chapter 56

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I think I felt my jaw hit the ground. I was frozen with my stomach twisted into unmovable knots. I could feel his threatening stare pour into the depths of me. It was uncomfortable but I was too frozen to react to his stare.

After a few minutes of silence, I found my voice surprisingly. "L-louis?" Why was my step-brother pointing a gun at my head? He nodded his head with a sickening smirk.

"W-why are you doing this?" I watched as his jaw clenched and he took a step forward. He was wearing a gray t-shirt with denim, blue jeans as his hand was clenched around the gun. "Why am I doing this? Do you want to know why?"

I nodded my head as I gulped, slightly nervous for the answer. "There is this thing called anger. I feel it passionately towards you Lucy. I lied about the whole father thing." He confessed this as if it was no big deal. What the hell is he talking about?

"Our dad didn't leave me because of my autism. I didn't even have autism. He left me because he got an easy whore pregnant. That whore was your mom." I felt my blood boiling as he insulted my dead mother.

I slammed my hand on the table as I jumped up, trying to launch myself at him. His assistant pulled me back, slamming me back into the chair as Louis pulled the trigger with the gun pointing at the ground, inches away from my feet.

"That'll be you next time." He took a deep breath. "Back to what I was dad got your slut mom pregnant with you. By the way, you were a mistake." I clenched my fists as I resisted he urge to fling myself at him.

"My mom was not a slut and your precious father isn't my father." I watched as he disapprovingly shook his head, "Ken, now."

Suddenly his assistant who I assume is Ken, tied my wrists together before attaching something on the string to handcuffs at the top of the white wall. What the fuck is going on?

I watched as Louis walked over to my now standing body, being pulled up the the handcuffs. "You want to keep back talking?" He pulled out a knife and held it up to my face. It was a small pocket knife but look pretty sharp.

Tonight's event are so uncalled for, I could shit myself due to them. He pressed the knife against my cheek and quickly and suddenly slid the knife across my cheek as I felt the warm blood trickle down my face.

I bit my lip waiting for him to just finish the explanation. "My dad left me because of you. If you were never born, I would still have my dad. He would have raised me instead of you." I rolled my eyes at his oblivion.

"So he could beat you instead of me?" He quickly pulled the knife out of his pocket and cut a deep gash quickly across my forehead down to my right eyebrow. I winced in pain but tried to look unaffected.

"You're the reason I didn't have a father! This is your fault!" I felt the tears well up in my eyes as he screamed at me. This really is my fault.

"Don't cry now! I wasn't crying when my father left me for a slut and her daughter!" I squeezed my eyes shut trying to get my mind away from here. I thought back to all the memories with Sam.

Our date at the board walk, our game of truth or dare, our beach days, Playlist Live, our first kiss, when he said he loved me. I was determined to get out of here alive for Sam's sake. I will not die. "Why are you doing this Louis?"

He paced around the room with another smirk plastered on his face. "I lost my father. I didn't even spend time with him. You hated him yet got to spend your whole life with him which goes to show how ungrateful you are. Since I had to lose my dad, what better revenge would it be for your sister to lose her mom and you?"

He's going to fucking kill me? Liv would never recover, along with Sam. I will not let this happen. "Fuck you Louis." He kicked the chair which flew across the room as he moved over to me. He took my head in one hand and slammed it into the wall as the back of my began throbbing with pain shooting through my skull.

"You deserve to die!" My vision blurred but I suddenly fell to the ground, making me think he cut my ropes off. He kicked me in the side which surely punctured a rib as I lay on the ground, clutching my side. My vision began fuzzing as I heard a voice. "Ken, get everyone in the van. Leave the kid tied up here. We're leaving."

I heard a door open before a warmth appear inches from my ear. "I always win." I knew I could no longer fight. I was too weak, I couldn't do it. I couldn't save myself.

I laid on the cement ground, half conscious while I tried to get a grip of myself and find energy to save myself.

Unfortunately, I ran out of time as I heard a strangely known noise as I felt my stomach splitting. Pain shot through my body as I heard Louis walk out of the door. I'd been shot in the stomach, but I was not dying.

I attempted to move my hand up to my wound but nothing happened. I breathed in and out a few times before trying again as my hand slowly inched up to the wound and touch the bullet hole in my body. I felt the warm substance cover my hand as I pulled it up in front of my face to see my expected, blood covered hand.

I wince as I propped myself up on my elbow and saw more blood trickle out of my body. I had to stop the blood flow, but I couldn't. If I could find Troye, he could help me.

It took me nearly five minutes but I managed to get to my feet while placing pressure on the wound. I could collapse any minute but I couldn't. I'm doing this for Sam. I'm doing this for Liv.

I hunched over as I slowly waddled out of the door to come to a hallway. How do I get to Troye? Where is he?

I decided my only option was to call out to him. I cleared my voice quickly before being as loud as possible. "Troye! Troye?" I waited for a minute before calling out again. "Troye!"

I heard a faint call come from down the hallway. "Troye! I need help!" I heard a door slam shut before heavy footsteps hitting the floor. A few seconds later, Troye came around the corner with a rushed look on his face. "Oh my gosh!"

He rushed over to me before setting me down. "Here", he ripped half of my tank top off and wrapped it around my lower abdomen where I was shot. Once it was tied tightly, Troye pulled out his phone. "Call Sam!"

He ignored me and dialed 911 before asking for an ambulance. "Call Sam!" He rolled his eyes, "I'll text him. We need to get to the door though." He bent down and snaked an arm around my waist, lifting me off the ground.

After too many twists and turns, we ended up in the room we were taken in when we arrived and I slumped against the wall. "Troye. I can't make it." I could already feel myself getting sleepier as my vision blacked out.

I was quickly awoken to the one and only Sam Pottorff, the love of my life, walking through the doors. Wait, where am I?

(Okay, I am so sorry this isn't long like I said but I wanted to get this up. I'm not very good at writing these kind of situations. I hope you liked this chapter tho!

I'm so scared to make my first Youtube video but I think I'm going to either way! Go me!


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