chapter 55

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I heard him laugh with nervousness in his voice. "Something bad happened. I need you to come here." I furrowed my eyebrows in the dark even though he couldn't see me. "Troye, what are you talking about?" I heard him sigh before speaking, "I am in trouble Lucy. I need you to pick me up."

Before I even had a chance to as anymore questions, he hung up and I was left in the dark next to a sleeping Sam.

I huffed in frustration before slowly pulling myself out of bed, walking down the stairs. I slipped my shoes on before grabbing my keys and walking out the door.

I quickly walked out of my car as I started waking up, realizing I had to get to Troye, fast. In one quick motion, I buckled my seat belt and started the car before heading towards Tyler's house while sending Sam a text, telling him where I was going.

 What did Troye do to get himself in trouble? Why is everything happening when Troye's here? I rolled my eyes in annoyance at how exhausted I was as I continued on to my destination.

I decided to go to Dunkin' Donuts on the way there, ordering a large coffee before continuing on before I came to see a black van in front of Tyler's house.What the fuck?

I slowly pulled the key out of the ignition  as I slowly grabbed my coffee and keys before getting out of the car. I looked around at the apartment building before walking up to the stairs and slowly climbing them.

It was uncomfortably quiet as I kept climbing the stairs until I arrived in front of Tyler's door. I knocked once being quiet, feeling like someone was watching me before the door opened to reveal Troye. "Lucy? Why are you here alone?" I was confused, why wouldn't I come alone?

"What do you mean? Sam's asleep." He slowly nodded his head before talking to someone behind the door and turning his attention back to me. "Well, are you ready to go?" I nodded, kind of confused on why he was acting like we were leaving to go to dinner at five in the evening when it was really alomst two in the morning.

We walked down the stairs with the eerie quietness surrounding us. We finally reached the last step and started for the car as I remembered the whole reason I was here which was neglected due to my uncomfortable feeling.

"So..why are you in trouble?" He laughed nervously and before he could explain, we both heard footsteps before we whipped our heads around to where the sound was coming from.

Before us were three men, slowly walking to us. One looked very skinny but was buff. He was dressed in a black t-shirt and black sweatpants. His face was uncovered and look hard with stone features.

The man to the right of him was very round and dressed the same way with a hat on his head. The man on the left of the first man was very muscular and looked like a brick wall.

I didn't realize Troye and I stopped walking until I felt Troye nudge me with his elbow. I snapped back to reality to realize the men were getting closer. My eyes traveled to where the middle one's hand was; on his hip with his hand resting on the gun strapped to his belt.

"If we just walk to the car, they'll leave us alone." Troye looked unsure of my idea as I turned and slowly started towards my car.

As I was a few feet away from safety, I felt a hand girp tightly around my mouth with an arm wrapping around my torso. My breath caught in my throat but no noise escaped due to the tight grip covering the ability to do so.

I instinctively kicked my legs trying to break free of the man's grip as his got tighter. I felt him begin to walk as I continued to fight even as I felt myself grow weaker and weaker. I heard him chuckled which made me angrier causing me to thrash in his hold even more.

I felt him lean into my ear, "The more you struggle, the worse it is." My body instantly frozen due to his hot breath on my neck and threatening words.

His friend threw me into the back of the black van as I realized Troye was being kidnapped too. Troye was thrown onto me and I instantly wrapped myself around him. I couldn't form any words so I just sat there wrapped up with him as I heard the van's engine start as the fact that we were kidnapped sunk in.

Then I realized I still had my phone. I decided to call Sam knowing if he hears what happened, he'll be determined to save us. I slowly pulled my phone out with my unnoticed shaking hand and pressed his contact.

It registered that I might be heard over the low murmurs through the wall in the van but I pushed it to the back of my mind as I heard the rings as Sam picked up.

"Hello?" I could tell he had woken up, "Sam?" I made sure to whisper as I heard him grumble. "Lucy? What? Where are you?" I looked at Troye in the dark van, "Sam, I don't know where I am. Someone kidnapped us."

I heard keys jingle on the other side of the wall as Sam was almost screaming on the other side of the line. "Please find us." The door opened and the skinny man walked up to me as I watched him pull his arm back before a sudden impact was felt on my check.

I instinctively let out a scream as I dropped my phone, giving the man the perfect time to grab my phone and walk through the door way again, locking us in the back of the van. I could feel my cheek swelling as my hand cradled the still stinging skin.

Troye crawled over to me and took my hand off my cheek to look at it before placing my hand over it again. I raised my eyebrow at him as if I was asking about my cheek and he shook his head, indicating it was bad.

I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down as the van continued on. After a good twenty minutes, the men unlocked the door and two came in the back with us, tying a blindfold around our head as I sat still, not wanting to get hurt even more.

I heard the back door open as one of the two men picked me up, dragging me out of the van and into a building. I heard an echo which made me imagine we were at a warehouse and my question was answered as the blindfolds were taken off, letting my eyes wonder over the scene in front of Troye and I.

I sat on the cold cement ground as I waited for the torture to begin. I waited there as the throbbing of my cheek increased and the burn got hotter and hotter.

Finally the three men came out of a room which I was unaware of and stood in front of Troye and I. "Lucy, stand up please." I froze as I heard my name fall from his lips. How could he know my name? He doesn't know me.

I slowly rose to my feet and stood there, next to Troye. "Lucy, come with me." I looked up to see the very muscular man with a smirk plastered to his face. I raised a questioning eyebrow at him, "I don't intend on killing you." I rolled my eyes. Yeah, intend.

I stepped forward as the man took my arms, puling them behind my back as he lead me to what I assume, a room.

After a few minutes of turns and footsteps, we arrived in front of a door with a number pad on it. I watched as he slid a card in the slot instead of punching a bunch of numbers in. The door clicked and he lead me into the white room.

The floor was concrete and there were no windows, just a table, two chairs, and another door on the other side of the room. The man gestured towards one of the chairs and I slowly sat down in it. "What ar-" I was cut off by the other door opening.

As I looked up, I almost fainted at the sight. There, in front of me, was one of the most unexpected boys to be doing this, with a gun, pointed directly at my head.

(Wow, I suck. I'm sorry this is a short chapter but the next one will be long.

I haven't updated in so long! I've been having so much fun on vacation. I hope I didn't upset or disappoint any of you! ILY ALL AND THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!)

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