chapter 4

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I'm waken up by Jack trying to wiggle out from under me. I sit up and see that it's 9:00am and Rebecca is still curled up next to us on the bed sleeping. I lay back down and fall asleep for 15 minutes until Rebecca wakes up causing me to be woken up. I go into the bathroom with my toiletries bag and wash my face. I leave my bag in the bathroom and walk out to decide what to wear.

I come to see Rebecca and Jack just staring at each other. I join in and we all laugh at how dead we look and how weird we are. I decide to grab some breakfast before getting dressed. "I'm going to go down to the lobby to get breakfast. Do either of you guys want something?" "I'll come down with you", Rebecca says as she grabs her phone. Jack gives me five dollars asking me to get him a grande iced latte from the Starbucks.

I grab my money to get myself Starbucks as Rebecca asks." Ready", as I nod my head. "I'm so excited to go to the beach today. It's going to be so fun", Rebecca exclaims as she pushes the elevator button. "I am too! But I am nervous to be around Sam. I don't want to catch feelings for him but I think I am already leading him on." "Look, don't stress over him. Have fun and don't worry about boys", Rebecca says while getting in the line for Starbucks. "You're right. And by the way, who is everyone one trying to hook you up with", I ask as we move up in line.

"Ahh Andrew, we would be dating if he didn't live on the east coast", Rebecca's smile from the mention of Andrew turns upside down. "Awh, everything will work out." Rebecca and I quickly order and pay while grabbing our drinks and a muffin. "Oh my gosh, I forgot to tell you. I think I am getting my belly button pierced today. Kian talked me into it but the more I think about it, I really want my nose pierced." Rebecca looks excited for me as she compliments me," Yess, that will look so good!"

Once we got back to the room, we all drink our coffees and I eat my muffin. We all talk about Playlist Live and it sounds like a blast. Once it's around 10 am, we all start to get ready. I put on a bikini with sun emojis on it and a white bikini bottom. Jack is wearing his California swim pants and a plain black tank top. Rebecca is wearing neon green bikini top and black bikini bottoms.

I pull my hair up into a ponytail with my half curled hair. I put on a cropped tank top that has a picture of stitch on it and slide on black jean shorts. Rebecca puts a flannel and white shorts on over her bathing suit. By now it's 10:30 and people will start knocking on our door soon.

I put my dirty clothes in a drawer making a mental note to wash them later tonight. I grab my backpack and put my beach towel, sunglasses, camera, and money in it. I decided I would vlog one day so I will do it today. I start my video and begin talking. "Hey guys, it's Lucy and I promised I would vlog so I decided to do it today." I turn the camera on Jack," Why am vlogging today?" "CAUSE YOU'RE GOING TO SUCK MY DICK", Jack screams and I literally can't stop laughing. "Just kidding, we're going to the beach." I talk to the vlog camera about yesterday and decide to turn it off until later.

I put my camera back in my bag and go on twitter to tweet about going to the beach. By now, it's 10:55 and Andrea, Jenn and Andrew show up at our door. It's my turn to tease Rebecca, wiggling my eyebrow at her as she flips me off and hugs Andrew. I sit on the couch with Jenn and Andrea waiting for the guys to get here.

They finally arrive and we all walk outside and get into a taxi. We decide to go to the closest beach and I fall asleep on the way there, leaning my head on Jack's shoulder.

I start to wake up but my head is still heavy from sleeping. I open my eyes but keep my head on Jack's shoulder. Andrea is the only one who notices that I am awake as I listen to the conversation. "Sam, why don't you wake up your bae?" I think Ricky said that judging by his voice. "Ha she isn't my bae", Sam says sounding annoyed.

"You kissed her, what is she then?" Rebecca was the one who asked that question. Why is everyone acting like we like each other? We kissed once but we aren't a thing or anything. "So what? I kiss a lot of girls who don't mean a thing to me. She's just another one. She's nobody to me." I frown at his harshness. I am glad he doesn't think I am leading him on but knowing I am a nobody to the guy I kissed kind of hurt a little. Andrea notices my frown and gives me an apologetic smile.

"Sam chill. Don't talk about Lucy like that. She's better than that." My eyes pop out of my head realizing that Andrea said that with a " yeah, chill", from Jenn and "Don't worry Sam, She didn't want anything to do with you anyway", from Rebecca making me almost choke on my air.

Finally we get to the beach after being in the car for 25 minutes. Jenn, who is sitting to my left, shakes me even though I have been awake. We all climb out of the car and I walk with Andrea to the beach. "Thank you for that. It's nice to have friends who stands up for me." She hugs me and we catch up with everyone else.

We find a spot close to the water and lay our towels out. "Sleeping Beauty finally woke up", Connor teases and I roll my eyes. I take my shirt and shorts off, throwing them in my bag as I lay down on my towel as Rebecca lays next to me on her's.

The boys race into the ocean expect for Jack and Andrew, who walks to the water and mumbles something about the boys acting like it's the Olympics. I lay in the sun trying to tan for about 30 minutes when Jenn suggests we all go on a walk, just her, Andrea, Rebecca, and I. As we start walking, I can already tell we will be talking about what happened on the way here. As Jenn looks around to make sure none of the boys around following us, I speak up," I was awake to hear what Sam said." Jenn looked really shocked as Rebecca began to laugh. "Karma caught up with his ass before he even said anything." Rebecca shakes her head," Thank you all for standing up for me though. It's true that I didn't want to have a thing with him, but I thought him and I were at least friends."

We talked about it a little more before we decide to walk back, noticing the boys were all talking when we arrived. "Where were you all", Kian asks as he sounds worried. "Oh, we just went on a little walk. Don't sound so worried", I say mischievously causing all of the girls to laugh, realizing what I mean.

All the boys looked really suspicious except Jack catching onto what I mean and I shake my head at Jack, confirming his thought, making him chuckle. Rebecca plays music on her phone triggering an hour long conversation of music and books between her and I.

I start to close my eyes causing me not to notice Connor walking up towards me. He lifts me over his shoulder like I weigh nothing as I scream for him to put me down. "Sorry, you have to get in the ocean, I don't make the rules, just enforce them." I roll my eyes and hear more screams assuming Rebecca, Jenn, and Andrea are being taken into the water. "Pleassse Connor, I'm going to be freezing." Before I know it, I thrown into the water. The water isn't that cold but I am soo getting revenge!

(Hope you like this chapter. I am posting chapter 5 tomorrow!)

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