chapter 26

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I didn't know what to do. Before I could understand what was happening, Kian pressed his lips to mine. At first, I was frozen. I didn't know what to do. Sam and Kian are best friends. Why would Kian do that to Sam?

Before I thought anymore, Kian was deepening the kiss and to my own surprise I pulled out of the kiss. It didin't feel anything like kissing Sam, not as good. That's when my phone buzzed, pulling me out of this awkward conversation.

From Andrea:

Hey, what are you up to tonight?

I know Kian saw her text since he was hanging over my shoulder since he saw her name. Andrea.. What about Andrea? Why would he have kissed me when he's dating Andrea? "Andrea..", I whispered not even realizing it.

Kian shrugged his shoulders. "We might be broken up. I still care for her but I didn't kiss you because I am single. I think I was developing feelings for you, so I had to kiss you to get my answer. It didn't feel right."

Well what am I supposed to say to that? Wait, him and Andrea are over? "Well I'm glad you found your answer. I hope things won't be weird, let's just be friends." Kian nodded while moving towards the door. "And Lucy?" I cocked my head up," hm?" "Let's keep this on the downlow. I was basically saving you and Sam."

I nodded just to get him away. He closed the door and I just sat there. I am so confused honestly.

To Andrea:

Nothing much. You and Jenn can come over.

I jumped up at the sound of another knock. I just realized how hungry I was. I ran to the door and payed the lady for our food before setting it down on our table and devouring my food. Sometime while eating, I remembered that Sam never texted me back. Maybe I should go check on him.

I put my fork in the sink and went into my room to change into black sweatpants and a plain white hoodie. After I slid my feet into my flip flops, I grabbed my purse. "Jack, I'm going to check on Sam. Make sure Rebeccca isn't dead."

I decided to walk to his house to try and clear all of my anxiety of what could happen. When I got to his apartment, I knocked just so I wouldn't make the same mistake. After a couple minutes with no response, I pushed open the door.

His house was a mess. Broken dishes were sprewn across the floor, dirty laundry was here and there with shoes, remotes, and random things on the floor. Everything Sam owned was in his kitchen and living room except for himself.

I made my way back to Sam's room only to see the same problem. Where the hell is he? That's when it dawned on me that maybe he isn't here. I decided to check in the bathroom and if he isn't in there, he's not here obviously.

As I approached the bathroom, I kept my fingers crossed that he was in here but supposedly the whole finger crossing luck didn't work out. The bathroom was actually almost spotless though. As I walked back to the living room to start cleaning and to call him, I heard snoring but I couldn't pu tmy finger on where it was coming from.  

As I walked doen the hallway, stopping in front of every door until there was one last door. I guess he's in there then. I walked up to it and opened the door revealing a closet with Sam asleep on the floor. I decided to leave him asleep so I could clean.

I walked back to living room and started making piles of his clothes. I decided to wash all of them so I started the load of laundry before going back and doing the dishes. Then I cleaned all the counters which were disgusting by the way.

I sweeped up the broken dishes and put everything back where they go. I would clean his room but I felt like I was envading his privacy so I decided against it. I guess I should wake him up now.

I walked down the hallway to where he was slepeing and crouched down. "Sam", I whispered while shaking him trying to be gentle. He stirred but didn't wake up. "Sam", I called his name a little bit louder and continued to shake him.

He jolted awake, quickly looking around obviously confused. "Wh-what the fuck? Why am I in a closet and why are you here?" I was taken back by his harsh words but tried to sound as nice as possible

"I came to check on you and you were asleep so I cleaned your apartment. Why don't you go take a shower and I'll make you dinner?" He nodded before attempting to get up but only falling again. I walked into the kitchen leaving him to deal with his standing issues.

I cooked him dinner, remembering Andrea and Jenn will beover soon. Sam walked back into the kitchen with wet hair and sat at his breakfast bar. "Why did you come to check on me?"

"I was worried about you. You didn't answer my text and I hadn't heard from you in four or five days." He just nodded and began eating his sandwich I made. "Hey, I need to get home but we can catch up tomorrow. If you need anything, call me. And be safe." He doesn't seem himself so I didn't expect him to say goodbye or anything, but he stood and began walking towards me. He engulfed me in a huge hug and layed his head on my shoulder.

"Thank you so much", He said into my shoulder. "Why have you not given up on me?" "You need someone and I'll be that someone. You don't deserve to be alone." I felt Sam squeeze me before pulling out of the hug. "See you tomorrow?" I nodded and set out back to my apartment. I don't know how I am  supposed to act to what just happened so I guess I won't think about it.

I finally got back to my building and got up to the apartment. I walked in and left my shoes by the door, but once I turned around, the last thing I could hear was my jaw hit the ground literally. "..what? What did I just walk into?"

(YAY, I got my laptop back. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH, ILY ALL! Sorry this chapter was short and not my best but I was excited I got my laptop back.)

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