chapter 58

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My head whipped around to face Troye fast enough to get whiplash. "You are?" He looked down as he nodded his head. "He kidnapped me. I know you don't want this apart of your life but I want his ass in jail." I nodded my head in an understanding manner.

"I understand and I'm not mad." He was silent before the officer spoke. "Well, sir, would you mind telling me what happened?" I decided this was my cue to get up and walk away. I'm trying to remove this from my life and to do so, I shouldn't sit there while someone talked about it.

I heard footsteps behind me and something inside of me snapped as I froze in place as the flashback began.

  We both heard footsteps before we whipped our heads around to where the sound was coming from.

Before us were three men, slowly walking to us. One looked very skinny but was buff. He was dressed in a black t-shirt and black sweatpants. His face was uncovered and look hard with stone features.

The man to the right of him was very round and dressed the same way with a hat on his head. The man on the left of the first man was very muscular and looked like a brick wall.

I didn't realize Troye and I stopped walking until I felt Troye nudge me with his elbow. I snapped back to reality to realize the men were getting closer. My eyes traveled to where the middle one's hand was; on his hip with his hand resting on the gun strapped to his belt.

"If we just walk to the car, they'll leave us alone." Troye looked unsure of my idea as I turned and slowly started towards my car.

As I was a few feet away from safety, I felt a hand grip tightly around my mouth with an arm wrapping around my torso. My breath caught in my throat but no noise escaped due to the tight grip covering the ability to do so.

I instinctively kicked my legs trying to break free of the man's grip as his got tighter. I felt him begin to walk as I continued to fight even as I felt myself grow weaker and weaker. I heard him chuckled which made me angrier causing me to thrash in his hold even more.

I felt him lean into my ear, "The more you struggle, the worse it is." My body instantly frozen due to his hot breath on my neck and threatening words.

His friend threw me into the back of the black van as I realized Troye was being kidnapped too. Troye was thrown onto me and I instantly wrapped myself around him. I couldn't form any words so I just sat there wrapped up with him as I heard the van's engine start as the fact that we were kidnapped sunk in.

 Sam arms wrapped around me, pulling me out of my terror. I was wrapped up in his arms as he sat on my bed. I didn't even remember getting here. "Lucy..what happened?"

I didn't take a while to answer because I was unsure, but I didn't want to accepted the fact that even when I try to remove the situation from my life, it's engraved to my mind. I didn't even notice I was repeating the word 'no' until Sam got my attention. "No what, Lucy?"

I grabbed his arm, "I want it gone!" I collapsed into his arms as my body shook in a steady sob. "Why me?" Sam had no idea what I was talking about but he still held me as I wept.

I don't know how many minutes had passed but I couldn't get the concept out of my head. "Lucy." I had to break it to him, he deserves to know. "I'm sorry Sam, but..we are all human. And humans do things that are alike sometimes. Okay?"

I was choking on my own breath as I spit it out. "Sometimes people fold clothes the same way or style their hair the same way. And even sometimes, people's footsteps sound alike." Sam looked beyond confused and I started voicing my thoughts.

"How are you going to move on when simple footsteps trigger the memories, Lucy?" Sam looked extremely worried as he bent down to take his shoes off as he spoke to me. "I think you need to sleep.."

Most people would want to sleep when they are having a bad day, but I didn't want to. "I've slept the past four days Sam. Sleeping won't fix a bad life." Sam was supporting himself with his forearm as he pulled me onto my bed with him.

"No, you don't have a bad life. You have bad times, but you don't have a bad life. You need to stay positive. You'll get through this and be happy." I was getting frustrated with Sam's mixed signals. He wants me to move through this but he thinks I should sleep.

"I..I can't right now." I stood up and walked over top my door before turning to see Sam standing up. "I love you." I walked downstairs and right out the front door as I crossed the street and continued on.

I'm madly in love with Sam, but I can't let him bring these memories back into my mind. Anybody's footsteps can bring those memories back. Sam just happened to be that person.

I was getting sick and tired of being an unstable and emotional mess. I wnat my life back on track. But you know, I can't just snap my fingers and everything will be alright. I need to move on with my life and stop living in that warehouse on that eventful night.

Somehow I ended up in front of my old apartment as happy memories replayed in my mind making me realize how much I miss Rebecca. We used to be so close. As I thought about Rebecca, I thought about how happy I was compared to how unhappy I am now.

My mind wondered and I realized how easy it would be if I just stepped into the street or took a portion of pills and end everything. But mom told me you know when you're ready, and I wasn't ready, not yet.

I walked back home, knowing I'd have explaining to do. Not because I needed to, but I wanted to. I need Sam to know what's going on in my mind.

As I walked in the house, all eyes were on me. The officer's, Troye's, and Sam's. Sam knew better than to call me out in front of people, even if it was just Troye. I walked past them all up to my room as Sam followed behind me. But I didn't let them invade my mind this time. I can't let them take over my mind so easily.

I sat on my bed as Sam walked up to me. "Lucy..please explain what happened." And I did, I told him exactly what I was thinking. " need help. You can't just make the memories vanish from your mind."

Surprisingly I wasn't in tears, but it was probably because I had cried so much earlier. "No, I can do it. All I need is you Sam.."

(Okay, I'm soo sorry this is short but I just felt like I should end it like this. I hope you liked this chapter. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!)

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