chapter 11

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We finally pull up to the building and the car is instantly surrounded with fans. A security guard comes out to meet us and escorts us into the building as we all sneak a few pictures with fans. That's when I realize that today is the last day of Playlist Live.. I am actually really upset with having to leave and not knowing when I am going to move to California.

After I socialize with some Youtubers and keep my distance from Sarah and Marcie, I meet backstage as the fans are getting let in. Once I can here the roar of the crowd we all walk onto the stage together since they introduced all of us yesterday. I find out I have an interview today at two o'clock.

Once the events are done being announced, I go with Jenn and Andrea to their meet and greet to become closer with them. We talk about California and me moving there. They sound really happy and excited. Once the meet and greet was done it was one thirty. I had half an hour until my interview.

I quickly walked backstage and waited in a chair until I was called.


Once the interview was over I was really upset that Playlist is ending. Of course the interviewer ask about how I started Youtube, how people treated me in school and my future. Too soon, Playlist Live ended and I said goodbye to the few people met.

My friends and I finally catch a cab after a very crowded and stressful and unexpected meet and greet. When we got back to the hotel, I packed most of my clothes knowing I have a flight back to Baltimore at 10 am tomorrow. Then we decided to go to Taco Bell and invited all of O2l, Andrea and Jenn.

Sam really hasn't talked to me much since this morning but maybe he was busy. I just don't want him to feel weird around me. I don't even know if he likes me or not so I'm fucked now that I am thinking about developing feelings for him. We would never work out until I move to California and by then he probably will lose interest in me.

Being lost in my thoughts, I didn't even realize that we were in a car with everybody. "Lucy, want to celebrate tonight?" I don't know what Kian is trying to say.. "What do you mean celebrate?" "You know, with Sam tonight." Oh my gosh, he meant sex and I didn't understand. "um, no." We pulled up to Taco Bell and I jumped out of the car. Thank you Jesus I switched into converse before we left. I was getting blisters.

After Taco Bell which was very uneventful, we all just ate and left, we went back to the hotel because Jack and Rebecca wanted to just spend the night with me. I don't know when they are going home but whatever. 

We played twister which I have no idea why they had that, would you rather, and we all filmed a video, I did the seven seconds challenge. By the time we were done, it was almost midnight and I had to wake up at 7:30am. 

I took my contacts out and my make-up off. Then I changed into yoga shorts and a sports bra since it gets really hot in the hotel room. I laid down and quickly fell asleep.


I woke up and rubbed my blurry eyes. 8:30am was presented on my clock. Shit, I didn't set an alarm and overslept. I jumped out of bed and grabbed black shorts and a loose LA tank top. I quickly put my contacts in and put deodorant on. Then I brushed my teeth even though I am going to have coffee and I brushed my hair, clipping hair in the front back, then braiding it to my left side.

I grabbed everything that's mine in the bathroom and stuffed it into my suitcase. Then I did the same thing with the rest of my clothes that I didn't pack last night. I packed my camera, phone charger, sunglasses, laptop, money, and plane ticket before zipping it up. I ran around the hotel room checking to make sure I didn't forget anything. By now, it's 9:03. I walked over and woke up Jack and Rebecca so I can say goodbye to them. They both woke up looking confused but when they saw the suitcase in my hand and they looked at the clock, their faces dropped. "I have to leave in ten minutes. I wanted to say goodbye." They got up and tackled me in hugs. "I'm going to miss you so much", Rebecca said, still latched onto me.

"I'm going to miss you more." We began to tear up and I walked over to hug Jack once more. "Literally going to miss you bunches, boo", he said wiping a tear away. I laughed and walked into his extended arms hugging him. "We live like four hours away so we could always hang out though." I become happier at the thought of Jack and I hanging out. I pulled away and we all walked to the door. I hugged each of them one more time. "I love you both." "We love you too, and don't forget to slay the bitches." Jack always brightens the mood. I opened the door to see Sam, Jc, Connor, Kian, Andrea, Jenn, Ricky, and Trevor. They all hugged me and said their goodbyes until it was Sam's turn. He hugged me for like two minutes. "I'm going to miss you, I can't wait until you move to California though." His whisper on the back of my neck send shivers down my spine.

"I'm going to miss you Sam", I surprised myself by saying that. He kissed me softly on the lips then kissed my forehead leaving me with Rebecca and Jack again. We walked down stairs and I got a coffee from Starbucks before catching a cab. I put my suitcase in the trunk and walked around with my backpack. I hugged my friends and we just stood there hugging. I didn't know I could hug this much in such a short period of time. I pulled away and jumped in the cab. I waved to my best friends in the back of the cab until the disappeared and I was just driving through the streets of Orlando.

I quickly paid the driver and ran into the airport going through security and stuff until I got to my gate waiting place and as soon as I sat down, my number was called. I dragged my suitcase to the booth where I gave the lady my ticket and boarded my plane.

I got a window seat and took a few pictures uploading them to Instagram with a caption," Bye Orlando, you were so much fun." That was my first Playlist Live and I had so much fun. We made so many memories already and this right here, the traveling, the one of a kind friendships, the late nights and meet and greets, this is just the beginning my life. And I couldn't be any more thankful of the twelve year old girl who decided to make a Youtube channel just for fun.

"Ma'am would you like anything to drink?" The flight attendant snapped me out of my thoughts. "No thank you." I pulled out my phone and laptop so I can edit my video. Once I was done with that, I made a collage of all the pictures I had from Playlist Live and made it my phone background. I was almost asleep when a voice came over the speaker welcoming us to Baltimore. I got up and packed all my stuff back into the backpack.

I got off the plane and went to find my luggage. Then I stood in the seating room looking for my mom. I finally found her and my sister. Running over to them I engulfed them in hugs and exchanged the 'I missed you's. I don't know how I will be able to leave them, but I know I will.

(I am so sorry I haven't updated. I've been really busy, but I'm not anymore so expect regular updates again. lol) 

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