chapter 20

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I am jolted awake when I feel someone get up from under me. I open my eyes just in time to see Sam walk out of my bedroom. I turn on my side to see Rebecca wide awake staring at me. "Hey", I softly say. "Someone's knocking at our door. I'm scared." I hold on tight to her waiting for Sam to come back to my room.

Five minutes later, he still hasn't came back. I'm shaking but I know I have to go out there to see what's going on. I tell Rebecca I'll be right back, kind of scared of the idea of leaving her alone. She seems pretty shaken up which makes me upset. I hug her before slowly turning the doorknob and stepping out into the hallway. I turn the light on and walk into the living room and kitchen.

I don't see him anywhere and begin to panic. Just then, I hear a low hum and turn to look at the kitchen, seeing Sam stand up from crouching behind the counter. "What the hell Sam? You had me worried sick about you!" He walks over and wraps his arms around me instantly making me feel safe. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you were awake or else I would have been more worried about you." Did he just say he wasn't worried about me? "So you're saying you weren't worried about me?" He pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Fuck, no. I didn't mean that", I hold my hand up. "Forget it, let's go to bed." He puts his arm around my shoulders, leading me back to my room. I open the door and Rebecca is sound asleep thankfully. Sam and I make our way to our side of the king bed, laying down. I soon fall asleep to the sound of Sam's heart beat as my head lies on his chest.


I wake up to the direct sunlight in my face. I'm still surrounded by Sam and Rebecca, but I am the only one awake. I remembered we never filmed our video for Awesomeness TV meaning we have to today.  I get up slowly, untangling myself from Sam's limbs. It's kind of weird that Sam and Rebecca are going to be alone in bed together but Rebecca would never think of him like that.

I go into the bathroom to clean my contacts and put my mess of hair in a bun. It's only seven in the morning so I make a pot of coffee and sit on the sofa watching cartoons for three hours. My phone buzzes and I check to see who it is, but don't answer the text when I see it's from Nelson asking to hang out.

It's ten in the morning now so I decide to clean. I clean the windows, mop the floors which are hard wood, do the dishes, and do two loads of laundry. It's now noon and they both are still asleep. I decide to wake Rebecca up due to the need to film a video. Even though we have until Thursday, we need to edit it too, so I walk into my room and shake Rebecca. "We need to film today and it's already noon." She slowly sits up and goes to the kitchen to eat lunch.

I let Sam sleep knowing he needs it, so I go into the kitchen with Rebecca. I decide to eat pizza bagels and put them in the oven. I go to my bathroom to take a quick shower. I shampoo and wash my body quickly. Then I shave my underarms and legs before hopping out and drying off. I slip on my bra and a loose shirt with a pocket decorated with daises.  I put a thong and leggings on, not really carrying about my pants. I put my wet, combed out hair into a messy bun and put mascara on before running back to the kitchen, trying not to wake Sam but also trying to prevent catching this building on fire.

I pull the bagels out and slide them onto a plate as I grab a water and start eating. Once I am done and Rebecca is ready, I set my camera and Rebecca's lights up. We film for two and a half hours. Sam woke up in the middle of the video but we refused him to be in it. We decided to do a challenge Olympics video where we do multiple challenges hoping people will enjoy it.

"Do you think we are safe now", Rebecca asks with a pleading face. "Of course. Plus we have Sam." I hang my arms around his shoulders and he kisses the top of my head. We decide to go to the mall where I got a few pieces of clothing before us three go to Wendy's to grab dinner so we can eat it at home. We spend the rest of the night doing nothing. Rebecca is in her room facetiming Andrew and Sam and I watch TV and cuddle. I fall asleep in his arms which is something I am beginning to like. I'm so exhausted from today, but in my luck Sam gets a flashback in the middle of the night.

I feel him sit up causing me to wake up. He already is squinting his eyes and covering his ears; not crouching this time. I sing to him causing the memory to temporarily fade as I press my lips to his. "Do you want to talk about it?" He pulls his eyebrows together," No." He sounds annoyed so I go back to sleep, feeling arms circle around me.

(Sorry this is so short! I may not update tomorrow, I am going to be really busy. Sorry!)

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