chapter 14

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"Lucy, wake up! IT'S MOVING DAY!" I am shaken awake by the lovely Rebecca Black, rubbing my eyes as I sit up I take notice of the time; 11 o'clock in the morning. I guess since I went to bed so late and the time change, I slept longer than usual. Pain shoots through my back as I stand up, reminding me I fell asleep on Rebecca's bedroom floor last night.

I walk back to my room so I can use the bathroom near all my clothes and such. I clean my contacts just to put them back in and wash my face. "Rebecca? what time are we going?" She walks in my room still dressed in sweatpants and a tank top, "Around one, you have enough time, let's go eat." I follow her downstairs and the aroma of pancakes fill the kitchen as drool fills my mouth reminding me I could eat a human, I'm that hungry.

I grab three pancakes and pour syrup on them, cutting them and shoveling them into my mouth. I'm finished my first three before Rebecca even begins to eat hers, so I eat three more and drink a glass of milk. "Hungry?" Rebecca is toppling over at how fast I ate. "Shut up, you just eat slow. Can you cook?" She sends me a unsure look, "Not really. Why? Can you?" "Nope, looks like we will either catch the kitchen on fire or eat fast food a lot...I like to clean though."

Once we are done eating we go back upstairs to get ready. I decide to wear a white, loose tank top with the Neighborhood band symbol on it with black leggings and royal blue Converse. I walk into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and putting on little mascara and eyeliner. I then pack all of my clothes and beauty products back into the bag after rolling on deodorant. I can't stand smelling bad.

I pack most of my electronics, chargers, and mini filming light into my backpack as I put my money, sunglasses, phone, and camera into my body purse.  It's almost one now so I carry my bags downstairs and put them in the car. Rebecca did the same five minutes later and now, all we have to do is drive to our new home.

Rebecca's mom left for work while we were getting ready, but she called Rebecca telling her that our furniture will come today. Rebecca finally decides it's time to go and I wait out in the car giving her time.

As we pull up to the apartment building, I have goosebumps due to the air conditioner being on blast. We each were given a key yesterday so I grab mine along with my bags and unlock the door once I'm finally up there. Being on the tenth floor has it's cons, but we have a beautiful view from our windows. I set my bags down and walked back to the car to see if Rebecca needed help.

Thankfully I went because she was stuck talking to some guy who wouldn't leave her alone. Once she sees me, I get a 'make him go away' look. I walk up to her and grab her hand. "Come on baby, I don't want to wait all day for you. We have places to be." The guy's eyes widen and he quickly walks away. "Sorry that was weird but that's all I could come up with." She laughs telling me thank you and I grab one of her bags walking with her to the elevator and up to the tenth floor.

Once she set her bags down, we looked through the apartment. I walked into the bedroom with the huge window displaying LA, "I get this room!" Rebecca walks in to see why I am so excited and rolls her eyes, " Whatever, I am going to call my mom to see when the delivery truck is coming. She said they are stopping by my hou-, I mean my old house to pick my stuff up." She walks out of the room and I grab my backpack and purse, plugging my phone in and taking a picture of my view to upload to Instagram.  

Soon enough, Rebecca calls out to me that the delivery truck is here. I run to the room with my bags in it and move them to my room before going back to stand with Rebecca outside as they unload everything onto the sidewalk and driver away. "How the fuck are we going to move all this to our apartment?!" I think about our options; we could do it ourselves and break our backs or we can find someone strong to help us. "Why don't we call the boys?" Rebecca's face lights up. "Yeah, do that. Or are you suggesting this just so you can see bae Sam?" She's smirking now," Don't push it, I don't have to call."

She puts her hands up in surrender and I decide to call the first one in my contacts which is Connor. My finger touches his name and he picks up on the second ring.

"Hey Connor, who are you with and what are you doing?"

"Jc, Ricky, Kian, Andrea and I are chilling in the house. Why?"

"Do you think you guys could come help Rebecca and I move some stuff?"

He asks them and they all agree as I give them the address and am told they would be here 'in a jiffy'. About four minutes later, they pull up. Wow, I guess they really do live a couple blocks over. "Why is this stuff out here", Kian asks pointing to the furniture. "Because we got it for our apartment and they delivery people left without moving it for us."

An half hour later, all the furniture is moved to the right rooms in our new home and the boys are covered in sweat. "Thanks so much guys, how about you come over for dinner and I'll buy pizza?" They all agree and leave to shower and Rebecca and I need to get unpacked. I walk into my room and put all my clothes in the new black wooden dresser. Then I attempted to put my bed together which took an hour but I did it!

Once all my posters were hung, clothes were put away and bed was made, I went out into the living room to see what Rebecca was doing. "Can you help me set up the table then we can go shopping for things?" "Sounds great", I say as I help her open the box and take all the contents out.

"I have piece C so where is B and D?" Rebecca hands them to me and the table is finally finished. I walk into my room and grab my phone and purse kind of thing. I slip on my Converse that I took off when putting the bed together and meet Rebecca out in the living room which has our couch in it thanks to the boys.

We decide on Target and grab a cart as we walk in. Plates, cups, silverware, curtains, pillows, pans, trash bags, a trash can, and food is all piled in the cart. Thankfully we get a good amount of money being a Youtuber so Rebecca and I split the total, both paying forty seven dollars. We load the bags in the car and drive back home, putting everything away.

The boys text me telling me they are coming so I order four pizzas and go to my room to upload my video with Olivia and my mom. It takes fifteen minutes and when I walk back into the living room, the boys look up at me, but Sam gets up and hugs me telling me he missed me as everyone "awhs" and says they ship Lam. I roll my eyes and grab my wallet as a knock on the door is heard. I check through the peephole just to be safe and open the door, taking the pizzas and paying the lady.

Everyone swarms me for pizza as I set it down. I walk into the kitchen and grab a plate and the ranch bottle. I take two pieces and pour ranch onto my plate. "Ew Lucy, you are literally disgusting." Rebecca pretends to throw up reminding me of Jack which makes me miss him.

To Jack:

I miss you so much. Come visit Rebecca and I in Cali now that we have our own apartment. You can stay with us.

From Jack:

Bless your heart, lord be with you. I miss you more, I promise to come down soon!

The rest of the night is spent just talking, taking pictures, messing around, having fun. Thankfully nobody suggests truth or dare. Since I am still new with this time zone, I fall asleep around ten at night. I feel someone pick me out and carry me to my room, I think. I am laid on my new soft bed and kissed on the head, "Goodnight Lucy." Sam.

(So I think all of the boys will be in more chapters now that the setting is California soo hope you liked this chapter!! As always I update everyday so chapter 15 tomorrow I think.)



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