many more.

Sam is already gone and socializing with people which leaves Jack, Rebecca and I to dance. We go out on the dance floor and dance on each other just having a fun time. After an hour of dancing with them Sam comes up to me taking my arm. "Wanna dance with me?" That's when I notice a middle aged man, maybe in his mid thirties staring right at me. I suddenly feel nervous. "Umm sure I guess." He leads me over to a crowd and we start dancing.

"So how was your first day at Playlist?" Thankfully he tries to make a conversation which doesn't continue long due to him and I grinding on each other. His arm is wrapped around my waist and I let the beat take over my body. The music stops for a moment and I check the time with Sam still wrapped around me. 11:47pm How the hell is it already almost midnight.

I look up from my phone and see a figure causing me to almost drop my phone. The same man is literally 5 feet away from me still staring at me. I turn around facing Sam," I need to leave now. Are you gonna stay?" He looks taken back. "Why? What's wrong?" I decide if he sees the man, he will believe me and won't think I'm crazy. "Don't look now but right behind me is a man. He's been staring at me the whole time I've been here. You see him too right?"

He counts to 15 then looks around for him. I can tell when he spots him by the way his muscles tense around me. Wait, I didn't even realize I was in his arms. "I'll help you find Rebecca and Jack. I think I'll stay since some people here haven't seen me in a while." I nod my head and we start looking for my two best friends. After about three minutes I spot them standing with some people I don't know.

Sam and I walk up to them causing them to turn around. "What's wrong?" Jack looks worried and they say goodbye to their friends to direct their attention to me. "I need to leave. Now. I can explain later." By now they look like they might have a heart attack. "Okay, I'm kind of ready to go anyway." I hug Sam and thank him. "We should dance more often like that", his hot breath tickling my neck. I pull away as he winks and walks away.

I blush and am thankful it's very dark in here. "Earth to Lucy, ready to go?" I nod my head and we walk outside. The bouncer stops me," Are you Lucy?" Why would he know who I am. "Yes.." He looks around," Someone was looking for you. He went in the club I think." My heart starts pounding and I am scared it might burst. The person looking for me was the man. And he knows who I am. "Okay thanks", I turn on my heels and grab Jack and Rebecca.

We quickly hail a cab and the whole ride to the hotel, I kept checking to see if anyone was following me. Thankfully we arrive to the hotel and I hold Jack and Rebecca's hand until we were locked in our room. "Spill, why are you so scared?" I begin with telling them about seeing the man the first time, the feeling that someone was watching me while Sam and I were dancing, seeing the man again, and finishing off with how the person looking for me was the man.

"Well who the fuck is he? I will get his ass in jail for harassment." Jack looks angry and Rebecca looks worried. "I have no idea. I'm really scared though. What if I get kidnapped or raped or killed!?"  "First, I wouldn't let that happen, and I don't care what anybody has to say, you are not leaving Jack and I's sight, hell, when we go somewhere you're holding our hands. I finally got a girl best friend and you will not be taken, harassed or harmed in anyway!"

I throw my arms around Rebecca and Jack telling them how much they mean to me. "Back in Baltimore, I have no friends. I never have fit in and am an outsider. But with you two, I feel like I finally fit in, and I have a purpose. Thank you so much." We hug some more until we decide it's time for bed.

I change into a tank top and leggings not caring if Jack or Rebecca sees me in my bra and underwear. I put my dirty clothes in my drawer and give Jack his flannel back. I grab a piece of left over pizza and a water then sit in bed going through social media. On Instagram I post a picture of Rebecca, Jack, Jenn, Andrea, and I. After about five minutes I look at the comments.

"Is that jack's flannel??"

"Totally ship Jack and Lucy."


My fans are literally too funny. I close Instagram and go on Twitter seeing similar tweets. As I set my phone down, it buzzes indicating a text which happens to be from an unknown number. "Hey, it's Ryan, the guy who pierced your nose." I save his number and text back asking if we can text tomorrow because I am going to sleep. I lay set my phone on the bed side table and get up to go to the bathroom. I take off my make-up and take my contacts out and clean my nose piercing.

I lay down and fall asleep quickly only being threatened in my dreams. I have a dream of the man staring at me so I ask him who he is. The question really sets him off because he starts chasing me but the more I run from him, the closer he gets to me. He ends up catching me and taking me to a house covered in pictures of me.

I jolt awake and notice that it is 3:45am. I am covered in sweat and am breathing heavily. Thankfully the light is on but both of my friends are asleep next to me. As I reach for my phone, someone knocks on the door causing me to jump up and see who it is so it doesn't wake up Rebecca or Jack. I decide to look out the peephole and I see Sam standing outside of my door alone.

I open it and his eyes go wide at my appearance I suppose. "Hey, what are you doing here?" He pulls his lip ring through this teeth," None of the guys are back yet and I can't sleep in a hotel room alone. Can I sleep here?" I nod my head and move to let him in. "Why do you look so shaken up?" I knew this question was coming. "I had a nightmare of the man at the club. But I'm fine now, just a little scared." He nods his head and we both sit on the second, unused bed.

I pull the covers up and lay down. Sam lays next to me and faces me. "You can lay with me. I want you to feel safe. No one will get you." I slide over to him and snuggle my head into his chest. "Goodnight Lucy", Sam says and chuckles. "Night", I barely get out before I am asleep again.

(I hope you liked this chapter. Next chapter will probably have Sam and Lucy's point of view, so it will probably be long!)  

Make It Simple (O2l fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon