chapter 54

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It's crazy when you think about the fact that you never know when the next life changing event will occur. It could come up out of nowhere and blow up in your face whether it's good or bad. I guess it isn't as crazy when you realize that fact is telling the future and most people can't do that.

It's a part of life, whether you're parents divorce or you meet your idol walking through the streets of a city, it's just how fate is. The future holds your fate and that's all I'm looking forward to; the future with Sam.

When Sam told me he loved me, I think I choked on the air stuck in my throat and Sam looked worried. "Lucy, are you okay?" I just smiled and nodded as his confession bounced around in my head as I sat there, on this boy's bed, a boy who loves me, and didn't know what to say.

After a few minutes of sitting there, Sam buried his head in his hands as he cursed under his breath. "Dammit, you aren't ready, are you?" And I took notice that Sam didn't try to cover it up and say something like "I shouldn't have said that" or "I didn't mean that" and that goes to show he does mean it, he doesn't regret his words.

I shook my head slowly as my mind caught up with my body. "No..I'm just a little confused on how an ordinary night out, drinking, leads you to discover your love for me." He found this funny as I still sat on his bed, "I don't know, you were passed out and I was worried and I realized I loved you."

I nodded my head saying nothing since I didn't want to be the kind of girlfriend who says 'Oh, I love you too' just because my boyfriend said it to me. I didn't want to say it as if we were agreeing on what to eat.

But I did show my still burning affection for him as I slid over onto his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. His eyes bore into mine as he supported his forehead against mine. I leaned in, closing the space between us as our lips instantly moved in sync as my hands traveled up to his hair, tugging at his purple locks.

His phone let out a noise, alerting him of an incoming call, but he ignored it as he moved his lips down my neck, lightly sucking on my skin. Then his phone rang again as it probably was the same person. "You should probably get that."

He let out a groan as he pulled away, answering it, "What?" There was a muffled voice before Sam cut it off, "I'll call you later." In no time, his lips were on mine but I could feel his lust, affection, hunger, love in it as he forcefully moved his lips against mine.

As if God didn't want us to make out, my phone started ringing this time. I was all about ignoring until I realized it might be Liv. I was the one who let out a groan as I pulled out of the heated moment, answering the phone.

"Hello?"  There was movement in the background before Liv spoke, "Can my friend sleepover since we have no school tomorrow?" I rolled my eyes feeling annoyed that she stopped Sam and I just to ask a question that she knows I'll say yes to. "Sure. I have to go, love you." I quickly hung up and turned back to Sam who was raising an eyebrow at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He laughed as he shook his head, "I don't know. What do you want to do?" I thought about it for a minute. "I think I should go home, Liv's friend is sleeping over." Sam understandingly nodded his head, "I'm coming."

He grabbed his phone charger and a shirt before walking to his bedroom door. I stopped before we opened it and turned to look at him. "By the way, I love you too." I stood on my tippy toes and placed a kiss on his lips before turning back around and walking to the car with my hand molded into my boyfriends.

I drove home as Sam complained to me about his friends which was very humorous. We arrived home quickly and I got out, anxious to see if anything happened while Liv was home alone.

Make It Simple (O2l fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon